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Transformers! More than meets the eye!
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Tue, 23 Jun 2009 17:26:50



Graphics are pretty solid. Transformations are fun.

Pretty simple concept so far: Just go into different zones to eliminate Decepticons/AutoBots in the area; occassional boss-battles occur. There are medals to discover in each zone. Goals to earn more Energon. I've only just started playing so I have no idea what other types of missions there are; I will post more on this later.

The controls --DEFINITELY DO-- take some getting used to, but they make sense. The right trigger is basically your Transform/Accelerator. Keep this pressed to stay transformed and drive/fly. It feels weird NOT having a Reverse, but you get used to it. L2 is power slide, Square is your primary vehicle weapon. Holding Square and releasing the Right trigger initiates a vehicle to robot melee attack. Holding 'X' and releasing R2 initiates a vehicle to robot power jump. Holding 'O' and releasing R2 does a ground slam move. I keep on releasing the button rather than the trigger and messing the move up, but it's nothing impossible to get used to.

While in robot mode. L2 Aims. R1 switches primary weapons. R2 fires. Triangle does your Special move. Square does your melee. 'O' grabs vehicles or the sides of buildings. 'X' jumps. You've got your basic Square, Square, Square Combo; hold Square to charge.

Both sides have ground vehicles. Both sides have Aircraft. Some 'bots have special functions like Repairing friendly units.

You Power-Up your entire team at once, using energon on things like Higher Hit Points, Quicker Weapon Cool Down and Faster Special Recharge.

There are Unlockables like the Generation 1 skins for your characters. You have a status screen to track how close you are to earning these rewards.

So far it seems pretty clear to me that this game is meant more for Online Play. The shooter structure of it. The fancy attacks. The roles of the different bots all seem to suggest team battle more than single play. The best time I've had in the game so far was rescuing IronHide with Ratchet, healing him and fighting by his side as we fled Shanghai. You got your bots for Air covergae, your Medics, your Scouts and Heavy Units. This lends wel to team play. I haven't gone online yet, though! If they do something with it like gauge which side is winning the 'War' like thet did with the last DS game, I could see it being pretty addicting and fun, but have NO IDEA if this is the case or not!

I will post more as I play!




Initial Impressions: Transformers. A good game in disguise! Potentially, more than meets the eye! WinkWink


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Tue, 23 Jun 2009 18:15:19

So will you forget Red Faction now. Nyaa

Thanks for the impressions, it will probably be in my mess of summer game rentals. I will see the movie tonight at midnight.

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Tue, 23 Jun 2009 19:24:53
Damnit Leo I thought this would be about the 80s cartoons. I just watched the Omega Supreme episode where he was the guardian of the city in Cybertron. Forget any of this new transformers stuff, do yourselves a favour and get the boxset.

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Tue, 23 Jun 2009 22:24:59

Hmm good to hear. I'll be going to see the movie tomorrow so I'll likely be wanting to play the game afterwards so it's nice to hear that it's at least a good game. I'll just rent it though because there are too many other games I want to get first.


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Tue, 23 Jun 2009 22:52:40

gamingeek said:
Damnit Leo I thought this would be about the 80s cartoons. I just watched the Omega Supreme episode where he was the guardian of the city in Cybertron. Forget any of this new transformers stuff, do yourselves a favour and get the boxset.

They DO have unlockable Generation 1 episodes in this game. I just unlocked the episode where they create the Dinobots!

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Tue, 23 Jun 2009 22:53:49

Dvader said:

So will you forget Red Faction now. Nyaa

Thanks for the impressions, it will probably be in my mess of summer game rentals. I will see the movie tonight at midnight.

Nah. Transformers is kinda like the movie, just for fun.

Now Red Faction, THAT'S a KEEPER!

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Tue, 23 Jun 2009 23:41:34

phantom_leo said:

gamingeek said:
Damnit Leo I thought this would be about the 80s cartoons. I just watched the Omega Supreme episode where he was the guardian of the city in Cybertron. Forget any of this new transformers stuff, do yourselves a favour and get the boxset.

They DO have unlockable Generation 1 episodes in this game. I just unlocked the episode where they create the Dinobots!

Awesome, is that PS3 only?

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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 01:30:08
No. I don't think so.
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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 01:33:19
I'm thinking there may be six episodes. Maybe.

I am saying this because, in the unlockables for the Autobots I saw 2 Dinobot Epi's and another entitled 'Fire on the Mountain.'

There are unlockables for both campaigns, though: 24 for the Autobots, 24 for the Decepticons, so that would make sense...

...but again, I am not completely sure!
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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 01:44:05
I played a bit online and again (remember I am typically NOT an online multiplayer) I had A LOT of fun!

I just played some simple Deatmatches and got auto-picked to be Grinder, the Decepticon Helicopter.

Picture the scene: I am walking down a city street, looking for an enemy. A Protectobot drives at me full speed and does the police-car to robot melee attack, knocking off most of my health bar.

This guy, thinking I am dead, starts to drive off. I run off around the corner to try and regenerate health. He doesn't notice. I wait a moment, leap into the air, transform into helicopter form, raising up from behind a building, surprising HIM and then start chasing him, now racing away from me in car mode, down the street.

I start to boost to follow, raising and lowering in altitude, firing off missles that explode all around him on either side of the street.

I eventually hit a building overpass and he gets away for a moment, so I fly waaay up into the city-sky. I locate him, get above his head while charging the ground pound move, come careening down, stun him, then melee him with my chopper blades, finishing him off!

Yeah. There machine guns and grenades in this game, but the transformations and chases that ensue and the simple but fun transform-attacks --REALLY-- steal the show!

[Side note: after that particular battle time was just about up for the match. My side lost. BUT --THEN-- I discovered Grinder has a special where he can drop protective Turrets on the ground. Very cool! Wish I had found that sooner!]

Edited: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 01:51:23
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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 03:18:55
    That fight screen remnded me of Rise of the Robots for SNES (in a good way).

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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 03:33:24

aspro73 said:
    That fight screen remnded me of Rise of the Robots for SNES (in a good way).

That reminds me! Here is a battle from later in the game where Bumblebee fights some really smooth, shiny blue guy!

Edited: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 03:41:18
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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 07:20:35

phantom_leo said:

aspro73 said:
    That fight screen remnded me of Rise of the Robots for SNES (in a good way).

That reminds me! Here is a battle from later in the game where Bumblebee fights some really smooth, shiny blue guy!


The VG Press

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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 10:42:23

Cool, I have the complete series.

Fire on the mountain is the one where Megatron hijacks an Aztec temple. And the dinobots episodes are all good. "Me Grimlock"

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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 21:50:14

phantom_leo said:

aspro73 said:
    That fight screen remnded me of Rise of the Robots for SNES (in a good way).

That reminds me! Here is a battle from later in the game where Bumblebee fights some really smooth, shiny blue guy!

    That is exactly what I had in mind. That game was tough, it had a bit of lag IIRC.

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Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:08:48

Ravenprose said:

phantom_leo said:

aspro73 said:
    That fight screen remnded me of Rise of the Robots for SNES (in a good way).

That reminds me! Here is a battle from later in the game where Bumblebee fights some really smooth, shiny blue guy!


The horror.....the horror....

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