Forum > Gaming Discussion > What are you most/least excited about from E3 so far?
What are you most/least excited about from E3 so far?
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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:17:13

What are you most and least excited about from E3 so far? Thought I make this thread so we can talk about it and share are thoughts.

For me, with the obvious games like Dragon Quest IX, Zelda Skyward Sword, etc., I'm ecstatic by the 3DS. As far as I'm concerned, that is next-gen! Everything else from Sony, MS, and even from Nintendo became trivial once I realized the pure awsomeness of the 3DS and those amazing games shown for it.

As a huge handheld gamer for many years, this is like the epitome of everything I wanted! Kid Icarus, Ocarina of Time, Star Fox, Mario Kart, Resident Evil, Super Street Fighter IV, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy...and that's just the beginning! surprised.gif

That's what I'm most excited about. I didn't even care for any of the games from Sony or MS to be honest because I already knew what to expect. The 3DS is ALL I care about!

And I guess Kinect was the biggest low point of the show. I really think this will go down in history as the biggest fail ever in the game industry, even more than the Virtual Boy or Philips CD-I. It's really horrible. Seeing MS trying to be like Nintendo is so...what's the word...pathetic.

Anyway, that's what I'm most/least excited about.

What about you guys?


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:26:14

Most Excited: 3DS is Backward Compatible.
Least Excited: Microsoft throwing away its money and reputation with Kinect.

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:29:34

aspro said:

Most Excited: 3DS is Backward Compatible.
Least Excited: Microsoft throwing away its money and reputation with Kinect.

Yeah, Kinect looks really bad.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:47:50

Excited? Not so much. I'm looking forward to a lot of stuff, which ranges from the obvious, like GT5 or Fable III, to less hyped games such as Journey or Eat Them, going through Silent Hill, Dead Space 2 and Portal 2. But that's it. Excitement will slowly build up as time goes by. 

Least excited? That Kinnect stuff, worst way of doing motion controls, in my opinion. And even though Move seems to do a better job, since it's apeing the Wii remote, I'm not too hot on it either. Overall, the feeling of "me too" and abundance of motion controls, a feature that, except for a few selected examples, has done nothing for me. 

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 03:06:15

I'm most excited for:


  • Donkey Kong Country Returns: I've wanted a new side-scrolling DK game ever since DK Jungle Beat, and Nintendo finally delivered.
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn: It's just too cute to dislike. I'm a big fan of weird art styles in games, and this fits that bill perfectly.
  • Epic Mickey: Warren Spector + Mickey Mouse + Dark world = awesome in my book. Love the art style, and the whole paint/erase gameplay concept.
  • Zelda Skyward Sword: Finally, another cell-shaded Zelda a home consoles. I was ready to write this game off, but after seeing it's graphics and new MotionPlus gameplay, I'm sold.

3DS: The 3DS system sounds like it'll be a really cool device, and appears likely to have TONS of third-party support.

  • Pilotwings: I can't believe that after all these years, Nintendo is finally, finally going to release a new Pilotwings game! I loved the first two, especially Pilotwings 64. Add the 3D element to a flying game, and you could have epic win on your hands.
  • Kid Icarus: Wow, Nintendo really surprised me with this game. I never thought they'd release a new Kid Icarus game. It's just been too long. I'm very glad though.
  • Animal Crossing: I've been addicted to AC ever since the Gamecube original, and this will be a must-buy for me. I just hope Nintendo leaves out that annoying animal tracks feature that ruins all the grass; I really hated that feature in AC: City Folk.
  • Mario Kart: This is another game that just makes perfect sense on 3DS. It's MK, and I'm certain I'll love it.
  • Street Fighter IV: SFIV on 3DS? Is this for real? Man, I certainly hope so! I have a 360, but I really don't want to play it on that system due to the awful D-pad. Also, fighting games are perfect for a quick pick-up-and-play game.

Rayman Origins: Not sure what platforms this will be coming out on, but I'm happy that Rayman is back!

Not excited for:

Kinect: I was hoping MS would somehow surprise me with this device, but nothing about it appeals to me. The tech is kinda cool, but I just don't see it as a fun way to play games.

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 03:51:57

The 3DS is a damned cool system. If there's really going to be this much third party support for it I'll be all over it the day of launch.  I'm a little nervous it won't all come to pass, but based on the super amount of positive publicity the 3DS is receiving I can't see too many developers backing away at this point.

As for my personal favorites that I've seen:

  • Kid Icarus - huge surprise and it just looks awesome
  • Epic Mickey - had it not already been announced it would have been my pick for #1
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns - about fucking time
  • Sonic Colours - does that make me stupid?
  • The lucha libre wrestling game from Konami - it's like every wrestler will be Starman

The only real disappoints were maybe Kinnect since I think I was secretly hoping it would turn out cool, and the lack of footage for DQ IX and X.  Oh well maybe as the week progresses.  Overall though it was a good show this year. Quite happy.

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 06:20:00

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:35:14

aspro said:

Least Excited: Microsoft throwing away its money and reputation with Kinect.

How can that be least excited? Did you not watch the Ubisoft Vitality Sensor with that breathing game? Seriously, if anyone says there is a less exciting game of the show they are waaaaay off.


SteelAttack said:

Least excited? That Kinnect stuff, worst way of doing motion controls, in my opinion. And even though Move seems to do a better job, since it's apeing the Wii remote, I'm not too hot on it either. Overall, the feeling of "me too" and abundance of motion controls, a feature that, except for a few selected examples, has done nothing for me.

There's only a couple of Move games which are worth it IMO. Socom, Killzone and Heroes of Move I think it was called. Really it's going to be an option in shooters. I thought there would be some better core games using Kinect and Move. I thought Sony and MS would really bring it and blow Wii out of the water, but it doesn't seem to have happened. Elebits 2 with Kinect? Bring it. Only they didn't Sad

Okay, for me I was kinda disappointed by Zelda. Yeah I know, don't crucify me it's one of my favourite series. I still remember what it was like 2004 when they showed off Twilight Princess. I was expecting Nintendo to bring it with some awesome, epic trailer with Conan music and a continuation of the Twilight Princess style - especially because Miyamoto hinted at it ages ago. Instead they open with a very short, disjointed video, then fluffed the on stage demo.

You got no sense of story or of the world or elements. All I know is that Link lives on a cloud and uses motionplus for many things. And I'm kinda annoyed with archery, there is no better, more accurate and faster way of aiming on wii than using IR. They got it right before, changing it to this Sports resorts setup sounds finnicky. Are you going to be able to quickly shoot off a group of moblins with these controls?

But yeah, least excited for the Ubi sensor game.

Most excited would be 3DS. If nintendo had shown nothing else at all apart from 3DS at the conference, it still would have been the best conference. When the lineup of games was announced my eyes were popping out of my head. It's pretty much an unprecedented lineup, coupling with 1st party greats and the best of 3rd parties. 3D movies at home as well? An analog stick, all the other gubbins too. Just sounds awesome and I will buy it day 1.

In terms of games, you know my head tells me Goldeneye is going to be sucky, but my heart wants it to work because of nostalgia. Eurocom are pretty well versed in the GC/PS2 generation of hardware and did a great job on Dead Space Extraction so I'm fairly optimistic.

But the game I'm most looking forward to is Epic Mickey. It looks miles better than the screens we saw last year and seems to have bags of character. I love how SMG has influenced all these 3D platformers to have side scrolling sections now too. The reason I like the look of Epic mickey is because Castle of Illusion is probably my favourite Genesis game and I loved the SNES Mickey mouse games too. He's an iconic character often abused by Disney but it looks like Spectors fandom is bringing us something really special. I also love platforming games, 2D or 3D but have seen the genre pretty much die out except for sporadic efforts, since FPS took over.

I want to be swamped in awesome platformers, to sleep in a giant cardboard box, covered in platforming game discs.

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:03:08
I'll go a bit different and say most excited for Rockband 3.  I wasn't expecting to be interested, but then they broke out the keyboard and pro-mode.  I actually tried to put together this exact thing on PC using a MIDI cable connector and a free game for the purposes, but it was just laggy, and even then it's a bit much.  Rockband's implementation looks perfect, and exactly what I want.

Not so much least excited, but Zelda, I am disappoint.  Precisely as GG said, they didn't break out the fanfare at all, no epic trailer, unexciting demo even without the technical glitches.  I know what Zelda is, I wanted the hype.  Superficial, yes, but still a letdown.  Honestly I tend to wonder if Nintendo intentionally botched the presentation to play down Zelda so it didn't overshadow the rest of their insane conference.


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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:09:32

gamingeek said:
aspro said:

Least Excited: Microsoft throwing away its money and reputation with Kinect.

How can that be least excited? Did you not watch the Ubisoft Vitality Sensor with that breathing game? Seriously, if anyone says there is a less exciting game of the show they are waaaaay off.


Oh come on, don't know breathing. It can be pretty hard.

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 01:10:24
Most excited :  3ds by far especially with that huge library and  the 3d camera which will be a neat bonus.

Also excited for Portal 2 for the puzzles and humor, epic mickey for the awesome content and concept and goldeneye for an revised old school split screen shooter.

Disappointed: I thought there would be more for Kinetic with some third party stepping up but no. Even Move I thought would have a little more. And yeah, wanted more revealed for Zelda. And no Pikmin news!
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