Forum > Gaming Discussion > Where do you see this going?
Where do you see this going?
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Tue, 04 Sep 2012 04:18:15

Now if you had politely asked for elaboration (bearing in mind the likelyhood of my seriousness compared to Archie's more jokey response) instead of accusing me of plagiarism I would probably have said something like:

If the PS4/720 are to not follow in the footsteps of the Wii U, and instead make a big next gen leap, then we'll see an even more obnoxious repeat of this gen where games are highly polished, but soulless, boring experiences that are almost indistinguishable from one another. They'll function as second rate graphical porn while PCs will still be better for that sort of thing while actually having some decent games as well. The Wii U will take the place of the Wii as having the only diverse library of games.

Downloadable indie titles will still not factor into this equation just as they have not done this generation becuase if we are to see that jump then the higher costs involved will still result in them having to be pared down, smaller experiences. And Wii U's online will stuck suck, so the virtual console won't be a bastion of indie devs' creativity.

On the other hand if the PS4 and 720 were to follow in the steps of the Wii U and hardly progress then the best case scenario is that due to the smaller increase in development costs we see a more diverse selection of games on all three consoles. Worst case scenario is that we see exactly the same boring, limited libraries that the PS3 and 360 have, except that because the Wii U is of a similar power, there is not much motivation for devs to develop slightly smaller budget (but still full) games for it that actually do something interesting because the entry point for making a blockbuster will not be as significantly higher, and thus the Wii U's library will be just as poor as the PS4's and 720's. And all of these games will look like shit while playing like shit too! I think this constitutes best case scenario for most people, though.

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Tue, 04 Sep 2012 05:51:54

Just because consoles will be more powerful doesn't stop smaller developers from making games.

We currently have the most powerful consoles and PC's in human history and we have more small developers flourishing than they have since the beginning of gaming development.

If, in your view, large developers will collapse from their continuing effort  to chase their tail in a search for more realism then all the more room in the market for developers who think differently.

Small, creative developers are survivalists of the first order.  They have more flexibility, less overhead are less prone to group-think. If anything, given your taste in games, you should be rejoicing that the extinction of large development is accelerating at such a rate (if you believe your own doomsday philosophies).

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Tue, 04 Sep 2012 06:28:32

Not sure where I even implied that small developers would not be able to make games on more powerful hardwares, or that big developers would realistic themselves to death. Correct me if I'm wrong, though, as who knows what I said. Nyaa Either way that certainly wasn't what I meant.


Yep, that's is why I bought a PS3. I'm taking down the capitalist fat cats at Sony, EA and Geurilla Games with counterfit money one console or game at a time.


That's doomsday prophecies, not philosophies. A minor, but rather important difference. Don't believe in me? Remember that it's only due my benevolence that everyone on the site isn't wearing a demeaning avatar.

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Tue, 04 Sep 2012 08:26:27

You can explain your luddite philosophy when we are next on a podcast.

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Tue, 04 Sep 2012 08:53:59
aspro said:

You can explain your luddite philosophy when we are next on a podcast.

As long as this isn't your reaction when I do:

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Tue, 04 Sep 2012 18:26:09
Foolz said:

I'm not sure agreeing with someone constitutes plagiarism?

However unlike Archie (I assume) I was being serious.

Was I serious or wasn't I? I'll never tell but I'll do my best to help it along by purchasing all the CoD games I can, supporting Kinect, buying day one and on-disk dlc, etc. I plan to kill it, with fire. MUAHAHAHAHA BURN BABY BURN!!! Nyaa


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Wed, 05 Sep 2012 02:32:51
Archangel3371 said:
Was I serious or wasn't I? I'll never tell but I'll do my best to help it along by purchasing all the CoD games I can, supporting Kinect, buying day one and on-disk dlc, etc. I plan to kill it, with fire. MUAHAHAHAHA BURN BABY BURN!!! Nyaa

With the two us big gaming's days are numbered.

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 04:05:49

I seen on Attack Of The Show I think it was that Microsoft has copyrighted some kind of strange new tech where they project you into the game by uses all four walls of your room so that it turns it into your own little holodeck thing.

APPARENTLY this new hologram style projection gaming could be what their next system is.

I see a move to projected virtual reality to kinda be where the tech is going.

Imagine porn in 20 years times Grinning

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 10:38:01

5 years ago I would have scoffed at MS' new patent, but seriously tech evolves at such a rate these days I can see this happeneing (if there are enough people willing to pay for it).

There are sublime experiences available in every aspect of consumerism, but usually they are available only to those on the highest level of disposable income (high end hookers, coke, lambos, yachts, helicopters and so on).

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