Forum > Gaming Discussion > Who is your Opinion Brother? That one other person who agrees with you about a game
Who is your Opinion Brother? That one other person who agrees with you about a game
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Mon, 16 Jul 2012 20:47:56
Bioshock is excellent. Red Dead Redemption is excellent. Ico is crap. Nyaa


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Mon, 16 Jul 2012 21:43:46
aspro said:
SteelAttack said:

Archie is everyone's opinion bro. Nyaa

He most certainly is not. While I respect and enjoy Archie our taste is games is 98% polar opposites.  Maybe you are thinking of dearly departed ASK_Story. HE LOVED EVERYTHING.


Quiet you. LOL

Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

Did you get the Giorgio De Chirico references in the art style?  


bugsonglass said:

Did you think that was shit too?


Did you play the game?



I don't know if I even have an opinion bro here. I am usually so weary and unable to even form opinions of the games I play, that almost all of my gaming experiences are reduced to gut feeling and thus are difficult to transmit.

That could also be because I am shit at criticizing a game, but let's not pay attention to that shallow detail, ok?

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Mon, 16 Jul 2012 22:16:13
Archangel3371 said:
Bioshock is excellent. Red Dead Redemption is excellent. Ico is crap. Nyaa

If I wasnt on my phone right now I would post the predator hand shake pic for us, opinion bro.
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Mon, 16 Jul 2012 23:15:33



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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 02:39:17

Shit just got real.

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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 10:37:51
Dvader said:

If I wasnt on my phone right now I would post the predator hand shake pic for us, opinion bro.

It's a trap!

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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 20:44:05
SteelAttack said:


I don't know if I even have an opinion bro here. I am usually so weary and unable to even form opinions of the games I play, that almost all of my gaming experiences are reduced to gut feeling and thus are difficult to transmit.

That could also be because I am shit at criticizing a game, but let's not pay attention to that shallow detail, ok?

I'm largely like that myself.  Not just about games but about most things.  A lot of the time I realise I don't have all of the relevant information or knowledge to form an "opinion", so I go by gut feeling.  I may call it my opinion, but I realise it's just that.  I do not present it as fact or the absolute truth.

I love ICO.  I loved playing through it several times, and this is at a time when I struggle to finish most games.  I loved its art as well, I found it deeply moving and deeply affecting.  I loved the use of soft light and the somewhat destorted sense of perspective ... much like in the De Chirico paintings it takes its inspiration from.  I loved most of the environmental puzzles in the game.  Also loved the concept of the cursed boy being born with horns as a bad omen, and taken to the fortress and left alone to die.  I loved the connection of Ico and Yorda.  Two outcasts joined by fate, making a run for it.

All of yous who hate it...  What's so bad about it?  Iga, not you.  The ones who actually played it or at least tried to play it


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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 23:11:07

I played it in one sitting and then played it through again a few months later.

I played it before the hype and while it was still a new game, so I am sure that is what gets in the way for most people (they are trying it way after it was released and having high expectations).

At the time of release it was the most visually beautiful games on the PS2 and provided an experience that was new, provocative and thoughtful.  Relaying the story through visuals only enabled a foreign developer to make a game that was universal in its appeal.

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Tue, 17 Jul 2012 23:35:12
I think I played about half way through Ico. I found it quite boring myself and one of the worst looking PS2 games I've ever played, it was very blurry kind of like how pre-rendered backgrounds look on PS1 games.


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Wed, 18 Jul 2012 05:20:56
bugsonglass said:

I'm largely like that myself.  Not just about games but about most things.  A lot of the time I realise I don't have all of the relevant information or knowledge to form an "opinion", so I go by gut feeling.  I may call it my opinion, but I realise it's just that.  I do not present it as fact or the absolute truth.

I love ICO.  I loved playing through it several times, and this is at a time when I struggle to finish most games.  I loved its art as well, I found it deeply moving and deeply affecting.  I loved the use of soft light and the somewhat destorted sense of perspective ... much like in the De Chirico paintings ........

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Wed, 18 Jul 2012 08:13:01
bugsonglass said:

I'm largely like that myself.  Not just about games but about most things.  A lot of the time I realise I don't have all of the relevant information or knowledge to form an "opinion", so I go by gut feeling.  I may call it my opinion, but I realise it's just that.  I do not present it as fact or the absolute truth.

I love ICO.  I loved playing through it several times, and this is at a time when I struggle to finish most games.  I loved its art as well, I found it deeply moving and deeply affecting.  I loved the use of soft light and the somewhat destorted sense of perspective ... much like in the De Chirico paintings it takes its inspiration from.  I loved most of the environmental puzzles in the game.  Also loved the concept of the cursed boy being born with horns as a bad omen, and taken to the fortress and left alone to die.  I loved the connection of Ico and Yorda.  Two outcasts joined by fate, making a run for it.

All of yous who hate it...  What's so bad about it?  Iga, not you.  The ones who actually played it or at least tried to play it

There is very little game and that is why I play. Its like 4 hours long and all you do is solve basic puzzles and escort a woman. I think its a beautiful game and the puzzles were cool in an old PC puzzle game kind of way. Once you finish there is nothing else to do. Contrast that with SotC that has actual combat, exploration and puzzles, it feels like a true game. Plus when you beat that you unlock a ton of stuff to do. Plus that game is like 10 hours long. Same cool art but so much more game.

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Thu, 19 Jul 2012 22:51:46

It's not four hours long. It's like 7-8 hours long on a first play though.

Keep in mind, when it was released it was also at a discounted price. (Though of course then it went Ebay nuts after the hype set in).

Don't compare it to SotC or DMC or anything like that.  It's an arty little puzzler. Compare it to Catherine or something like that.  These days it'd probably be a PSN release, and it'd likely get the same level of praise as Journey etc...

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Fri, 20 Jul 2012 02:50:22

I don't see the relevance of it being four hours long. It's not as if it was something like Hard Reset which finished halfway through the fucking game for no discernible reason.

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Fri, 20 Jul 2012 02:51:58

Tell me more,  I have not heard this story.

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 04:37:53
aspro said:

It's not four hours long. It's like 7-8 hours long on a first play though.

Keep in mind, when it was released it was also at a discounted price. (Though of course then it went Ebay nuts after the hype set in).

Don't compare it to SotC or DMC or anything like that.  It's an arty little puzzler. Compare it to Catherine or something like that.  These days it'd probably be a PSN release, and it'd likely get the same level of praise as Journey etc...

I finished it in like 4 hours, I dont see how you can stretch it out that long. Yes its an artsy puzzler but a pretty basic boring one.

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Thu, 26 Jul 2012 19:33:38

In any case, it's not a game to cause the kind of vehement hatred it did here.  I don't think that it being on the short side is a valid criticism but I realise that it may factor into someone else's set of criteria.  I thought the action wasn't particularly deep, but there was a certain level of constant tension trying to fight off the shadows to prevent Yorda from being taken away which I enjoyed.  On the criticism of the puzzle elements not being particularly deep, once again it depends on your level of expectation.  They were deeper that games like Prince of Persia, or Uncharted etc which I see as almost comparable (even if the action in those games was infinitely superior, just talking about puzzles).

Also, no one has said why the art is so bad as to cause so much hatred.  I gave a couple of reasons why I felt it was good.  I can give more if I have to.  The only counter-argument was "it's shit".

As far as opinion brothers go here, I think the closest to that for me historically would be GG and Leo in terms of what we play, what we look for, what we like.


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Fri, 27 Jul 2012 02:26:43
aspro said:

Tell me more,  I have not heard this story.

Halfway through is an exaggeration; it's really two thirds. The story and gameplay pacing basically follows your standard three part structure. You just knock off part two, are about to embark on the chase of your life, save the world, kick major metal arse, and then there's a crappy comic book cutscene with no resolution and the game ends.

Edited: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 02:27:16

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Fri, 27 Jul 2012 10:52:58
bugsonglass said:

As far as opinion brothers go here, I think the closest to that for me historically would be GG and Leo in terms of what we play, what we look for, what we like.

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