Forum > Gaming Discussion > Trials Evolution.
Trials Evolution.
It went up early this morning. I only got to DL it until this afternoon and spent an hour or so with it after work. Leaderboards were belly up earlier, but they're up and running again now.
Played a bit more tonight. Halfway the third track tier, haven't had that much trouble reaching golds but I have the suspicion things are going to get nasty soon enough. Physics are exactly as I remember them, love the outdoor environments, although there's a tad too much bloom for my taste. I'm having a blast and I haven't even touched the multiplayer or checked Track central out.
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gamingeek (1m)
Just got this, saw Jamie already in my XBL friends list leaderboards. Nobody else is getting it?
Too damn lazy to make an actual topic of it, but trust me, game is good.