Cause it's a game and omitting things for the sake of realism just makes a game worse.
He's fun and mysterious, he's a conundrum, a magician who can appear at will and exist unharmed among zombies.
He's like your obi wan kenobi, only he asks for a price.
There's no reason for him not to work in RE4, which is cheesy anyway and fun. I dont think its too great a juxtaposition to have a fun character among a action horror plot.
Characters like Salazar are worse.
gamingeek said:Cause it's a game and omitting things for the sake of realism just makes a game worse.
He's fun and mysterious, he's a conundrum, a magician who can appear at will and exist unharmed among zombies.
He's like your obi wan kenobi, only he asks for a price.
There's no reason for him not to work in RE4, which is cheesy anyway and fun. I dont think its too great a juxtaposition to have a fun character among a action horror plot.
Characters like Salazar are worse.
Yeah, this is pretty much it. Although I would have dug it if they threw in some small mysterious tidbit as to how he could possibly fit into the whole RE lore and I thought Salazarr was pretty funny myself.
But they did a remarkable job creating a memorable--dare I say it, charismatic--character with nary but a few lines. Plus, how else would you have done it?
That said, obligatory Mega64 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oXx0qwe0wc
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHere's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
I loved the Weapon's Dealer. The first time you ran into him is one of my most memorable moments from RE4. I had no clue what to expect, and was sure I was about to run into some major trouble. BUT NO!!! He're a kind and fairly generous merchant who is offering me fine weaponry (go ahead and keep that mine launcher, but I'll take everything else) and will even sell me bigger suitcases.
Damn that was a really good game. I just hooked up the Gamecube again for the kids last night so they could start playing a bunch of old Sonic games. Maybe I'll have to look into this game again.
gamingeek said:Here's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
Thats a post the scary RE fans would post, the ones that take everything about the series super seriously.
gamingeek said:Here's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
Ohhh, I like that. You should write fan fiction.
aspro said:gamingeek said:Here's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
Ohhh, I like that. You should write fan fiction.
He does.
SteelAttack said:aspro said:gamingeek said:Here's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
Ohhh, I like that. You should write fan fiction.
He does.
I meant non-inter-racial homoerotica fan fiction. (simpson's reference +1).
aspro said:gamingeek said:Here's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
Ohhh, I like that. You should write fan fiction.
No one should write fanfic.
I always wondered how he got around like that, but the thing is, RE is extremely hokey and b-grade, so it added to the humour of the game.
Dvader said:gamingeek said:Here's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
Thats a post the scary RE fans would post, the ones that take everything about the series super seriously.
I've been outed
SteelAttack said:aspro said:gamingeek said:Here's what I think.
This guy is like a human who only half reverted into a ganado. He has the same basic mutant cells but he's human and independent and can control his own actions. He covers his face to remain undercover among his ganados buddy but he sees an opportunity to do some good and make some money on the side when Leon comes to town.
He has hidden weapon stashes all over the place for himself and an underground network of caves he uses to access them.
As he's half Ganado the other mutants don't bother him and because they are Ganado they dont really wonder why he wears that classy coat or hankercheif over his face.
Ohhh, I like that. You should write fan fiction.
He does.
I don't.
But I have written a couple of novels and TV/movie scripts.
gamingeek said:I don't.
But I have written a couple of novels and TV/movie scripts.
You should write a novel about me. An old, weary mexican private investigator lost in the streets of London.

aspro said:^Who looks like Higgins.
And frequents the brothels of Soho.
travo said:I actually thought the weapons dealer was gonna be Wesker in disguise.
I swear to god I thought dvader has written this, and I couldn't figure out why your icon was showing up.
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:I don't.
But I have written a couple of novels and TV/movie scripts.
You should write a novel about me. An old, weary mexican private investigator lost in the streets of London.
I like the story when the PI goes into town to get to the one fridge but once he gets there all the beer is gone.
Dvader said:SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:I don't.
But I have written a couple of novels and TV/movie scripts.
You should write a novel about me. An old, weary mexican private investigator lost in the streets of London.
I like the story when the PI goes into town to get to the one fridge but once he gets there all the beer is gone.
I'm never going to see the end of this.