Forum > Gaming Discussion > What was your most overhyped game? (Stolen from GAF)
What was your most overhyped game? (Stolen from GAF)
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Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:36:30

What game were you most excited for?  So excited, so hyped, that you simply couldn't stand it.  Did that game deliver for you or was it a colossal disappointment?  My game was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Alright, here's my story.  I was a junior in college in 1998.  I was already hyped for Ocarina of a Time.   It was six years since the last proper Zelda.  I was already absorbing every videogame magazine with it on the cover.  I preordered the special edition from Best Buy, my first ever preorder.   I went to the movies to see the Star Wars Episode 1 trailer and the Zelda trailer came on as well.  Shit, I couldn't take much more hype!

  It was Thanksgiving week and school let out on a Tuesday, but Zelda didn't come out till Wednesday.  I had to stay in my dorm one more night because the Best Buy I preordered from was nearby.  I was dying to get home but not without my game.  I was bored out of my mind all Tuesday night catching a Zelda commercial every hour.  I was stuck! Best Buy didn't do midnight releases back then and I had to wait until ten am Wednesday morning.

  That morning, there's was about fifty of us waiting outside that Best Buy,  We made a beeline straight to the games section, picked Zelda up from the cart, and another beeline to the register.  It was fucking magical!

Edited: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:44:17
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Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:45:06

There's a couple but the first game that I really remember going into hype overdrive with was Super Street Fighter II. Four new challenges, new music, new voicework, revamped stages, and the returning fighters all get at least one new move (except for Guile who got a fucking knee-lift). How could you not be excited for that shit?? Look at those new fighters!  Look how huge T-Hawk is! Look at Cammy's ass! Fei-Long's leg is on fucking fire!!!  Deejay is..... yeah.  I bought any game magazine that had SSFII on the cover. I learned all the new moves before the game was even out. It was religion. Probably the first game I ever bought the day it came out.

Anyway the game lived up to the hype for me. Still love that game.

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Fri, 07 Nov 2014 05:29:36

Super Mario Galaxy. Nuff said.

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Fri, 07 Nov 2014 06:06:18

World Series Baseball 2K for the Dreamcast.

Oh the humanity. I remember every painful detail.

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Fri, 07 Nov 2014 08:21:52

I've been way hyped for tons of games over the years, most delivered for the most part. However, the one I can think of that definitely DID NOT deliver, was Too Human.

Too Human was hyped up not for years, but for GENERATIONS. It started as a Playstation game in the late 90's that was supposedly done. A 4 disc game that was going to be the epidome of what the PS1 could do. Gameplay was supposed to be a mix of Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 7.

Then, Nintendo bought them. They released that short video clip of the game at Spaceworld 2000 to show off the Gamecube, and the game was put on the backburner for years in favor of Eternal Darkness and I guess the Metal Gear Solid remake. But Silicon Knights were still hyping it as the best thing they had ever done that would now push the Gamecube to its limits.

Then, Silicon Knights dumps Nintendo and runs over to Microsoft to work exclusively on Xbox 360, and strike that deal to make a trilogy out of Too Human (as was all the rage at that time). Cuz, you know, when you can't even get ONE game done and released in a decade, why not up the number to THREE of them? So now, they were hyping this as one of the best most advanced games the Xbox 360 would ever see.

The final product ended up having NOTHING to do with the original vision of the PS1 game, which honestly seemed like a deeper game in all ways. And instead turned into a stripped down, simplified hack n slash game with a very strange control config that didn't seem like it knew what the hell it wanted to be.

I wonder why we never got those sequels?


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Fri, 07 Nov 2014 14:22:31

Mine was the first Bioshock I was so hyped for it I joined the Official 2K forums. Listened to the developer podcasts, preordered the limited edition and had it paid off months in advance. But when I played the game I thought it was good but I was a little let down because it wasn't completely how I thought it was going to play. It was really easy and I was expecting to have to think my way through the game and have some challenge. I didn't need to think much because the Vita Chambers revived you instantly.


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Fri, 07 Nov 2014 17:37:52
Ravenprose said:

Super Mario Galaxy. Nuff said.

That might've been my second most hyped game.  I was searching flea markets the week before release looking to catch someone who broke street date.

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Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:23:27

In recent memory: House of the Dead: Overkill. And it wasn't overhyped. It was hyped just right. No game had, at that time, more swear words in it.

Edited: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:24:14

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Sat, 08 Nov 2014 12:58:49

Super Metroid!

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Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:39:51
Ravenprose said:

Super Mario Galaxy. Nuff said.

I think this and Twilight Princess, just based on dat reveal trailer.

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Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:51:19

Dunno. I don't hype.

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Sun, 16 Nov 2014 09:01:25
aspro said:

World Series Baseball 2K for the Dreamcast.

Oh the humanity. I remember every painful detail.

Hey at least it had Pedro on the cover. I miss that guy....he was so fun to watch on top of the fact that he was unhittable at the time.


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Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:19:33
SteelAttack said:

Dunno. I don't hype.

Don't be such a bore Steel  Nyaa

I'd probably say Banjo-Kazooie.  I still remember when it was released somewhere in summer.  I'd asked for it for my birthday, but my parents interpreted that as I could only have it then, as opposed to ON RELEASE.  I nagged, begged and whined so hard for it that my dad put me in the care, drove me to the store, got the game and told me that if I'd ever nag like that again, I could give up hope of ever receiving anything again  Nyaa  Good times.

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Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:30:25

Either Twilight Princess or MGS4 were probably my two most hyped games and both delivered.

During my childhood it was Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Monday, insane levels of hype. It was the call of duty of the day, everyone couldn't wait to get it.

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Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:38:24
Dvader said:

Either Twilight Princess or MGS4 were probably my two most hyped games and both delivered.

During my childhood it was Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Monday, insane levels of hype. It was the call of duty of the day, everyone couldn't wait to get it.

Man, I remember that!  It truly was CoD levels of hype back in the day.

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Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:41:56
SupremeAC said:

Don't be such a bore Steel  Nyaa

I'd probably say Banjo-Kazooie.  I still remember when it was released somewhere in summer.  I'd asked for it for my birthday, but my parents interpreted that as I could only have it then, as opposed to ON RELEASE.  I nagged, begged and whined so hard for it that my dad put me in the care, drove me to the store, got the game and told me that if I'd ever nag like that again, I could give up hope of ever receiving anything again  Nyaa  Good times.

Not for that one but Tooie.  Another game released right before Thanksgiving.  I picked it up on the way home, played all evening.  The next day, I rode with my wife's (then girlfriend) family on a ten hour trip to Florida.  I packed up my N64 with Tooie and played it at Pensacola after Thanksgiving dinner. LOL  good times!

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Tue, 18 Nov 2014 08:47:50

I think Wii Launch with Twilight Princess and Wii Sports!


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