Forum > Gaming Discussion > Top 5 Shark Games of All Time
Top 5 Shark Games of All Time
After pondering a while on the question, I must admit that sharks are underrepresented in my personal history with gaming.
The only one I can think of is the mechanical shark you enter in Banjo-Kazooie. After some googling it transpires that he's a whale though, despite looking exactly like a shark.
The Jaws videogame for the PS2. Ive never played it, but I remember a kid in kindergarten talking about how fun it was once.
Endless Ocean would probably qualify. And I will also argue that the original Jaws game for the NES isn't nearly as bad as people say.
I noticed today there is a cool looking shark in the gamr Haunting (also known as polterguy in some places)
I also saw the painting below which is pretty good. (duke nukem)
If any kind of shark will do, there's a shark boss in both Viewtifull you and the more recent Luigi's Mansion 3
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gamingeek (58s)
I just bought this for research purposes for a feature I am working on:
Do you guys have any first hand good shark games or shark experiences?
Off the top of my head, I can think of a few, but to get us started, What Remains of Edith Finch (where you play as a shark) and the other notable mention is Armed and Dangerous (XB and PC) which featured a gun that shot "land sharks"
Must watch: