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Vader vs Iga!!! A dick measuring contest in space! (SMG2 speed runs)
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Sun, 07 Nov 2010 23:07:29
Iga_Bobovic said:

New and final time 1:51:90

The trick I wanted to use worked, but then I screwed up the rest of the level. Sad

Oh well, better luck next time.

You skiped the intro didn't you. Its so hard to do.

I will attempt a little later, I think I can beat you.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 03:58:58


I hate that level I am never playing it again.

Now to find a good new one that isn't a pain in the ass.

BTW its sunday at 10:55pm in my time.

Edited: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 03:59:24
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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 04:38:20
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

New and final time 1:51:90

The trick I wanted to use worked, but then I screwed up the rest of the level. Sad

Oh well, better luck next time.

You skiped the intro didn't you. Its so hard to do.

I will attempt a little later, I think I can beat you.

Yes, the intro I did skip, but then I fucked up the rest of the level. 1:51:90 was with no intro skip. I got the timing down, but then I lost it. I had enough of it and started playing Muramasa.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 04:46:40
Dvader said:


I hate that level I am never playing it again.

Now to find a good new one that isn't a pain in the ass.

BTW its sunday at 10:55pm in my time.

Good job,  you win round 1. You did skip the into here, no way you can get below 1:50 without it. Did you do the backflip skip? Did you know that you can do a landing cancel by jumping just as you touch the ground when landing after being launch by a launch star? This is even harder to do.

Okay now it is your turn. Pick a level and give a time. Give me the name and time Thursday evening. This way I can do speed runs on Friday and Saturday. I don't really have time Sunday, so we will skip the that day.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 06:17:31

I did not skip the intro, if I did my time would be better.  I do not know how to do the cancels. I did awesome on the boss and the run went perfect for me.

Wait you aren't going to be able to play till Friday and Saturday? I already have a level and time, I want to speed this up.

Flipsville's New Digs : 1:15:78

(World 4)

EDIT: DAMN YOU YOUTUBE! Of course there is a stupid speed run video of it there. Sad I might change the level, I am going to find one with no speed run. Ok it seems everything has a speed run video...

Edited: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 06:30:06
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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 15:57:06

^Ah so, you did the buttstomp and spin attack technique? Basically you do not have to chase the boss at all. I could never get the timing right for that, what is it?

The intro skip is quite easy. When you see 2nd cutscene, wait for a second and than start mashing the a-button. I you hold z and forward while doing that, then you will do the backflip.

Here you can see an example

Also the speed run of the very first level. This guy did both the boss perfectly as well as the intro. Also when he lands on the small planetoid (0:50) you can see him cancel.

I also found out a neat trick, if you stand on the yellow elevator platforms, around the yellow tower (see 0:40 in video). Just when they go up, backflip. They will give you an huge boost, giving you the ability to jump to the with a single jump. You still have to wait for the stupid Luma, so it will not do anything for your time. It is just the way the physics work.
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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 17:05:30

Nope couldn't get the cancel to work either. I used star bits to stop the boss in its track so I can immediately hit it.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 18:34:48

BTW you do know that this thing is over next week when Sonic hits. So we need to speed it up.

Then I can play a real speed running game. Happy

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 21:24:36

You are playing a real speed running game. Sonic has nothing on Mario, sequence breaking, alternative paths and advanced techniques.

Besides, I can't speed it up, I have a job remember?! And training 3 times a week.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 21:40:49
Iga_Bobovic said:

You are playing a real speed running game. Sonic has nothing on Mario, sequence breaking, alternative paths and advanced techniques.

Besides, I can't speed it up, I have a job remember?! And training 3 times a week.

Hire me, I'll move. Nyaa

Seqeunce breaking to me is no fun. To me a great speed running game is one where the entire core game is built around being fast. If you have to play the game differently than it is intented then you are more breaking the game rather than speed running. Sonic has alternate paths and advanced techniques built into the levels, you are supposed to find the fastest route through mastering level rather than finding some shortcut that skips the majority of the intended level.

I enjoy Mario speed running, I do love finding sequence breaks, but I still have that feeling like the game doesn't want me to do that. Where Sonic I know and feel that every single level is designed for multiple runs and finding the fastest way through a level.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 21:50:34
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

You are playing a real speed running game. Sonic has nothing on Mario, sequence breaking, alternative paths and advanced techniques.

Besides, I can't speed it up, I have a job remember?! And training 3 times a week.

Hire me, I'll move. Nyaa

Seqeunce breaking to me is no fun. To me a great speed running game is one where the entire core game is built around being fast. If you have to play the game differently than it is intented then you are more breaking the game rather than speed running. Sonic has alternate paths and advanced techniques built into the levels, you are supposed to find the fastest route through mastering level rather than finding some shortcut that skips the majority of the intended level.

I enjoy Mario speed running, I do love finding sequence breaks, but I still have that feeling like the game doesn't want me to do that. Where Sonic I know and feel that every single level is designed for multiple runs and finding the fastest way through a level.

Some shortcuts are definitely intentional, like one in the 2D level, where you can jump on top and see 1ups hidden there. So is the secret to butt stomp Dino Piranha. Galaxy 1 had also many possibilities to sequence break, Nintendo could have easily stopped them by making some platforms higher and furthermore they did remove some sequence breaks from the original like running up on slopes. This combined with the fact that Nintendo has some of the strictest game testing in the industry makes me believe, that if not intentional, Nintendo knows that they are there.

Super Mario 64 the same thing, also Super Metroid. Nintendo games are meant to be broken.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 21:58:24
Iga_Bobovic said:

Some shortcuts are definitely intentional, like one in the 2D level, where you can jump on top and see 1ups hidden there. So is the secret to butt stomp Dino Piranha. Galaxy 1 had also many possibilities to sequence break, Nintendo could have easily stopped them by making some platforms higher and furthermore they did remove some sequence breaks from the original like running up on slopes. This combined with the fact that Nintendo has some of the strictest game testing in the industry makes me believe, that if not intentional, Nintendo knows that they are there.

Super Mario 64 the same thing, also Super Metroid. Nintendo games are meant to be broken.

Oh I am not saying they are not intentional, of course they are. You still have to go outside the normal way of playing to reach these spots and you will skip massive parts of levels. In Sonic you have to play the entire level, there is no magic route that will skip an entire piece of a level. There are routes that are clearly quicker but its all built into the level, you must complete the full level. With some Mario games you skip entire chunks of the game, I know its intended but that means those levels weren't really made to speed run, they were meant to be skipped. Two different styles to speed running, I like the one where the core gameplay is made for it.

One other thing, any good speed running game will have a retry button so that you don't need to exit to a menu and access a level again just to start the timer again. Time Trial modes fix this.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 22:15:59

Well Mario is not about running at all when you speedrun. You are constantly jumping around like a monkey on crack. Mario speed running is using Mario's acrobatics to do death defying stuff. While sonic is more about the actual running. Come to think of it, Mario was always about skipping stuff, like the warpzones in SMB1 and the crazy ass sequence breaks in Galaxy 1 and 2. Sonic is more like a racing game in this regard.

You really should try doing a 15% run with Zero Missions. You really skip lots of things, plus you do bosses out of order. It really changes the game. Fighting Ridley with only 2 missiles is a whole other ball game.

Dvader said:

One other thing, any good speed running game will have a retry button so that you don't need to exit to a menu and access a level again just to start the timer again. Time Trial modes fix this.

Or have a stupid NPC talk to you. Fucking Luma.

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 22:18:36
Iga_Bobovic said:

Or have a stupid NPC talk to you. Fucking Luma.

The reason I hated that level so much. LOL The worse part is that I knew I could skip it but i could never get the timing done consistantly.

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