Yeah I felt the same way about FPS. Playing the newer ones with dual analogue felt like playing the same games again and again with a visual bump. Apart from a few I usually only play IR shooters because I like the accuracy and twitch feeling that makes it feel like you are realy aiming. Sadly there aren't many decent IR shooters out there as FPS devs like to go all out on the visuals.
Otherwise its one on one fighters, including Smash Bros and Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, Tekken, SF4 etc.
And racers, unless they are the futuristic or fun mario kart style.
jRPGs don't hold much interest for me anymore. Once upon a time they were unquestionably my favorite game - during the SNES and PS1 era. Particularly on the PS1. In fact, I played literally every game put out on that console except for Vagrant Story and Rings of Fate. My interest was likely killed by burn out, but also by FFX.
I'll still pick one up if there looks like there's something original to it, or if its a Dragon Quest game (that series is my warm blanket of nostalgia). For the most part I heartily ignore them these days though.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileListen to Iced Earth and play Doom

Foolz said:not sure about genres, but demos.I used to play a hell of a lot of demos, but barely play them now. That's due to demo discs dying out. I don't like having to download everything.
I stopped playing demos when I missed out on too many good games by trying god-awful demos.
Coopersville said:Racing games. After NFS: Underground 2, I stopped playing them for the most part, when they almost all became car porn and driving sims. Ridge Racer is still OK.
Yeah, I'm the same way. After Burnout 3, I'd had my fill. I am (as I have often noted) still looking forward to GT5, I figure that will be my long game indulgence for 2010.
Ravenprose said:Fighting games mostly. I used to love fighting games back in the 90's, especially Street Fighter, but I lost all interest in them this decade.
The only fighter I got into heavily was the Dreamcast Soul Calibur. Since then, I've not been interested at all. I keep buying them, but... I just can't get into them. I think the key to good fighting games is good friends who come to your house to play them.
bugsonglass said:PC RTSs i think. actually i've come to the conclusion that i never really liked the genre all that much but my insane love for starcraft made me think i did. i tried many since but i just couldn't get drawn in. starcraft 2 will be the real test.
The first and last RTS I got into was Castles II for the 486. RTS games generally overwhelm me. I'm one of those gamers who doesn't like the feeling that I'm missing out on something, so when the action moves so rapidly I feel like I'm a loser. I guess SimCity is an RTS, when you think about it, and that was something that defined my PC experience for about a decade (up until SimCity 4).
Basically, what genre did you used to dig, but now can do with or without. For me it's FPS games. they used to be my go to - I'd always have a JRPG and FPS going at the same time, but I became burnt out on them. All the conventions and settings just started to repeat over and over until they blended into large charactures of what they once were (is this a blue FPS or a brown FPS?). While no improvements were made in little things (like why can't I still not see my legs).
I'd always just end up going with the shotgun and turning everygame into a mellee battle to entertain myself.
I still will play 3-4 a year, but usually I start to get tired of them pretty quickly. IR FPS' at least are offering me a new look at the genre.