inoperativeRS said:I thought it was pretty funny that Heimdall, who's described as the 'whitest of the Aesir', was played by a black guy...
Yeah I kind of took an issue with that. Furthermore they made another character Asian. I kind of get why they did it, but come on.... do we really need to get PC here? They're white in the comics. They're Norse gods dammit!
EVERYTHING needs to be PC!
...yet another reason for me to dislike BUSH...
Take that however you want!
Dvader said:Everyone on the RoF liked the movie.
Is that really an endorsement?
I have to admit I'm surprised that the movie has found as many fans as it has. I truly think it's on the lower end of what Marvel has done. Maybe I expected it to be too much like the current comic which has some of the best story telling I've seen in comics in years. This movie just seems average on every level at best though.
I still stand by my theory of having higher standards to explain it.

I remember that too. Jesus that was god awful. Though it was outdone by the Daredevil/Hulk movie from that same time period. They made Daredevil honest to god look like he was wearing some kind of kid's foam halloween costume.

How could this not have been good huh?
And for your viewing pleasure, here's the old Thor
Fuck that picture is the funniest thing ever. Yoda should change the 404 error pic to this.
Don't even know anything about daredevil and it's still hilarious.
Until you learn humility I banish you to System Wars!