I'm sure I'll feel much better about owning a WiiU this time next year. I just hope that by then I haven't gotten so accustomed to Steam that I couldn't be arsed about WiiU anymore. Seriously, as a long-time Nintendo fan, the amount of time I have spent playing on my WiiU is embarrasing.
Sup look at this, seriously: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/274516/black-ops-wii-looks-like-a-psp-game/
Oooh, you da MAN GG Seriously though, I envy the amount of time you manage to dictate to videogames and all things related. Heck, most weekends I'll be happy to get 1 hour of actual game time in.
SupremeAC said:Oooh, you da MAN GG
Seriously though, I envy the amount of time you manage to dictate to videogames and all things related. Heck, most weekends I'll be happy to get 1 hour of actual game time in.
I was just remembering Activisions usual COD crap. This thread was a mistake, took far longer than I would have liked, no easy lists to copy? Ah, check out the news page Sup.
Dvader said:At least 4 games I want coming up, good enough.
Which four?
Wonderful 101, Mario world, Rayman, an pikmin. I'm speaking this year only.
Oops forgot sonic, so that is five. I'm not counting the Luigi dlc that is not a new game.
Five is too much, I need to save some money. I think pikmin 3 is out till later. Rayman hits GTA week... I may just wait on that too.
Yes GG I am now complaining that Wii U has too many games I want.
Oh it's wonderful that comes out GTA week, who the fuck thought that was a good idea. That shit will be $15 in like a month.
Dvader said:Oh it's wonderful that comes out GTA week, who the fuck thought that was a good idea. That shit will be $15 in like a month.Oh
Guess I know when I'm picking up Rayman Legends!
Dvader said:Wonderful 101, Mario world, Rayman, an pikmin. I'm speaking this year only.
Oops forgot sonic, so that is five. I'm not counting the Luigi dlc that is not a new game.
I thought you didn't like Pikmin?
Are there any games on the list you are going to get for PS4 instead? Watchdogs?
Dvader said:Five is too much, I need to save some money. I think pikmin 3 is out till later.
End of August is this:
- Splinter Cell Blacklist (23rd)
- Pikmin 3 (25th)
- The Wonderful 101 (25th)
- Rayman a week later
It's a pretty good spread of games, just a shame it's all hitting at the back end of the year, a couple more good ones in Jan to now would have been great. What a shame Rayman and Pikmin were delayed and Aliens turned out to be shit.
Pikmin 3 and W101 are releasing on the same day? That doesn't seem like a good idea to me, they're too similar.
SupremeAC said:Pikmin 3 and W101 are releasing on the same day? That doesn't seem like a good idea to me, they're too similar.
Apparently W101 your characters, although it looks like they are individual they form this one big character and you just sort of shape them using the touch screen and it plays like a brawler. Pikmin you have individual pikmin, different uses, colours that you throw at different enemies. And build stuff. Very different but superficially yeah, quite similar. Bonus question, did you like Little Kings Story?
Out of the list I am interested in pretty much everything outside of Wii Party and Fit this year
Certs are:
- Mario 3DWorld
- Pikmin 3
- Wind Waker
- Rayman
- Deus Ex
The rest I am interested in but will wait on reviews to be sure. Since Scribblenauts didn't release in Europe I am looking forward to the DC version as a Justice League fan.
Going to get:
Little Inferno, Pikmin 3, Windwaker, DKC Tropical, Mario 3D, Kart 8, Yarn Yoshi
Possibly going to get:
Warioware, Luigi, Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, Cars
I wish BLOPS 2 would drop to £14 but COD never seems to price drop here. Darksiders 2 is pretty cheap, is it worth it Dvader? Will the combat annoy me? Do you need to have played the first?
I'll probably get LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes when it's as cheap as the ps3/360 versions.
Yeah GG I will be getting Watch Dogs on PS4.
Pikmin is a game I feel I could wait on, its not something I really feel I need to play right away. The issue for me is that Pikmin 3 would be the first big new game since launch for me. I was hoping Wonderful would have been the first. I feel like I need a new Wii U game (one of those, I dont need a GTA clone right now when I have a ton sitting on my shelf, sorry Lego) and I want to get that first one that hits cause Sept is going to be nuts and then its survival of the fittest.
I will end up with all those games I want at some point. I just have to see how things play out.
I liked Little King's Story. I didn't get far into it though. Couldn't get past the drunk king.
I suppose you're right, they're very different beasts. Still, that'll be hard to convey through a few blurbs on the back of the box.
Have they announced DQX for North America? I thought it was EU only?
Sonic Lost World is the only one that appeals to me, but one game does not make a console purchase.
Dvader said:The issue for me is that Pikmin 3 would be the first big new game since launch for me.
Lego City is more than just a GTA clone bro. In fact unless your backshelf of GTA clones has Banjo like gold brick hunting with Metroid Prime scanner, Prince of Persia like platforming, Seinfeld-esque comedy and custom made campaign based levels (separate from the city itself) than it's not like them at all. You didn't find the charm and comedy of Bully enough to overide its simpleness though so you might hate it.
aspro said:Sonic Lost World is the only one that appeals to me, but one game does not make a console purchase.
If you're new to Wii U and are considering a purchase immediately you have these availible (click for my personal reviews)
Wii U Hardware, controller and apps review
Now onto the calender
Rayman Legends (3rd)
DECEMBER - note I bundled in games confirmed for 2013 but with no firm release dates
(Note some dates given for America/Europe slight variations)
This orignally started out as a 5 minute blog but searching up release dates wasn't easy, feel it's worth a thread.