I heard bad things about Gun and good things about Red Dead Revolver.
About the future, there is Red Steel 2. Which is a Western and Eastern rolled into one.
There's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath which is excellent, for the original Xbox. Not sure if it's been adapted for BC or not on the 360.
The Wild ARMS games, particularly the later ones in the series have a strong Western feel to them, though frankly they're not much fun. I wouldn't say they're bad either. Just, kind of generic RPGs outside of the Western theme.
bugsonglass said:watch No Country For Old Men
Loved it. My wife didn't.
robio said:There's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath which is excellent, for the original Xbox. Not sure if it's been adapted for BC or not on the 360.
The Wild ARMS games, particularly the later ones in the series have a strong Western feel to them, though frankly they're not much fun. I wouldn't say they're bad either. Just, kind of generic RPGs outside of the Western theme.
Sadly Stranger's Wrath isn't compatible with the 360. It is such a cool game.

SteelAttack said:bugsonglass said:watch No Country For Old MenLoved it. My wife didn't.
i can imagine
Lucasart's Outlaws is my favorite western video game ever made.
Unfortunately, it's not on any console.
Ravenprose said:
Lucasart's Outlaws is my favorite western video game ever made.
Unfortunately, it's not on any console.
That was a fantastic game!

I thought Strangers wrath was on Xbox Originals as a download?
Anyhow, Red Dead revolver was cool like people said. Generally I'm not a western fan in that the setting is all desert and prety bland. I prefer variety in environments even the old snow/lava etc cliche.
Timesplitters 2 has a decent western level.
rragnaar said:robio said:There's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath which is excellent, for the original Xbox. Not sure if it's been adapted for BC or not on the 360.
The Wild ARMS games, particularly the later ones in the series have a strong Western feel to them, though frankly they're not much fun. I wouldn't say they're bad either. Just, kind of generic RPGs outside of the Western theme.
Sadly Stranger's Wrath isn't compatible with the 360. It is such a cool game.
That's a damned shame. I figured with that game coming out only a year before the 360 launched that it would have been made compatible with a firmware update. Freaking crime I tell you.

I'd definitely pick this up if I can. Probably the best western game right now. Only Red Dead Redemption might be better.
Also, if you like fantasy or dark westerns, Wild ARMs 5 and Darkwatch are really cool.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
robio said:rragnaar said:robio said:There's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath which is excellent, for the original Xbox. Not sure if it's been adapted for BC or not on the 360.
The Wild ARMS games, particularly the later ones in the series have a strong Western feel to them, though frankly they're not much fun. I wouldn't say they're bad either. Just, kind of generic RPGs outside of the Western theme.
Sadly Stranger's Wrath isn't compatible with the 360. It is such a cool game.
That's a damned shame. I figured with that game coming out only a year before the 360 launched that it would have been made compatible with a firmware update. Freaking crime I tell you.
Microsoft killed Oddworld.
- Red Dead Revolver
- Gun
- Call of Juarez
- Call of Juarez 2
Has anyone played any of the above listed? Any more games that I should be aware of in this genre?