Forum > Gaming Discussion > Travo gets a PS3 and a HDTV!
Travo gets a PS3 and a HDTV!
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Thu, 24 Feb 2011 01:02:55

I was at a friends house a while back, she has a little girl who is the best. She was going through the Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella phase. Sleeping Beauty I can watch a million times, Cinderella not so much.

And yes I danced around with the girl while singing "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream".

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Thu, 24 Feb 2011 02:18:35
Dvader said:

LBP1? There is no real reason to get LBP1 now that there is LBP2. Use my hearted levels as a guide to some good levels.

And welcome to the club, I wish I had my PS3 to welcome you on. But I will be away from it for a week. Sad

Yes there is a sound effect when you get a trophy.

No reason to get either with Blastworks available. Nyaa

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Thu, 24 Feb 2011 02:38:20

Easiest answer:  LBP was cheaper. Nyaa

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Thu, 24 Feb 2011 03:14:15

What the fuck is Blastworks?

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Thu, 24 Feb 2011 03:26:43
SteelAttack said:

What the fuck is Blastworks?

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Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:34:49

I'm not sure if I'll get to play today. Sad

Edited: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:41:05
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Fri, 25 Feb 2011 23:13:06

Ok, I'm still early into Metal Gear.  Last time, I was renting so I kinda rushed to finish.  Now, there's no time limit.  I really am getting into find the iTunes.  I want the main title , but I might have it at the PSN store for free.  When do I get the camera?

I think at this moment, Uncharted 1 is my favorite game out of the bunch.  Metal Gear is awesome, but something I've already finished.   I haven't really given LBP much playtime to pass judgment.   U1 is just simply great though.  The gameplay is constantly changing and I am impressed with it visually. The action sequences were intense and not just run and shoot.  There seems to be kind of a Gears of War type of strategy to the battles.

I think I will try Killzone 3 out some this weekend, maybe play the multiplayer since there's bound to be a bunch of people online.  Too bad I have no headset.

Any downloadable games worth getting?  I know Flower will be in my future, but anything else?

Edited: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 23:22:28
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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 00:11:22

Travo some people will tell you to buy Heavy Rain. It might be here or in some other forum. If you see them, quickly report them to the authorities, for there is a good chance that they are terrorists.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 00:23:47
Iga_Bobovic said:

Travo some people will tell you to buy Heavy Rain. It might be here or in some other forum. If you see them, quickly report them to the authorities, for there is a good chance that they are terrorists.

HR has something interesting going on, but never manages to succeed at whatever it is it's trying. I'd say pick it up heavily discounted. It's a good ride if you know what you're getting into.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 00:24:25
SteelAttack said:

HR has something interesting going on, but never manages to succeed at whatever it is it's trying. I'd say pick it up heavily discounted. It's a good ride if you know what you're getting into.

This, its an interesting game.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 00:24:26

As per your DL titles recommendation, Siren: Blood Curse is worth checking out.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 00:25:57

If you're into the puzzle stuff, Echochrome is one mean mindbending motherfucker of a game.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 01:40:06

Thanks, Steel,  I will look into it.   I have my eyes on HR, but it's gonna have to drop it's price a good bit.  The same for GoW 3.  I'm also interested in The Last Guardian.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 17:47:24

So when I get my HDTV next week, I only need a HDMi cable for this system right?  I'm thinking of getting two, one for the PS3 and the other for the 360.  No need to get one for the Wii.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 18:28:24

Don't listen to these Nazi-Communist

There is no reason to buy Heavy Rain. You wan't a good story get games like Silent Hill Shattered Memories or even Fragile. Download the classic point and click games on the PC. The game has simply no reason to exist. And yes HV is interesting, the same way Superman 64 is interesting.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 19:16:08

Travo just play Heavy Rain, ignore Mr. Grumpy. Rent it though.

I hated Echochrome, I felt it gets repetitive and boring fast. There are way better PSN games, Stardust, Shatter, Wipeout, Pixeljunk Eden, Pixeljunk Shooter.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 19:19:24
Dvader said:

Travo just play Heavy Rain, ignore Mr. Grumpy. Rent it though.

I hated Echochrome, I felt it gets repetitive and boring fast. There are way better PSN games, Stardust, Shatter, Wipeout, Pixeljunk Eden, Pixeljunk Shooter.

. . . and the absolute best one is Q*Bert.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 19:31:12

I'm not ignoring this topic Travo; I'll post more in it when I feel more comfortable reading it all!

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 20:21:51

No worries, Leo.  I'm really enjoying the action in Uncharted.  I have to think 'What's the best way to reach that guy?"  "Ok, I'll shoot this guy to the right, then inch closer over here to the left."   It's not like running in and blindly firing.  I like the Gears feel to it, the strategy.

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Sat, 26 Feb 2011 20:28:19
Yeah both Uncharted games are great and definitely worth having. Heavy Rain is also a game I'd really like to get. I think it just hit Greatest Hits status so it should be $30 or less now.


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