It is a ludicrous premise.
See Cell Processor.
How about you GG, you in a position to skype for 5 minutes?
gamingeek said:No mic and I don't even know my skype login
No problem. Putting together a "call-in" segment fo game under for big news, so if anything changes let me know.
aspro said:No problem. Putting together a "call-in" segment fo game under for big news, so if anything changes let me know.
Stinking thieves stole my mic laptop.
You know I started the thread under the premise of: maybe it's not that bad, what would make you happy to buy an Xbox One? And then immediately about 8 different implications of game installs immediately popped up.
Can no one think about what MS policy change they could do to make this workable and not objectionable?
GAF man said:Seriously guys, this shit is just shocking. If ever there was a revelation of how incompetent this industry is at the moment, this is it.
Here is a fucking company who actively has announced things that WILL negatively impact every single consumer on the market... and then, in an attempt to muddy the waters, released literally like five or six different versions of the story to try to pretend it wasn't a problem. Oh hey, WE CAN CONFIRM that no used games is false! Wait, I mean *you* won't pay a fee! See, no fee! Don't look behind the curtain, because we're about to tell you that your friends WILL have to pay! Now hold on, what we mean is you just can't lend games without your friend payin' a fee, you can still resell games! Wait a second, we're just discussing POTENTIAL SCENARIOS. Oh wait, think of it like it's a new game... NO FUCKERS, IT'S NOT A GODDAMN NEW GAME. YOU FUCKING DIRTY NO-GOOD ASSHOLES. Goddamn, Microsoft is the worst company ever. Where were the journalists with a list of all the stories being told about this subject, showing them to the latest bullshit artist representing the Xbox One and demanding some honest straight forward answers?
Ok, so what's next? Oh yeah, hey everyone...if you use CLOUD, the Xbox One will get a billion times stronger! A trillion! A zillion! "But wait," anyone with a shred of fucking intelligence responds, "what happens if the internet goes down? What happens if you don't have as faster of a connection? How would such shit get around the endless cloud service bottlenecks? How will it do any fucking thing you assholes say? Can a fucking game journalist do their job?" Find out at eleven o'clock!
No, you won't be able to rent games! Fuck that shit, what a privilege all you potential thieves out there have had for this long! How dare you have such a right, like trying these gargantuan bloated MODERN AAA pieces of garbage out so you don't waste $60 fucking bucks playing the latest 4 hour hallway corridor generation X-Z nonsense title produced almost entirely by eight thousand board rooms across the planet. But hey, it has multiplayer guys! The same fucking multiplayer you've played in Call of Duty twenty eight thousand times, but it's there! VALUE ADDED!
No, you won't be able to fucking use your games beyond 24 hours if you don't have an internet connection, because we believe your lardy, undeveloped asses are so goddamn lazy that you're willing to actively give up ownership privileges just so you can fucking swap games around a little easier! Of course, that's all bullshit, because this is all an elaborate scheme to fuck piracy up some more, even though every fucked up DRM scheme that has been tried this past generation has reamed honest, hard-working and hard-payin' consumers so far up the ass that they have gaping holes larger than what's at the center of the fucking Milky Way Galaxy.
Now there are obviously exceptions. Some game journalists are raging. But this shit is ridiculous. EVERY major website right now should be eviscerating Microsoft. IGN should be fucking vomiting at these decisions every five second around the clock until the system launches. They should be disemboweling these pathetic PR representatives of these hateful corporations, spitting their sludge all over the faces of everyone who ever purchased games from them, denying them even a second to mislead legions of consumers into thinking the system is anything except what it is: the world's biggest fucking cock being whipped out and slapped across your goddamn face!
Oh, what about this shit? Why is your focus during your GAME CONSOLE reveal fuckin' TV? Why have you chosen your philosophy? WHY should gamers take this shit lying down? WHAT BENEFIT DOES IT HAVE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!? For the love of Christ, someone ask some hard goddamn questions! You are all informed to the tit, please use your knowledge to slash these assholes throats so that all the bullshit will spill out and we'll stop having to swim through torrents of anti-consumer diarrhea!
Ravenprose said:gamingeek said:And when you say "when it turned itself on one day" you mean when Godmode hacked your webcam to watch you jerk off?
I hadn't thought of that.
I hope he wasn't jealous of my massive wang.
So jelly!
They could make the Xbox One workable by stopping every bullshit business move they are currently going forward with, and completely back to the business choices they used on the real Xbox 1.
Even then, now that I've seen Microsoft's true colors I'm not sure that I could enjoy buying "ONE".
I remember when consoles had 4 controller ports, ah the good old days.
I miss plug and play, one of the main reasons consoles were so appealing.
edgecrusher said:They could make the Xbox One workable by stopping every bullshit business move they are currently going forward with, and completely back to the business choices they used on the real Xbox 1.
Even then, now that I've seen Microsoft's true colors I'm not sure that I could enjoy buying "ONE".
They've actually gone back to the Xbox in terms of size, and surpassed it. So they haven't forsaken thier heritage completely.
GodModeEnabled said:I remember when consoles had 4 controller ports, ah the good old days.
Now every one of those extra controller ports would be charged a fee.
aspro said:I love the real xbox 1.
Me too, I wish MS knew what was A GOOD THING. That first Xbox could have lasted 10 years for real.
When they discontinued the Xbox 1 I had 20 more games for it than the PS2 (to give you an idea as to how much I favored it). By the time the PS2 endd (last year) I think I had more than 100+ games more for it than the XB1.
Any multiplat game I bought I got on XB1, until they deserted me.
aspro said:When they discontinued the Xbox 1 I had 20 more games for it than the PS2 (to give you an idea as to how much I favored it). By the time the PS2 endd (last year) I think I had more than 100+ games more for it than the XB1.
Any multiplat game I bought I got on XB1, until they deserted me.
They should have AT LEAST waited until 2006...there was no need for the console in 2005. I really don't think they gained all that much by launching a year early fact I think it pissed Xbox owners off more than anything.
Again: Can no one think about what MS policy change they could do to make this workable and not objectionable?
I thought I already answered. Take away the mandatory installs, mandatory Kinect, region locking, periodic internet check-ins and then I'll likely get one to augment the PS4, just like this generation.
aspro said:I thought I already answered. Take away the mandatory installs, mandatory Kinect, region locking, periodic internet check-ins and then I'll likely get one to augment the PS4, just like this generation.
Kinect and region locked are... locked.
The other issues arise from mandatory installs, let's say that this remained - what policy changes/allowances could make this acceptable to you?
The periodic internet check-ins alone are a deal breaker. So there is nothing they could do to change my mind at this point. Even if they changed that but still required Kinect and mandatory installs I would not get it. It is a tangled mess of concepts that would all have to go.
Which is fine, I don;t think they'll even try to make this a product that works in Australia anyway. They'll probably just sell a token amount (like Sony with the Vita) for the sake of saying they sell them worldwide.
I think it will launch here at $699 with none of the TV stuff working.
We haven't talked about 40X more power than 360 with the cloud.
Implications for Cloud gaming?