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What game made you buy that console?
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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:06:10

What games did you see in preview or elsewhere that made you say, "That does it, I'm buying that console!"

(Almost all consoles omitted due to no single game influence).

Dreamcast: I saw Ready to Rumble on ZDTV.  Got in my car and went and bought it.

Xbox: I saw a screen shot of Halo in EGM. It was a low angle picture of Master Chief walking through some water outside.  I sent Mrs. Aspro out to get it right away.

PS1: Saw Parrapa the Rapper in a Tower Records.

GameBoy: Saw Metroid II at Target.

SNES: Donkey Kong Country at a friends house.

Wonderswan: Gunpey

Edited: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 04:55:48

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:22:27
In order of chronologically attained.

NES  - I didn't choose, and I was ~2 years old.

Game Boy - I don't even remember when I got this.

SNES - Super Mario World.  Played it at a demo kiosk, had to have it.

N64  - Mario Kart 64.  A local game shop had a thing where you could play in the store for something like a half hour or hour for a dollar.  What was played could not be unplayed.

GameCube - I didn't choose, got it as a gift, before I had any inclination of getting it.

Game Boy Advance - No particular game that I played, but Golden Sun's previews looked amazing.

Nintendo DS - No particular game that I played, but I don't really have a choice when it comes to the first real 2D Mario platformer in 15 years.

Wii - Oddly enough, issues not pertaining to Wii titles.

Xbox - Randomly given.

Playstation 2 - Randomly given.
Edited: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:23:56


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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:26:57
There have been a few games that made me buy a console.

  • Mario Kart DS's demo at a Wal-Mart finally convinced me the DS would be great. One of my best buys ever. Bought Mario Kart DS with the Phat.
  • I bought a Dreamcast just for Capcom VS SNK
  • I got a PS2 just because of hype and the DVD player. But I think Dragon Quest VIII and Final Fantasy XII are system sellers.
  • Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix made me finally want a next-gen console. So I got a 360 late last year and had no regrets!
  • A lot of games on the Wii made me want one, mostly the Nintendo games. I always wanted one but Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the announcement of Dragon Quest X was enough for me to say it was worth it.
  • I don't really remember any particular game that made me want a PSP, but I think seeing Tekken Dark Resurrection in action blew me away. So that's probably why I wanted a PSP.
  • And finally, I upgraded my PC for Company of Heroes. It's still my favorite RTS to this day!
  • And last but definitely not least, the more I watch, read about, and play Uncharted 2 at my cousin's house, I definitely have to get a PS3. I'd get the system just for that game. It's a system-seller.

And these are my choices on what I think are system-sellers. I'd buy a console just for these games:

N64 - Zelda Ocarina of Time
GBA - Zelda Minish Cap or Metroid Zero Mission
DS - New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart DS, or Dragon Quest IX
Wii - Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Monster Hunter Tri, Zelda 2010, or Dragon Quest X
360 - Gears of War 2
PS2 - Dragon Quest VIII or Final Fantasy XII
PS3 - Uncharted 2, Final Fantasy XIII
PSP - Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Tekken 6, or MGS Peace Walker ( WinkWink to Dvader! J/K)
Multi-Platform - Super Street Fighter IV (worth getting any system just for this game! Hear that Robio? Isn't it time for you to upgrade to a 360 or PS3 for Super Street Fighter IV!? WinkWink )

Edited: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:27:26


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:50:26
Atari 2600: Breakout ( First video game I ever played)

Atari 7800: Ms. Pac-Man (near arcade perfect port of Ms. Pac-Man? Sign me up! Grinning )

Sega Master System: Rambo (reminded me of Commando on the 2600/7800, which were two of my favorite shooters at that time)

Sega Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog  (Once I saw that game in motion, I had to have it)

Sega CD: Sonic CD (it looked too good to be true)

Sega 32X: Virtua Racing Deluxe (OMG! It looked fantastic and it had two more tracks than the arcade did!)

SNES: Super Mario World (Still the best Mario game to date)

Atari Lynx: Stun Runner (Stun Runner was an awesome arcade game, which was never ported to any other home console at the time)

N64: Super Mario 64 (come on, it's Mario . . . in three dimensions!)

Virtual Boy: Red Alarm (I was a HUGE fan of Starfox during this time, so I bought it and the console . . . after both were heavily marked down at Babbage's)

Sega Saturn: Daytona USA (one of my all time favorite arcade racing games)

3DO: Super Street Fighter II Turbo (the only place to play this game back then)

PS1: Doom (I didn't own a PC at that time, and a Doom 1 & 2 compilation with improved graphics and sound was just too good to pass up)

Atari Jaguar: Tempest 2000 (I played this game at a friends house. I bought the game and console a few days later)

Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure (Yeah, it pretty much sucked, but when I saw the graphics the first time, I was sold on the console)

Gamecube: Wave Rave: Blue Storm (loved the original, and the sequel looked light years better)

Xbox: Halo: CE (it looked badass in the gaming mags)

DS: Super Mario 64 DS (specifically, the touch-screen mini-games sold me on the console)

Wii: Excite Truck (first Wii game I played, and I loved it)

Xbox 360: Perfect Dark Zero (Sequel to the best N64 FPS, so it was a must-play for me)

Edited: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:53:16

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:53:37
Ravenprose said:
Perfect Dark Zero (Sequel to the best N64 FPS, so it was a must-play for me)  



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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:54:57

Yodariquo said:
Ravenprose said:
Perfect Dark Zero (Sequel to the best N64 FPS, so it was a must-play for me)



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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:56:18
Ravenprose said:


Because Perfect Dark Zero sucked.


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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:58:25

Yodariquo said:

Because Perfect Dark Zero sucked.

Did you play it?

I enjoyed the game. Sure, it's not as good as PD, but it's still a lot of fun to play.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 03:02:41
Ravenprose said:

Did you play it?

I enjoyed the game. Sure, it's not as good as PD, but it's still a lot of fun to play.

Played the co-op.  Not so great.


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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 03:32:16

Xbox: Halo 2 and Ninja Gaiden. I was late getting into the Xbox. At first I was pretty skeptical about Microsoft hanging around in the console scene.

Gamecube: Resident Evil 4. Another system I picked up later in it's lifecycle.

Playstation 2: Got it day one. I can't remember off-hand which one particular game sold me on the system.

Xbox 360: Dead or Alive 4, Oblivion, Gears of War, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, and probably seeing some other up and comers I can't recall at the moment.

Playstation 3: Metal Gear Solid 4 and there were usually some other pretty good early games that I wanted to get like Ridge Racer 7 but it's pretty steep price was generally a barrier for me for awhile.

Wii: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and the idea of the VC in general were the main selling points for me.


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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 05:01:07
Just simple games rather than general lists:


Playstation: Tekken 3. Best fighting game ever!

Playstation 2: SSX. It looked awesome at the time. Nyaa And it was awesome, actually!

Playstation 3: Metal Gear Solid 4. After 3 previous ones, I had to know how it all ended!

Nintendo DS: the fact that I could get it for $50. Nyaa Korg DS-10?!


N64: okay, this one probably didn't have a single game in particular. Let's just say Turok or platformers. Nyaa I really should buy some...

GameCube: I'm not entirely sure, but probably The Wind Waker. Maybe Luigi's Mansion, which I still haven't got.

Wii: Twilight Princess! 'Nough said.


Dreamcast: Virtua Tennis. Best tennis game around, and one of the best sports titles. So strangely hilarious.

Oh wait! Sad

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 05:34:34

GBA: Metroid Fusion

Gamecube: Metroid Prime

PS2: GT4 (i ended up hardly playing it but made excellent use of the console nonetheless)

XBox: Forza

Wii: Twilight Princess

PSP: The promise of a Fumito Ueda game Sad

PS3: It was the combination of again the promise of a Fumito Ueda game (which we now know as the last guardian), Little Big Planet and also SFIV (which i hardly played)

Don't have a 360 but Forza 3 tempted me


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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:04:13

Funny thing is, most of the consoles I have I didn't buy. Parents mostly bought them and they kinda fell into 'our' posession. Though for the two most recent things...

*DS LIte - I used to have a long commute to university, and I needed something to kill the time. After getting a good handle of a DS, I soon after bought one, with the first few games being Mario Kart DS and Pokemon Pearl. Still use it quite regularly.

*Xbox 360 - Not for a game specifically, but for the Xbox Live Arcade mostly. I loved that there was a lot of great games on the service, and I needed something to alternate what I'm normally playing. That, and I saw Banjo Nuts & Bolts was cheap.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:55:17

I don't think I bought most systems because of one single game.

I guess the ones I vaguely remember would be the SNES for Streetfighter 2 and Super Mario World. The N64 for Super Mario 64.

Dreamcast was for a collection of games, I guess Shenmue and Jet Grind Radio were the main ones.

GC, errrrr, Rogue Squadron probably. Holy shit the first time that game was shown.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 11:22:37

gamingeek said:

I don't think I bought most systems because of one single game.

I guess the ones I vaguely remember would be the SNES for Streetfighter 2 and Super Mario World. The N64 for Super Mario 64.

Dreamcast was for a collection of games, I guess Shenmue and Jet Grind Radio were the main ones.

GC, errrrr, Rogue Squadron probably. Holy shit the first time that game was shown.

My first GC game. So fucking amazing.

Actually definitely didn't get the GC for TWW as I got it a fair bit befor eit came out.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:17:06

The Atari and NES were bought by my parents, and I can't really recall just one game that I wanted. As far as the others there was just about always one game that pushed me over the line.

Gameboy - Final Fantasy Legend 2. I had two friends who both had the game and it was freaking awesome.  Had to have my own copy.

SNES - Final Fantasy 2 (IV). I played it on my cousin's SNES and that game completely sold me on it. The music was unreal. I HAD to have it. And that summer I saved up every dime I could to buy one of my own.

Playstation - Street Figther Alpha. I was in college at this time, and some other guys in my dorm had a PSX and when I saw that the console version was just as good as the arcade (it wasn't quite, but it was close enough) I knew I was ready to buy the console.  Oddly enough I never actually bought the game because when I finally had the money, Alpha 2 was right around the corner so I just held off for that one. But SFA was the game that made me say, "okay I should buy this system."

N64 - Ocarina of Time. This was kind of the opposite of the PSX. I actually bought the game before I bought the console. I took a girl I was dating to the local game store to buy a copy of it for her brother for Christmas, and something in me snapped and I decided I needed a copy of it too, despite not having anything to play it on. I ended up renting an N64 from Blockbuster to try it out and quickly realized I made the right decision. I managed to get my parents to buy me an N64 for Xmas a few weeks later.

PS2 - Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland. It's Harvest Moon AND it's in 3-D!!! I MUST HAVE THIS GAME!!!  So I bought a slightly used PS2 on eBay for about $15 less than retail cost and that was that.

Gamecube - This is kind of a funny one.  I bought the GC so I could get the Zelda compilation that was being bundled with the system and not for any particularly Zelda games. Sadly I ran into some major finances problems shortly afterwards and had to sell the the system and game. I did end up getting the GC again about a year later since I had played a few other games and determined it was a system worth having, but sadly I was never able to get the game compliation again.

As far as my other systems the GBA, DS, and PSP were purchased for the overall strength of their libraries rather than individuals games. And I got the Wii for the same reason, with the Virtual Console factoring as a major reason as well.

Edited: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:21:35
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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:51:29

Funny story, I won my first Xbox from Xbox World Magazine, in a funny caption contest.

The picture was Bill Gates with a weird shocked face pointing to an Xbox. At the time the news just broke that there would be parental controls.

I think my joke was something about Bill trying to watch adult dvds on it and not being able too. All in all, it's the only joke I've made with real world payback.

It came with Halo, Max Payne and Dead or Alive 3. After a few weeks it became my first ebay transaction as I milked those early adopters for mucho cash. I spent most of that cash on buying a GC with Rogue Squadron, Wave Race and Luigi's Mansion. I sold Luigi's mansion and Wave race, which I still regret.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 15:39:02

gamingeek said:

Funny story, I won my first Xbox from Xbox World Magazine, in a funny caption contest.

The picture was Bill Gates with a weird shocked face pointing to an Xbox. At the time the news just broke that there would be parental controls.

I think my joke was something about Bill trying to watch adult dvds on it and not being able too. All in all, it's the only joke I've made with real world payback.

It came with Halo, Max Payne and Dead or Alive 3. After a few weeks it became my first ebay transaction as I milked those early adopters for mucho cash. I spent most of that cash on buying a GC with Rogue Squadron, Wave Race and Luigi's Mansion. I sold Luigi's mansion and Wave race, which I still regret.


i can't believe you don't remember your actual winning caption though.  

love wave race and luigi's mansion.  really hope they get wii sequels.  i'd have thought the wii would fit luigi's mansion like a glove for controls, but what do i know


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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 18:38:47
The early system were just given to me so I had no real say in the matter.

Saturn - I was a sega fanboy

Playstation - Resident Evil

Dreamcast - Resident Evil Code Veronica

PS2 - Metal Gear Solid 2 and everything the PS brand offers

Gamecube - Resident Evil

Xbox - Star Wars: KOTOR

Wii - Zelda: TP

PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4

Future purchase of 360 - that feeling of missing out on awesome games, there is no one that makes me go over the edge though.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 19:24:40

Dvader said:
The early system were just given to me so I had no real say in the matter.

Saturn - I was a sega fanboy

Playstation - Resident Evil

Dreamcast - Resident Evil Code Veronica

PS2 - Metal Gear Solid 2 and everything the PS brand offers

Gamecube - Resident Evil

Xbox - Star Wars: KOTOR

Wii - Zelda: TP

PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4.

I see a pattern emerging. You're big on your franchises. Star wars, MGS, RE, Sega.

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