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We're Almost There! The Long, Strange Road to GOTY 2012! (Add your own lists!)
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Sun, 04 Nov 2012 00:11:22


Which leaves:


Mass Effect 3 (360)

Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3)

Sine Mora (XBLA)

Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition (360)

Minecraft (360)

Spelunky! (XBLA)

Darksiders II (PS3)

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (360)

New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS)

Borderlands 2 (360)

Pokemon Black 2 (NDS)

Resident Evil 6 (360)

Dishonored (360)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (360)

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (3DS)


Still Coming:


Halo 4 (360)

Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)

Epic Mickey Power of Illusion (3DS)

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)

Darksiders II (Wii U)

ZombiU (Wii U)

Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal our Garbage? (3DS)


Edited: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:21:52
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Sun, 04 Nov 2012 12:11:31
Right now my 2012 GotY is Mass Effect 3 with Xenoblade a very, very, VERY close runner-up.


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Mon, 05 Nov 2012 07:50:32

I'm thinking Walking Dead is going to get some GOTY selections this year.

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:19:03


Two games moved into list, Few eliminated:


Mass Effect 3 (360)

Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3)

Sine Mora (XBLA)

Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition (360)

Minecraft (360)

Spelunky! (XBLA)

Darksiders II (PS3)

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (360)

New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) **Not gonna happen. Just from impressions alone, not even close to the quality of NSM Wii U.**

Borderlands 2 (360)

Pokemon Black 2 (NDS) **After the events of the end of the year, eliminated from the running. Not in the mood to play it this year.**

Resident Evil 6 (360)

Dishonored (360)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (360)

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (3DS) **Being eliminated due to serious save-file-erasing glitches. If they're fixed, then I'll play, but for now out of the running!**

Halo 4 (360)

Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)


Still Coming:


Epic Mickey Power of Illusion (3DS)

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)

Darksiders II (Wii U)

ZombiU (Wii U)

Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal our Garbage? (3DS)


Edited: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:22:18
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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:58:36

Ummm... worst year for games? Look back at my original list and you might want to re-consider that!

We got:


Mass Effect 3

Borderlands 2

Halo 4

XenoBlade Chronicles

(2 Real) Resident Evil (games)

The Witcher 2


(Several) Mario Bros.

Pokemon Black and White 2

(The Return of) X-Com

(...and a great original title) Dishonored

Black Ops 2 (like it or not)

(...and potential game-changers in the form of Wii U games like) ZombiU...


What exactly did last year have again that made it so much better? Zelda?

I don't think the games were to blame; I think gamers and the rise of tablets and phones were more responsible for skewed numbers!

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:03:26

We had a Final Fantasy game this year.

The returns of Kid Icarus and SSX **No comments Hamster!**

...and some INCREDIBLY strong downloadables in the forms of Spelunky! and Mark of the Ninja.

Some people would add titles like: Walking Dead and/or Sleeping Dogs to the list also. This year was not bad at all!

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:11:15

Hell, even Paper Mario Sticker Star is a VAST improvement over its last installment and it came out this year too!

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:12:17

Last year was Zelda, Batman AC, Uncharted 3, Gears 3, Dead Space 2, Deus Ex, Bastion, Dark Souls, Skyrim, Bulletstorm, Crysis 2, LBP2, Killzone 3, Yakuza 4, Mortal Kombat, Portal 2, Fable 3, LA Noire, Witcher 2, Sonic Generations, Mario 3D Land, Rayman Origins... my god it was amazing.

Taking ME3 and Xcom out of the equation I would say Zelda, Batman, Uncharted, DS2, Deus Ex, Dark Souls, LBP2, Portal 2, MK  and Skyrim are all better than any game this year.

Edited: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:13:51
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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:12:56
phantom_leo said:

The returns of Kid Icarus and SSX **No comments Hamster!**


The VG Press

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:25:13
Dvader said:

Last year was Zelda, Batman AC, Uncharted 3, Gears 3, Dead Space 2, Deus Ex, Bastion, Dark Souls, Skyrim, Bulletstorm, Crysis 2, LBP2, Killzone 3, Yakuza 4, Mortal Kombat, Portal 2, Fable 3, LA Noire, Witcher 2, Sonic Generations, Mario 3D Land, Rayman Origins... my god it was amazing.

Taking ME3 and Xcom out of the equation I would say Zelda, Batman, Uncharted, DS2, Deus Ex, Dark Souls, LBP2, Portal 2, MK  and Skyrim are all better than any game this year.

I'll admit to forgetting about Bayonetta (edit: nevermind, that was 2010) but LA Noire? Blech. I thought everyone agreed Uncharted 3 was a step down from 2? Dishonored does Deus Ex better than Human Revolution! Fable 3 stunk. Halo 4 easily trumps Killzone and Crysis. Minecraft has utterly dwarfed ANY other downloadable game, ever. I dunno. I think the sales figures are clouding everyone's memories for the games that came out this year. I'll certainly attest to Skyrim being better than most everything, but then again Mass Effect 3 and Borderlands 2 (imo) were MUCH better than Zelda, Batman, Uncharted, DS2...

Finally LBP2... meh!

Edited: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:51:51
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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:32:14

...and I don't understand the sudden shout-outs to Bulletstorm, Crysis 2 and Bastion... (Not only by you!)

When I was playing them last year, they were mostly met with apathy around here and elsewhere...

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:35:10

Speaking of which: Has anyone actually PLAYED Minecraft on 360 lately? ALL the enhancements have been added and it's ALMOST ENTIRELY a DIFFERENT game!

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:53:55
phantom_leo said:

...and I don't understand the sudden shout-outs to Bulletstorm, Crysis 2 and Bastion... (Not only by you!)

When I was playing them last year, they were mostly met with apathy around here and elsewhere...

I didnt play two of those and I didnt care for Bastion. They filled up my list nicely though. Nyaa

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:10:27

Good! Archie is here now! Current Year Defense Force Assemble!

Tell 'im Archie!

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:37:10
Current year has a lot of excellent games. I should go and check out all the updates to Minecraft.


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Sat, 08 Dec 2012 17:08:48

Added some, took some away:


Mass Effect 3 (360)

Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3)

Sine Mora (XBLA)

Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition (360)

Minecraft (360)

Spelunky! (XBLA)

Darksiders II (PS3)

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (360)

Borderlands 2 (360)

Resident Evil 6 (360)

Dishonored (360)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (360)

Halo 4 (360)

Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)

Epic Mickey Power of Illusion (3DS) **Turned out to be a HUGE disappointment. Didn't even bother trying it.**

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)

Darksiders II (Wii U)

ZombiU (Wii U)

Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal our Garbage? (3DS)




Need for Speed: Most Wanted **Had the game all along. Forgot to add it to the list, apparently!**

Far Cry 3

Hitman: Absolution



Still Coming:

The Walking Dead


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Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:03:48

I'll now explain why some of these are Game of the Year worthy (and some are not):


Mass Effect 3 (360) -- Forget the ending. The ENTIRE GAME was the ending. Brilliant FPS/RPG melding meets masterful story-telling in a world where all your past decisions came back to haunt or help you!

Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3) -- A further evolution of the beautiful Street Fighter IV engine in a fighting-fan's wettest dream crossover event. Such color, such attitude. One of my perennial favorites gets even better!

Sine Mora (XBLA) -- What if the 90's biggest genre never died? Your answer is here! Not going to be my GOTY, but in another world, in another time...

Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS) -- Speaking of in another world, in another time... Pit MAY HAVE become what Samus did. The brother series to sister Metroid, it was the Greek Mythology answer to the Sci-Fi adventure released on the same day and date, way back when. Clever dialogue between Pit and Palutena and Panzer Dragoon gameplay should make gaming perfection, but was hampered a bit by the controls.

The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition (360) -- Boobies! ...but seriously... Mature adventuring, an evolving storyline based on your actions and a gameplay system that let YOU decide how YOU wanted to play it. Trapper? Swordsman or Magic-User... All of the above? Yes, please!

Minecraft (360) -- How can sooo many MILLIONS of players be wrong? A CREATIVE game trumps Call of Duty on the 360?! What kind of world are we living in?! One of our own design, courtesy of Minecraft! Make your own world to invite others to play in, better yet, it keeps getting BETTER! One of the most BELOVED (non) Games of All Time!

Spelunky! (XBLA) -- Side-scrolling platformer meets Rogue game with COMPLETELY addictive results! Sooo many unique items and weapons to play with. Watch the havoc a few explosives can ignite. Thank GOD for XBLA, giving some of the world's BEST Indie developers the chance to show their labors of love to the mainstream gaming population!

Darksiders II (PS3) -- Loot game meets Zelda meets Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Take that concept, add in some truly unique Comic Book style and design. Great game in a GREAT series... Only problem is, it almost doesn't matter what weapons you are using, as Death is pretty bad-ass from the start! Play it for the adventure and continuation of the story, but as a Loot game, well, there's one on this list that just CAN'T. BE. TOPPED!

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (360) -- Wow. In some ways, even MORE SO than Rock-Steady's Batman games, THIS game is the BEST use of a pre-existing IP in a game. Graphics, sound-effects, storyline and all seem like they were lifted RIGHT out of the 80's cartoon. Play this game and become a kid again!

Borderlands 2 (360) -- What else could I possibly say about Borderlands. Vader is most likey right, this will probably be IT, but more on that later and AFTER all the games are considered!

Resident Evil 6 (360) -- A once great series is holding on by a finger over the cliff of irrelevancy. Both beautiful and botched. Exciting and exasperating all at the same time. This is NOT going to be anyone's GOTY, but my love for Capcom brought it this far!

Dishonored (360) -- What kind of Arcane magics did Arkane Studios use to produce a game of THIS quality?! Where did they and this come from?! BioShock meets Metal Gear meets Thief meets Deus Ex all within one of the most creative Steam Punk worlds devised in QUITE a while!!

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (360) -- Hold your breath as you send tiny Robio into enemy territory as he's covered by Travo the Sniper and Vader the Heavy. Part Base-Building sim, Part Turn-Based Strategy game. No other game this year sets up such a feeling of Anxiety and Suspense as you play. What a REMAKE!

Halo 4 (360) -- Bungie who? 343 has managed to keep the spirit of Halo alive and well, employing clever as ever AI and weaponry you REALLY need to consider for each situation! Such colors, such variety in the gun-play. Add to that a story-line you care about, Spartan Ops and PERFECTED online multiplayer. BlOps has not shot to tops!

Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS) -- Imagine the structure of Super Mario World with Paper Mario gameplay and you get Sticker Star! There's hardly a story, but you'll hardly care! The best thing of all is the copious use of already existing Mario World enemies! Wigglers and Shy Guys, Cheep-Cheeps and BLOOBERS (the game mis-spells them Bloopers!), Snifits and Goombas; you'll stomp them all in style using stickers and THINGS you collect throughout. Simplified, but nonetheless FUN!

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) -- For many of us, the Mario Bros. games are what got us into gaming in the first place. ANY game that recalls that childhood feeling of playing Mario 3 or World deserves a place on ANY GOTY list, but this being Mario's first entry into the world of HD... could in be THE game this year?

Darksiders II (Wii U) -- I don't want to say THQ squandered their chance to make something special for Wii U's launch with this game, but it doesn't offer much more than the PS3 version of the game, which has its own share of issues. Colors are richer here, but I haven't even cared to try out the extra functions of the Pad with the game. Great game, great series, but NOT my GOTY. Top-ten worthy? We'll see!

ZombiU (Wii U) -- Loot your friend's undead corpses! Yay! I haven't played enough of the game to make a judgement yet, but from what I have seen, it does MANY things RIGHT. Tense and gritty, THIS is the feeling a Zombie Apocalypse SHOULD convey! Dark Souls elements, a bit of Dead Island too and probably the best use of the Game Pad next to NintendoLand... The polarity of the press actually worked FOR this game in a way I've NEVER personally experienced before!

Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal our Garbage? (3DS) -- Pendleton Ward meets WayForward games should mean GOTF, but the game is a bit too simple for anyone over the age of 12. Doesn't matter for fans of the show, though, you'll play it for the writing and character cameos anyway! An 8-bit tribute in the world of Adventure Time had the potential to be my GOTY, but as it stands, it's ONLY fantastically-fun, fan-service; not a bad thing at all, just not the best the year has to offer!

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (360) -- Yes, a Burnout Paradise by any other name IS just as sweet! Add to that game HUNDREDS of REAL WORLD cars (Muscle, Exotic and Concept), Races for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THOSE CARS... and Oh! That AutoLog! EA has done GREAT things with the incorporation of your Friends List into the very game itself. Drive the streets of your very own motorized play ground, searching for Billboards with your friends faces or Avatars on them and try to top their times and/or accomplishments. Sometimes you'll want to race, sometimes you'll just want to break your friend's records, but EVERY time you'll have fun, without a doubt!

Far Cry 3 (360) -- Skyrim with Guns? Appealing, but does it hold up? A HUGE Tropical Paradise to explore and SURVIVE in Equal Parts Stealth meets Gunplay Gameplay with lots of Toys to travel with, like Hang-Gliders, Jeeps and Jet Skis... Tons of Quests and Side-Quests, Animals to Hunt and Craft into usable objects... The dude-bro story meets Neck-Stabby executions meets over-the-top Psycho Vaas... could it be too much? A GREAT, GREAT game, no-doubt, but does it all work together? More later!

Hitman: Absolution (360) -- Haven't even had the chance to crack this one open yet!

NintendoLand (Wii U) -- Does this game have the same impact that Wii Sports did for the Wii? If it does, it could be GOTY for some. For me, it hasn't demanded much of my attention at all. Better for Multiplayer? Dunno. Jury is still out on this one!


Still Coming:

The Walking Dead


Edited: Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:47:00
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Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:26:40

Let me do this too.I love your commentary Leo.

Games that came out this year which I played:

  • Resident Evil Revelations
  • Mass Effect 3
  • RE ORC
  • Journey
  • Sonic 4 Episode 2
  • Witcher 2
  • Sound Shapes
  • Darksiders 2
  • Double Dragon Neon
  • NSMB2
  • Resident Evil 6
  • Xcom Enemy Unknown
  • ZombiU
  • Halo 4
  • NintendoLand
  • CoD Blops 2
  • Kid Icarus
  • PS All Stars
  • Xenoblade
  • Boarderlands 2

Games I own which I have not played or games I still want to play:

  • Dragon's Dogma
  • Max Payne 3
  • Dishonored
  • Sleeping Dogs
  • Yakuza Dead Souls
  • Game of Thrones
  • Sorcery
  • Paper Mario Sticker Star
  • Assassin's Creed 3
  • Far Cry 3
  • The Walking Dead
  • LBP Vita
Edited: Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:35:14
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Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:44:52

Lets take a bunch out:

Let me do this too.I love your commentary Leo.

Games that came out this year which I played:

  • Resident Evil Revelations
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Journey  Too boring
  • Sonic 4 Episode 2   Just a meh Sonic game.
  • Witcher 2  Expected much more from this.
  • Sound Shapes Neat game, not GOTY worthy at all
  • Darksiders 2   Not as good as the first
  • Double Dragon Neon   Awesome game but not something worthy of GOTY
  • NSMB2   Meh mario
  • Resident Evil 6
  • Xcom Enemy Unknown
  • ZombiU   Love it but not good enough to hang with the big boys
  • Halo 4
  • NintendoLand
  • CoD Blops 2   A piece of shit
  • Kid Icarus    Controls like total ass
  • PS All Stars Neat game not good enough
  • Xenoblade   Another great game but just too much, didnt care for it enough to be GOTY
  • Boarderlands 2    Tried it, I enjoy it but I dont see the magic some of you guys see.

Games I own which I have not played or games I still want to play:

  • Dragon's Dogma
  • Max Payne 3  Never liked the other two, I bet this is better but still not GOTY
  • Dishonored
  • Sleeping Dogs
  • Yakuza Dead Souls   Will not be GOTY good
  • Game of Thrones HAHAHA I bought this as a joke
  • Sorcery  Cant be that good
  • Paper Mario Sticker Star
  • Assassin's Creed 3
  • Far Cry 3
  • The Walking Dead
  • LBP Vita
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Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:50:09

Lets simplify it a lot more:

Mass Effect 3 - Better than anything I have played so far so it is clearly in the lead.

Xcom - Second place, excellent game

NSMBU - Have played very little which did nothing for me. Will leave this on the list only out of respect for Mario.

The rest of the ones I played, awesome games but you are all out of the running.

Now potential GOTY games I have yet to play:

  • Dishonored
  • Sleeping Dogs  There is no way this game is as good as the GTAs or RDR
  • Mario Sticker Star  I hear its not the best Paper Mario
  • Assassin's Creed 3 Not one AC game to me has been GOTY so I doubt this one will
  • Far Cry 3
  • The Walking Dead
  • LBP Vita

Thats the short list. I have about 4 games to play which I feel may potentially be GOTY though I still doubt it.

Edited: Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:52:29
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