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What's Your Diagnosis, Dr. Obvious?
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Sun, 21 Nov 2010 21:30:29
Starting on GameSpot way back in 2006, I started in the blog scene as a means of being more free and open with opinions and feelings.  This is one aspect that has been successful in conditioning myself.

From that, I don't particularly like having anything to hide so it's time to bring everyone up-to-speed on where I am.

In late last August I visited the health services provided by the University due to decreasing mood, sporadic and significant mood swings particularly downward, and to verify my health is continuing fine having started living on my own.

Physically I got a clean bill aside from being a bit low in Vitamin D, but mentally, after being bounced around between two MDs, a counsellor, psychiatrist and psychologist, the conclusion has been moderate depression.

Go crazy?  DON'T MIND IF I DO!

Not exactly the most shocking result, all things considered.  For the most part, it's been an ongoing issue now for about five years, but never had anything done until now.  My last visit to the doctor was about a year-and-a-half ago about fatigue, and all I got there was that I was perfectly fine and to maybe get some exercise.

I guess I don't really have a point.  That's just where I am.  The psychiatrist recommended SSRI medications, but my aversion was too strong to accept the advice of someone who obviously knew much better about what the best option was.  Rather, I merely have weekly sessions through the University's psychological services.

On the plus side, they all seemed confused that there was no effect on my appetite and that there wasn't any weight gain.  Apparently that's very common.  So at the very least I know that I truly am immune to weight gain.


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Sun, 21 Nov 2010 21:56:19
So you got that going for you.

I'm glad you reached out for help.  And just 'cause those people have the titles, training and experience doesn't mean that they know better than you what your body and mind need.

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 03:53:26

I hope that the weekly sessions help. Happy

If a lack of beer can drive Homer mad, perhpas Aspro has a point...

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:35:24
I have a vitamin D problems.

Don't bother with psychiatrists. Best thing is to listen to your favourite music really loudly and to watch your favourite comedy programs.

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 14:43:17

This somewhat mirrors my experience of about 5-6 years ago (which i think maybe the age you are now, not sure).  Sick of dealing with depression on my own for what seemed like years I decided to ask my GP for help.  I specifically asked that he prescribed some drugs or that he referred me to a specialist.  He did neither and instead suggested that I organised my sleeping patterns which have always been very irregular (as depression made me want to sleep all day then stay up all night not daring to face the coming day) and to get some regular exercise.  I did try both, and still do but with very modest results at times.

I also started seeing a counsellor/therapist after that.  Maybe I wasn't open enough to reap any benefits from this process but from the start it didn't seem like it would work for me.  I felt I was expected to blame my problems and unhappiness on my parents or on someone or other and absolve myself of all responsibility, something I didn't feel was true.  I think I went along with the sessions for about three months without seeing any benefit I'm afraid.

In time I learned to live with it for the most part.  I have good days and bad days like anyone but I've gotten better in taking the bad days in stride and functioning close to normally (at least on the surface) whereas before bad days (or periods of days) would be spent sleeping in bed (or some other place).

[part of post removed out of respect for TC]

All I can say is I hope the counseling works for you.  I know it varies a lot from person to person and from therapist to therapist.

Edited: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 05:17:02


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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:27:37

Got a question for you. It might seem stupid but if you're expecting more for me, clearly you haven't been reading my posts over the last 2 years. What do you eat for breakfast?

There have been studies that seems to offer evidence that hot breakfast in the morning can affect brain chemistry. It's been shown to help settle down kids who with normally get prescribed ritalin and aliviate some depression symptoms.  Why this isn't more often noted is something that confuses me, but does go along with the theory that doctors like to prescribe medicine whenever possible.  Anyway if you're skipping breakfast or just eating something like a Pop Tart, trying switching it out for 2 weeks and see what happens. I doubt you'll see any miracles, but worst case scenario you'll at least be eating well.

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 16:18:03

Psychology is not an exact science, not even close. Go see a neurologist, if he can't help you, then no one can.

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 18:04:12
bugsonglass said:

I also started seeing a counsellor/therapist after that.  Maybe I wasn't open enough to reap any benefits from this process but from the start it didn't seem like it would work for me.  I felt I was expected to blame my problems and unhappiness on my parents or on someone or other and absolve myself of all responsibility, something I didn't feel was true.  I think I went along with the sessions for about three months without seeing any benefit I'm afraid.

In time I learned to live with it for the most part.

Well aren't you a bloody bit of sunshine... Nyaa  I appreciate a real response more than anything.

robio said:

Got a question for you. It might seem stupid but if you're expecting more for me, clearly you haven't been reading my posts over the last 2 years. What do you eat for breakfast?

I was never really much of a breakfast person, so at different times I may have not been having anything.  Here at university I tend to have a toasted bagel and some juice in the morning.  Occasionally I'd make eggs and toast, but that's a bit much effort for me, lately.


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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 18:05:59
gamingeek said:
I have a vitamin D problems.

Don't bother with psychiatrists. Best thing is to listen to your favourite music really loudly and to watch your favourite comedy programs.

How is it that between Bugs, Leo and I, you still manage to be the most depressing person here?


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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 19:45:44

I also don't beleive in therapy.  It can make things worse, I mean talking about your problems endlessly.  It's negative reinforcement. But I'm an idiot.

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 20:26:02

Vitamin D

A bit hypocritical coming from me, but...

You all just need to get out of the basement and get some sunlight and fresh air.

And bugs considering making his own esctasy, wtf. Calling it MDMA to sound more medical and less druggy doesn't make it any better.

Edited: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 20:32:50

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 20:34:11
How am I still the most depressing one here? Nyaa

Therapy will be a big waste of time, trust me, my father is a psychologist. It will drag on for ages and do fuck all good.

You will get more out of talking to us here on the site then you will out of paying for some non-responsive mute who nods his head a lot and asks you ridiculous, useless questions and not actually do anything helpful.

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 20:52:50
[post removed out of respect for TC]
Edited: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 05:15:30


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 21:06:07

[post removed out of respect for TC]

Edited: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 05:14:37


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 23:39:38
*sigh* I am disappoint.


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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 23:44:30
Yodariquo said:

How is it that between Bugs, Leo and I, you still manage to be the most depressing person here?

I'm depressing?!

I thought I go out of my way every day to make people laugh and lighten the mood!?

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Mon, 22 Nov 2010 23:48:03
phantom_leo said:

I'm depressing?!

I thought I go out of my way every day to make people laugh and lighten the mood!?

You're only included because you've lived a life seemingly cursed by gypsies.  That is, none of us can touch your level of despair.  Uplifting, in a sense, to not be a broken mess, but still, goddamned depressing that these things could happen to someone.


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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 03:12:54
Iga_Bobovic said:

Psychology is not a science, not even close. Go see a neurologist, if he can't help you, then no one can.

Fixed. Nyaa

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 05:17:55
Yodariquo said:
*sigh* I am disappoint.

i'm sorry buddy.  i apologise


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 05:49:33

At least you are trying to do something about it. Keep on trying to over come it in any way and know that we are always here.

I consider Leo to be an inspiration, we can all learn from him.

GG you cant even be bothered to play a video game cause it makes you think. Yes you are the saddest one sometimes. You are gammingeek, you have your own section, we all followed you. Be happy. Happy

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