Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileActually due to the stated reasons there seems to be a huge amount of amatuer adventure games that are actually quite good.
I wonder if anyone had some sales figures on the adventure games that are released. They are there, they just receive little coverage by the press.
I saw a "making of" for Kings Quest where it was a whole giant production team, storylines pasted on the wall, etc. But you're right... with today's technology, a team of a few people could probably put out one of these games within a year, just working in their spare time.
I think most of the software engineers are preoccupied making applications for the iPhone right now though.
Edit: Here it is, hilariously outdated and all. $500 million a year industry

Yodariquo said:I'm going with the average gamer has gotten progressiver more stupid, and consequently less capable to complete games requiring any semblance of thought.
I thought that this would be the genre of choice for small teams or imaginative people. I mean compare making a graphic adventure to making a proper 3-D game.
I go between Paris and Ireland in Broken sword. They want to add a new location, your artist draws and colours a background. Your writer does some new dialogue. You animate some characters and have a few hotspots for clicking. It can't be that hard.
It sounds like a really cheap way to make a game and tell a good story with a lot of charm. Digital distribution should make these games ubiquitous.
Full throttle intro
If you like old school adventure games check these guys out. They've been remaking old Sierra Online games and have done a pretty good job. They've remade King's Quest and Quest for Glory II, but King's Quest II is their triumph. They took a very bare bones game and gave it a very detailed story that fits right into the King's Quest mythology. I highly HIGHLY recommend you download this. It's free and is a great way to kill a weekend.
Does it have speech?
I will download it on the other comp.
Anyone remember Police quest?
gamingeek said:Does it have speech?
I will download it on the other comp.
Anyone remember Police quest?
I don't think so. Don't really remember. It's been like a year or two since I've played it.
And yes I remember Police Quest. Frankly I wasn't really a fan of the series. The first was kind of meh, Police Quest 2 was pretty good, but three was terrible. And then after that it changed formats when it went to Police Quest SWAT and I never considered it again.
I really want to download this free Beneath a steel sky thing. But does it have speech and is there somewhere I can get it without registering an account or credit card?
I know its legally free at some places, but I cant remember where.
gamingeek said:I really want to download this free Beneath a steel sky thing. But does it have speech and is there somewhere I can get it without registering an account or credit card?
I know its legally free at some places, but I cant remember where.
i think you only have to register an email perhaps. i'm pretty sure no credit card required
Yodariquo said:I'm going with the average gamer has gotten progressiver more stupid, and consequently less capable to complete games requiring any semblance of thought.
Hey, don't you tell me what I... I... Shut up!
gamingeek said:I really want to download this free Beneath a steel sky thing. But does it have speech and is there somewhere I can get it without registering an account or credit card?
I know its legally free at some places, but I cant remember where.
Yep just e-mail. And there was sound for me.
Lure of the Tempresse's sound dind't work for me,t hough. BASS is much better anyway.
Foolz said:gamingeek said:I really want to download this free Beneath a steel sky thing. But does it have speech and is there somewhere I can get it without registering an account or credit card?
I know its legally free at some places, but I cant remember where.
Yep just e-mail. And there was sound for me.
Lure of the Tempresse's sound dind't work for me,t hough. BASS is much better anyway.
When I say sound I mean spoken dialouge all the way through the game. Because I remember back in the early 90s when I had these game, they came on about 15 floppy discs, each disc was like 1.5mb And then much later CD rom versions came with full speech.
gamingeek said:Foolz said:gamingeek said:I really want to download this free Beneath a steel sky thing. But does it have speech and is there somewhere I can get it without registering an account or credit card?
I know its legally free at some places, but I cant remember where.
Yep just e-mail. And there was sound for me.
Lure of the Tempresse's sound dind't work for me,t hough. BASS is much better anyway.
When I say sound I mean spoken dialouge all the way through the game. Because I remember back in the early 90s when I had these game, they came on about 15 floppy discs, each disc was like 1.5mb
And then much later CD rom versions came with full speech.
From I can remember all the the dialogue was spoken. I might be wrong, though, and minor bits didn't have sound, but I can't be sure because I ended up reading the dialogue quickly and then skipping to the next bit of dialogue.

I'm playing Broken Sword right now and given that the genre is so small these days I was wondering why smaller developers weren't making more of them. Old school style. With digital distribution, hard drives, touch screens and pointers the time is ripe to reap the rewards.
I assumed that small teams would turn to these titles to make a name for themselves. You have a writer, some witty dialogue. An artist can do the backgrounds and characters, a few programmers. I'm not talking massive games but shouldn't you be seeing shorter Sam and Max style graphic adventures being made, in 2-D and digitally distributed?
How can such an iconic and delightful genre just die?