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Time to Compare! Game Development versus System Specs! What is more important?
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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:08:58

Let's try a little experiment here! Everyone post their Top Ten Games of All time. Then, look back to when they were made available. Were they on the most POWERFUL system available? Did they utilize fancy technical tricks that could only be done by powerful hardware? I'll compose my list in an hour or so!

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:11:42
phantom_leo said:

Let's try a little experiment here! Everyone post their Top Ten Games of All time. Then, look back to when they were made available. Were they on the most POWERFUL system available? Did they utilize fancy technical tricks that could only be done by powerful hardware? I'll compose my list in an hour or so!

You're taking Robio's thunder away!

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:13:39
  • The World Ends wth You
  • Super Metroid
  • Metroid Prime
  • Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
  • Ogre Battle 64
  • Dragon Quest VIII
  • Vagrant Story
  • CastleVania: Symphony of the Night
  • SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millenium
  • Borderlands 2
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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:14:09
travo said:

You're taking Robio's thunder away!

Robio doesn't have to participate!

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:17:23

Well specs mean nothing in terms of the actual crafting of the game but without technical advancement we would be playing the same games forever. We would never have the jump to 3D games. We would never get the same level of crazy setpieces that make Uncharted so exciting. We would get the giant now super detailed world of TES. They go together. But yeah game development is by far more important.

Anyway do i need to post 7 Zelda games, Im just going to post one for all, same with MGS

  1. Zelda MM, OoT, TP, Zelda 1
  2. Resident Evil 4
  3. MGS4, MGS3, MGS1
  4. Metroid Prime
  5. GTA SA
  6. SMB3, SMG1, 2
  7. LittleBigPlanet
  8. Mass Effect 2
  9. Sonic 2
  10. Resident Evil 2
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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:17:35

I don't think it's an either or situation, honestly.

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:50:49

Top 10 lists are too hard. I'll just pick my favorite game from each console instead:

  • Breakout - Atari 2600
  • Commando - Atari 7800
  • Golden Axe Warrior - Sega Master System
  • Sonic the Hedgehog - Sega Genesis
  • Super Mario World - SNES
  • Sonic CD - Sega CD
  • Virtua Racing Deluxe - Sega 32X
  • Tempest 2000 - Atari Jaguar
  • Super Street Fighter II Turbo - 3DO
  • Ridge Racer - PS1
  • Super Mario 64 - N64
  • Sega Rally - Saturn
  • RE Code Veronica - Dreamcast
  • Wind Waker - GCN
  • Halo CE - Xbox
  • Super Mario Galaxy - Wii
  • Animal Crossing Wild World - DS
  • Uncharted 2 - PS3
  • Halo 4 - 360

Edited: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:52:27

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:56:48

Great list ^ Except Ridge Racer.

Edited: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:57:29
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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 18:00:17

I'm 5 days away from being able to participate.

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 18:00:22

What's wrong with Riiiiiddddgggggeee Raaaccccerrrr?

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 18:21:29
phantom_leo said:
  • The World Ends wth You -- The PSP came out in 2005, this game came out in 2008. Although technically it would not be the same game if it were released on a PSP back then, the PSP was --MUCH-- more powerful than the DS.
  • Super Metroid -- 24 Megs of Super Nintendo Power! Technically, Genesis was more powerful than the SNES processor speed and system memory wise... Even if we agreed the SNES and Genesis were equivalent, there WERE more powerful systems out back then: 3DO and Jaguar, for example, but neither of them enjoyed the success the SNES had.
  • Metroid Prime -- Dreamcast had died by the time Prime was released, but PS2 and the original Xbox were going strong, BOTH much more powerful than the little old GameCube!
  • Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne -- Released on PS2 in 2004. Which was more powerful Xbox or PS2? Not really possible to determine. I would attribute the success of this game to both AWESOME developers AND the tech. power of the PS2.
  • Ogre Battle 64 -- Forget the fact that N64 competed with the PSOne primarily, but Dreamcast was already on the shelves and PS2 was launched later in the same month as this game!
  • Dragon Quest VIII -- Technical marvel of its time; wouldn't have been the same on GameCube. Xbox was out, but see Nocturne as to why this doesn't help to determine Tech Marvel or Dev Power when deciding its popularity.
  • Vagrant Story -- Hmmm... this one is tough. This came out in May of 2000. N64 was out, DreamCast was out, PS2 was on the verge of coming out. There were more powerful systems out, but this game held its own and STILL DOES to this day!
  • CastleVania: Symphony of the Night -- Another toughie; this one came out in 1997. N64 versus PSOne is open to debate and Saturn was available too. Wouldn't have been possible on a cartridge back then, but Saturn was a much better sprite machine than PSOne. Too close to call I would say, but it was a Technical Marvel back in its day. The fact that it DID come out on the more powerful Saturn, but it ran WORSE and was not as well-received suggests it was more Development than Tech that made it a better game. Impossible to determine though...
  • SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millenium -- Yet another tough one... Don't know how the Neo Geo Pocket compared to the Game Boy Color, spec wise, but the very fact that I still hold this game in high regard and did so even though it was a portable game versus a console game back in the day, I would say this was more a well-designed game than a Technical Marvel.
  • Borderlands 2 -- How to classify THIS one?! I prefer to play this game on the 360 due to controls, online and technical stability (Borderlands One was a MESS on the PS3 originally)... 360 is less powerful than the PS3, but this is a multi-platform title. While technically I played it and enjoyed it on a less powerful system, it was out on the more technical one too. Disqualified!

Red means there were CLEARLY more powerful, technically advanced systems out at the time of the game's release.

Yellow means it's impossible to determine.

Edited: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:40:06
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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 19:05:52
Dvader said:
  1. Zelda MM, OoT, TP, Zelda 1 -- With maybe the exception of Zelda 1, ALL Zeldas were released on consoles that had faaar more powerful competitors out at the time of their releases!
  2. Resident Evil 4 -- That this was made on a GameCube still defies logical thought, but CLEARLY this is an example of Development over Technical Power!
  3. MGS4, MGS3, MGS1 -- Solid 4 obviously couldn't be done on anything else... 3 and 1 are cases of PS2 versus Xbox and PSOne versus N64, so...
  4. Metroid Prime -- No contest here either.
  5. GTA SA -- Multi-multi-platform release... Undeterminable!
  6. SMB3, SMG1, 2 -- NES was the leader of its day, for the most part, but Galaxy 1 and 2 both came out under the shadows of PS3 and Xbox 360.
  7. LittleBigPlanet -- Meh!
  8. Mass Effect 2 -- THIS one is interesting. Most definitely, the better version was on the less "technically capable" 360, but I know you played this on the PS3...
  9. Sonic 2 -- There were faaar more powerful systems out at the time of Sonic 2's release, including Sega's own Sega CD.
  10. Resident Evil 2 -- Hmmm... again, don't know where to put this one. What was more powerful N64 or PSOne?

Edited: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 19:11:06
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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 19:13:25

You know what...? Nevermind!  LOL

Although the results tend to lean more towards Developer Skill than Technical Prowess of systems...

I'm getting a head-ache trying to determine which systems are more powerful than the others...


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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 19:24:41


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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:25:56
Ravenprose said:

What's wrong with Riiiiiddddgggggeee Raaaccccerrrr?

Its the PS1, so many classics and you pick Ridge Racer. Your choice its just kind of weird. Though I see you like racers.

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:30:49

N64 could do more than the PS1, it just looked ugly, PS1 games used many more tricks which the CDs allowed them to use to make the games look nicer. But yeah its pretty impossible to determine this stuff if you are just going by consoles. I thought you would go by how certain games pushed graphics. For instance Zelda OoT was a graphical marvel at its release, so was RE4, and the MGS games.

Edited: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:31:11
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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:34:49
Dvader said:

Its the PS1, so many classics and you pick Ridge Racer. Your choice its just kind of weird. Though I see you like racers.

Most of the PS1 games people consider "classics" I don't actually like, or I like less than Ridge Racer. Ridge Racer was the primary reason I bought a PS1, and I played the hell out of it. R4 is a close second, but I still like the original the best.

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:36:38

No, I was really just trying to point out that more power doesn't necessarily mean better games. Everyone's freaking out about PS4 and Wii U, when, classically, system power has meant next to nothing compared to good game concepts and developer ingenuity. It's true that the Wii U doesn't have the same muscle as the PS4, but that doesn't mean AS MUCH as everyone is making it out to be.

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 00:24:02

It means that wii u won't get full third party support as the next gen goes on, that is all. Once we get out of this cross gen games period the wii u will be struggling for ports just like the wii did cause its not the same architecture as the other consoles. That's all it means. Nintendo anD others will do some amazing things with the wii us graphics. Game quality was never a question.

Edited: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 00:25:01
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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 00:30:19

Dvader said:

It means that wii u won't get full third party support as the next gen goes on, that is all. Once we get out of this cross gen games period the wii u will be struggling for ports just like the wii did cause its not the same architecture as the other consoles. That's all it means. Nintendo anD others will do some amazing things with the wii us graphics. Game quality was never a question.

We knew that before it even came out, anything we  don't know Vader?

Edited: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 00:31:42
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