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Thread of Total Software Sales, Console Tie Ratios and other meaningless numbers + UK console sales
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Wed, 22 Apr 2009 19:29:04

Gamasutra pasted a nice article about software numbers and tie ratios, but before we begin some clarification

The numbers do include Wii Play, but not WiiSports. They are based on NPD numbers, so no data from Japan or Europe.

Exclusive Analysis: Console Tie Ratios Reveal Market Dynamics

[In his Gamasutra-exclusive analysis, Matt Matthews uses new NPD data to reveal the U.S. tie ratios for PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii as of March 2009, with the PS3's tie ratio sneaking above the Wii's into second place overall.]

It has been several months since we looked at tie ratios for the three main consoles the Nintendo Wii, the Microsoft Xbox 360, and the Sony PlayStation 3. 

Our last major look was in November 2008, where we were able to pick up on first- and third-party software sales in the United States for each of those platforms. The NPD Group, which tracks U.S. retail video game sales, has provided us with exclusive data on the tie ratios for these three major platforms as of the end of March 2009.

In these figures we see launch-to-date Wii software sales catching up (but not quite surpassing) those of the Xbox 360, effects of the revitalized Xbox 360 hardware sales, and an uptick in the PlayStation 3's tie ratio.

Tie Ratios Defined

First, let us recall that a tie ratio is the number of software units sold for a system divided by the total number of systems sold. This ratio is an average number of units of software per console owner. The term attach rate is often confused with tie ratio, although we believe they are different. (See the note at the end of this article for an elaboration on this point.)

It is worth recalling the words of Anita Frazier, analyst for the NPD Group, who spoke to the issue of tie ratios and how they can be an indication of the health of a system, but can also be used in misleading ways.

She expanded, saying that as a system gets further along in its lifecycle and perhaps hardware sales start to diminish, the tie ratio tends to go up because software sales are the bigger draw. If a hardware system is doing gangbuster sales, then the tie ratio can go down even if there are lots of overall sales.

We'll need that last point in particular for the figures below.

Tie Ratio Trends

The launch-to-date (LTD) tie ratio trends for the three key consoles are shown below. In the first figure we consider the launch-aligned tie ratios for the first 29 months of each system's lifetime. This does not show the entire lifetime of the Xbox 360.

First, we believe there is a high margin of error in the first month data point, so it is there simply as an acceptable starting point for each system. The data along each curve is taken from the set of publicly available tie ratio data available in press releases and various news articles, along with the latest March 2009 data.

As the figure above shows, Xbox 360 owners have traditionally purchased more software than their Wii or PS3 counterparts. The Wii's tie ratio does not include Wii Sports, which is packaged with the system, so one might very well consider Wii owners as having more software on average than the numbers show.

Furthermore, the Wii's tie ratio does include Wii Play, which some consider as much a peripheral as a unit of software (since it is a Wii remote packaged with a set of games).

For most of its lifetime, the Wii has had a slightly higher tie ratio (i.e. more software per owner) than has the PlayStation 3. Recently that situation has reversed itself. As of March 2009 the PlayStation 3 had a tie ratio of 6.5, just above the 6.2 tie ratio of the Wii.

For comparison, at the same point in its lifetime, its 29th month on the market, the Xbox 360 had a tie ratio of 7.5, or one full game more per owner on average.

There are a couple of reasons which may explain why the PlayStation 3 has pulled ahead. First, the Wii had an extraordinary run of hardware sales through the second half of 2008. As Ms. Frazier noted, exceptionally high hardware sales while software remains strong can slow or even drop a system's tie ratio.

Moreover, the PlayStation 3 has experienced five straight months of diminishing year-on-year hardware sales rates. The existing owners certainly haven't stopped buying software, but the slowing PS3 hardware market has probably contributed to the increase in that system's tie ratio.

The figure below extends the data above to show the Xbox 360's entire 41 months on the market.

At the beginning of 2008 the Xbox 360 tie ratio stood right at 7.0, and over the course of eight months it grew to 8.0 in August 2008. Yet from that point through March 2009 the Xbox 360 tie ratio climbed a mere 0.3, from 8.0 to 8.3.

The difference here is probably the resurgent Xbox 360 hardware sales that Microsoft has seen since it dropped the price of the system in September 2008. Hardware sales are up 10% during September 2008 to March 2009 from the same period a year earlier. And, even in with strong hardware sales during the first quarter of 2009, that system's tie ratio has risen from 8.1 to 8.3.

Total Software Sales

While the tie ratios above tell us that Wii owners have purchased two fewer games per system than have Xbox 360 owners, that isn't the full story.

Remember that Nintendo has sold 19.6 million Wii systems in the United States while Microsoft has sold 14.9 million Xbox 360 systems. The PlayStation 3 lags both systems significantly at only 7.5 million systems, according to the latest NPD Group figures.

Using this data and the tie ratio data available to us, we can see how much software has been sold for each system over time.

The Wii and the Xbox 360 software unit sales figures are extremely close: 121 million and 124 million, respectively. However, the Xbox 360 had an entire year of sales prior to the launch of the Wii. With the smaller installed base, the PlayStation 3 has sold about 49 million units of software since it launched.

Here is one way to view those figures. At the end of November 2006, when the PlayStation 3 and Wii launched, the Xbox 360 had sold just over 23 million units of software.

Since that time, the Wii has moved over 120 million units of software, the Xbox 360 has sold just over 100 million units, and the PlayStation 3 just under 50 million.

Tie Ratio vs. Attach Rate

The term tie ratio is generally used by analysts like Ms. Frazier of the NPD Group and Mr. Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities as it has been used in this article: a ratio of software to hardware units. Those numbers are, naturally, numbers larger than 1.

However, comments by those analysts (and others) leads us to believe that the term attach rate is more commonly used to show the number of software units (or accessory units) there are per hardware unit.

These are numbers between 0.0 and 1.00, interpreted as percentages. So, for example, Sony recently gave Gamasutra data showing that Grand Theft Auto IV had a 26.9 percent attach rate versus 23 percent on the Xbox 360. In brief, a console has a tie ratio while a game (or accessory) has an attach rate.

[Thanks, as always, to the NPD Group for graciously providing its data about the video game industry.]

In short:

PS3 surpased the Wii tie ratio, most likely because PS3 sales are down and people owning a PS3 are still buying games.

Wii has almost surpassed the total software sales of the 360 despite the one year lead of the 360.

The 360 line is green, the PS3 line is red and the Wii line is blue, this is in direct violation of the VGPress colour code law, which states that the 360 is green, the Wii is red and PS3 is blue.


Edited: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:48:57
The VG Press
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Wed, 22 Apr 2009 19:49:07
Not surprised that the PS3 surpassed the Wii recently with RE5 coming out in March.  I'm curious how many people bought the Wii solely for Wii Sports?
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Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:01:47

travo said:
Not surprised that the PS3 surpassed the Wii recently with RE5 coming out in March.  I'm curious how many people bought the Wii solely for Wii Sports?

The reason why the tie ratio of the Wii has dropped in relation to the other consoles is because the Wii hardware sold at an awesome rate. The PS3 has risen because the console is selling less than last year. Look at it this way, when you buy a new console you have to build your library. You do not imediatley buy 10 games. When someone buys the Wii, their attach ratio is zero and the new buyers cause the average to drop or to stagnate.. 

The VG Press
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Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:23:31
Interesting stuff, it gets complicated depending on how people use or view the figures. Console tie ratios really are misleading in many ways as Frazier has pointed out in the past.

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Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:45:40

More data, this time of the LTD console numbers in the UK

UK Lifetime Hardware Sales Revealed

The combined UK lifetime sales of PS2, DS, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii hit 32 million units as of January 31, 2009, according to data from sales monitor Gfk Chart Track.

The data, contained in retailer Game’s latest financial presentation, shows combined Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii sales of ten million units in the UK.

Wii leads the way with 4.9 million sales since launching in December 2006. Having released a year earlier, Xbox 360 sales total 3.2 million. PS3 sales sit at 1.9 million units since the system launched in March 2007.

Combined DS and PSP sales have hit 12 million units in the UK. Since launching in March 2005 the DS has moved 8.8 million units, while PSP has sold 3.2 million units since debuting in September 2005.

The ageing PS2 has sold ten million units since launching in November 2000.

Game’s report also contains lifetime hardware sales for the other territories in which the company operates, which includes France, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Czech Republic and Australia.

Combined hardware sales in non-UK Game markets total 42.7 million. Individual platform sales figures largely reflect UK sales trends, with one notable exception – PS3 sales are 300,000 greater than those of Xbox 360.

Combined hardware sales in all Game markets (UK and other) total 74.7 million units.

Earlier today Game posted record results for the financial year ended January 31, 2009, reporting gains in both turnover and profit.

In short

Wii  4.9m

360  3.2m

PS3  1.9m

DS    8.8m

PSP   3.2m

PS2   10m

The VG Press
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Wed, 22 Apr 2009 22:49:04

Iga_Bobovic said:

travo said:
Not surprised that the PS3 surpassed the Wii recently with RE5 coming out in March.  I'm curious how many people bought the Wii solely for Wii Sports?

The reason why the tie ratio of the Wii has dropped in relation to the other consoles is because the Wii hardware sold at an awesome rate. The PS3 has risen because the console is selling less than last year. Look at it this way, when you buy a new console you have to build your library. You do not imediatley buy 10 games. When someone buys the Wii, their attach ratio is zero and the new buyers cause the average to drop or to stagnate..

This, I said this in the GS thread, wonder how they will react to that.

Also Wii overall software is crazy.

UK numbers are interesting, the PS3 is beating the 360 in the countries they cover that is not the UK.

Edited: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 22:49:34
Country: GB
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Thu, 23 Apr 2009 09:43:26

It really is strange how everyone has been using tie ratios for years but it wasn't until VERY recently, not now but last time Frazier pointed it out and in a few NPD analysis readings later, that I came to understand it. It's sort of like average scores being skewed because of a particularly high or low score, when the mode should be looked at in maths terms.

Really interesting.

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