PS3 Slim model WITH backward compatibility
PS3 any model WITH backward compatibility
Mario Galaxy 2
New non-handheld Zelda
Kid Icarus announcement (already been described as the worst kept secret in gaming, but here's hoping they finally make it official)
DLC for Mario Kart
Kingdom Hearts 3 announcment (preferrably on the Wii)
Dragon Quest X footage
Chrono Break announcement
A half way decent freaking Mana game not on a handheld
That pretty much sums up everything I'd really like to see. Most of the SE stuff is pipedream material, but a guy can hope.
No exclusives what so ever. If i can't have them no one can

Truthfully though:
- New Forza
- A good Banjo game (as in ... a platformer)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator
- SSX 5 (lack of SSX is getting ridiculous)
- New game by Media Molecule
- DMC 5
- More first party games
- Proper Jak and Daxter game (or has one been announced?)
- New Ratchet game
- A concrete date for Gran Turismo (it was announced before the PSP was
- Team ICO project. (there was supposed to be one, then there was none
- A new 2D Castlevania (like, a proper new game, not a remake)
- Yakuza PSP
- Daxter 2
- Gradius VII or a brand new Konami space shooter
- All the games raven said
- New Paper Mario (More in line with the first 2)
- Metroid Prime game
- Super Mario Paintball (a shooter in the mario kingdom that the whole family can enjoy, with fully featured online like Mario Kart)
- Mario Tennis and Mario Golf (making great use of WM+)
- Bunch of new Professor Layton games localised
- New Super Mario Bros 2
- Metroid Dread or whatever they want to call a brand new 2D metroid
- New castlevania
- More Advance Wars
- More Fire Emblem
- Mario & Luigi (Release date for 3, announcement for 4
- Contra V
- Metal Slug VIII
- More square-enix remakes and new games
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI want to be suprised be all new innovate stuff.
Otherwise just a Motionplus Zelda and I want Beautiful Ocean to be the sequel it could be and use wii speak and have a decent online more with more to do. And worldwide support, not just regional online.
An Oblivion sequel would be most welcome too. And a localised Rhythm tengoku gba.
And hell, Castle of Illusion on the virtual console please.
I'd love to see a new Killer Instict and Perfect Dark. I'd really love to see something new from Epic Games. A new Zelda and/or Mario game for the Wii would be awesome. Oh yeah and shouldn't it be about time to see how that Castlevania game for the 360/PS3 is doing.
For Wii:
The new Zelda
Pikmin 3
For 360:
See what the motion sensor controller is like so that I can sit here slack jawed or laugh my ass off.
- Phantasy Star (Wii)
- Ogre Battle (Wii)
- Panzer Dragoon (Wii)
- Kid Icarus (Wii)
- Sigma Harmonics (NDS)
- Soma Bringer (NDS)
- The World Ends With You 2 (NDS)
- Ogre Battle 64 (NDS)
- Metroid Dread (NDS)
- Band Bros. (NDS)
- Champions of Norrath (PS3)
- CastleVania (PS3)
- Shin Megami Tensei (PS3)
Am I the only one who doesn't want pikmin 3?
Make something else.
gamingeek said:Am I the only one who doesn't want pikmin 3?
Make something else.
I've never played a Pikmin game. I don't want a third one either.
gamingeek said:Am I the only one who doesn't want pikmin 3?
Make something else.
that was evil and uncalled for. what have the pikmin ever done to you? shame on you. YOU make something else. and make sure you have no plans of going on a "boycott pikmin 3" crusade.
i want pikmin 3 like nao.
bugsonglass said:gamingeek said:Am I the only one who doesn't want pikmin 3?
Make something else.
that was evil and uncalled for. what have the pikmin ever done to you? shame on you. YOU make something else. and make sure you have no plans of going on a "boycott pikmin 3" crusade.
i want pikmin 3 like nao.
I love Pikmin and I'm someday going to pick up the second game. But they aren't successful and I'd rather see a new IP or a kick ass game based on an older IP. Kid Icarus perhaps?
Nobody is really salivating and leading the call for a pikmin sequel.
gamingeek said:I love Pikmin and I'm someday going to pick up the second game. But they aren't successful and I'd rather see a new IP or a kick ass game based on an older IP. Kid Icarus perhaps?
Nobody is really salivating and leading the call for a pikmin sequel.
How could a Kid Icarus game kick ass?
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:I love Pikmin and I'm someday going to pick up the second game. But they aren't successful and I'd rather see a new IP or a kick ass game based on an older IP. Kid Icarus perhaps?
Nobody is really salivating and leading the call for a pikmin sequel.
How could a Kid Icarus game kick ass?
How could it not, and how could you ask such a question you godless heathen?
gamingeek said:bugsonglass said:gamingeek said:Am I the only one who doesn't want pikmin 3?
Make something else.
that was evil and uncalled for. what have the pikmin ever done to you? shame on you. YOU make something else. and make sure you have no plans of going on a "boycott pikmin 3" crusade.
i want pikmin 3 like nao.
I love Pikmin and I'm someday going to pick up the second game. But they aren't successful and I'd rather see a new IP or a kick ass game based on an older IP. Kid Icarus perhaps?
Nobody is really salivating and leading the call for a pikmin sequel.
Both Pikmin games were million sellers. For a new IP in the strategy genre and a pretty understated game i would think that's fairly successful. i also don't see how making pikmin 3 is mutually exclusive to making a new IP or a kid icarus game. Nintendo should have (or at least have the money to hire) enough development teams to make all those games. For me personally the (unspoken) promise of pikmin 3 was as influential a factor in buying a wii as a new Mario and Metroid Prime game. having loved both the gamecube games i'd love to see what they can do specifically with the wii in mind and i'd love to try my hand at the wii controls without having to buy the two games i already have in their NPC edition. I just can't see why there is anything what so ever negative in developing pikmin 3.
i think you would feel different if you had played P2. as it is you have that to look forward to, for me and others who played it there is only P3 to look forward to
bugsonglass said:gamingeek said:bugsonglass said:gamingeek said:Am I the only one who doesn't want pikmin 3?
Make something else.
that was evil and uncalled for. what have the pikmin ever done to you? shame on you. YOU make something else. and make sure you have no plans of going on a "boycott pikmin 3" crusade.
i want pikmin 3 like nao.
I love Pikmin and I'm someday going to pick up the second game. But they aren't successful and I'd rather see a new IP or a kick ass game based on an older IP. Kid Icarus perhaps?
Nobody is really salivating and leading the call for a pikmin sequel.
Both Pikmin games were million sellers. For a new IP in the strategy genre and a pretty understated game i would think that's fairly successful. i also don't see how making pikmin 3 is mutually exclusive to making a new IP or a kid icarus game. Nintendo should have (or at least have the money to hire) enough development teams to make all those games. For me personally the (unspoken) promise of pikmin 3 was as influential a factor in buying a wii as a new Mario and Metroid Prime game. having loved both the gamecube games i'd love to see what they can do specifically with the wii in mind and i'd love to try my hand at the wii controls without having to buy the two games i already have in their NPC edition. I just can't see why there is anything what so ever negative in developing pikmin 3.
i think you would feel different if you had played P2. as it is you have that to look forward to, for me and others who played it there is only P3 to look forward to
Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy and Zelda, all games which sell at or over 5 million each. Smash and Galaxy are near 8 million?
Pikmin just isn't anywhere near that. Even paper mario sells 2.5 mil.
I guess the negative of making Pikmin 3 is that the team could be making something else. Something different. I dont think I personally need 3 pikmin games.
I guess I feel that way because I dont own Pikmin 2 and so how can I be excited for Pikmin 3?
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:I love Pikmin and I'm someday going to pick up the second game. But they aren't successful and I'd rather see a new IP or a kick ass game based on an older IP. Kid Icarus perhaps?
Nobody is really salivating and leading the call for a pikmin sequel.
How could a Kid Icarus game kick ass?
E3 is next week (Woot?). So, what games/perpherials/other are you hoping will be announced?
TBH, I'm really not all that excited for E3 this year, but some great announcements could quickly change that.