Oh well. At least I have Prinny to enjoy and the definitive Disgaea 1 and 2 to play!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
phantom_leo said:Because the PSP doesn't have TWEWY.
100% valid point.
Plus no Kingdom Hearts for another year.
I don't hate the PSP or anything, but I don't like the way it's currently designed at all. Battery life is waaay too short, even on the newer models, screen is always exposed, thus easily damaged, long loading times, and a single analogue nub = bad idea.
I've been waiting for Sony to fix all of these problems, but so far, they haven't. Instead they've added more problems to PSP Go: ridiculously high price, weird sliding screen (clamshell, Sony! Clamshell! There's a reason why Nintendo uses it!), and non-user replaceable battery.
If Sony were to fix all of these problems, then I would consider owning one someday.
Truth be told I really have no ill will towards the PSP, and was considering getting one recently. I can't quite push myself to do it though. There's just not enough games on it that I want, and two of the ones that I want the most are more or less remakes (Rondo of Blood and FFT: The Lion Wars) of games I've already played. Really my main motivation was just to play a lot old PS1 games on it.
If I can ever pick up the system for under $100 I'll probably grab it, but until then the DSi just has a lot more games that appeal to me, and as an extra bonus they're almost always cheaper.
robio said:Truth be told I really have no ill will towards the PSP, and was considering getting one recently. I can't quite push myself to do it though. There's just not enough games on it that I want, and two of the ones that I want the most are more or less remakes (Rondo of Blood and FFT: The Lion Wars) of games I've already played. Really my main motivation was just to play a lot old PS1 games on it.
If I can ever pick up the system for under $100 I'll probably grab it, but until then the DSi just has a lot more games that appeal to me, and as an extra bonus they're almost always cheaper.
^ This.
Ravenprose said:I don't hate the PSP or anything, but I don't like the way it's currently designed at all. Battery life is waaay too short, even on the newer models, screen is always exposed, thus easily damaged, long loading times, and a single analogue nub = bad idea.
I've been waiting for Sony to fix all of these problems, but so far, they haven't. Instead they've added more problems to PSP Go: ridiculously high price, weird sliding screen (clamshell, Sony! Clamshell! There's a reason why Nintendo uses it!), and non-user replaceable battery.
If Sony were to fix all of these problems, then I would consider owning one someday.
^ ...and this too.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
But, but, the PSP is such a great handheld!
I guess you have to forgive those little things that can bother you. I can live with the battery. And yeah, the price is crazy, but then so are the Square-Enix RPGs on the DS.
But as a owner and a lover of both the DS and PSP, I'm completely satisfied with both systems equally. The DS has games that I love like New Super Mario, the Dragon Quest games, and the touch-screen based games, while the PSP blows the DS out of the water when it comes to console experiences on the palm of your hand. Like Dissidia or SoulCalibur Broken Destiny.
Then I forget that this is mostly a Nintendo-centric site, so...

Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:I guess you have to forgive those little things that can bother you. I can live with the battery. And yeah, the price is crazy, but then so are the Square-Enix RPGs on the DS.
Well you know, TWEWY is only $16 on Amazon.com.
robio said:ASK_Story said:I guess you have to forgive those little things that can bother you. I can live with the battery. And yeah, the price is crazy, but then so are the Square-Enix RPGs on the DS.Well you know, TWEWY is only $16 on Amazon.com.
Honestly if I had bought that game at that low price, I probably wouldn't have this hatred for it.
But I got it at $40...sorry to fans, but I felt like I wasted my money.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I feel that PSP has no real identity. Every single game I see on the PSP I feel as it might as well be a PS2 game. I normally dont play games on the go, when I play portables I play it at home like a console. So the whole PS2 on the go quality of the PSP is lost to me. Everytime I see a PSP exclusive I am left wondering why its not ported to the PS2 so that I can play it without paying money for something I dont want.
DS has its own identity, it offers something no consoles do. The type of games on the DS are the type of games I expect out of my portables. I get my major 3D Zeldas on consoles and my 2D Zeldas on handhelds. 3D Marios on consoles, 2D Mario on handhelds (though that is all mixed now). It offers me a different type of game. I dont want to play the same games I can play on consoles, for that just give it to me on a console where I would enjoy it much more.
So that is why I dont care for the PSP. Why would I want Gran Turismo in tiny portable form when I can play the exact same game on my HDTV with a bazillion more features and better controls. All those Ratchet games, they are ported to the PS2 cause that is what they are, they are PS2 games in portable form. The PSP GTA games, again PS2 games, they did not offer anything different. But Chinatown Wars that offered a type of GTA game I have not played in years. MGS would play 10000000X better if it were on the PS2, they should port it. GoW, yeah I want to play it, on my TV.
The PSP is a unit that plays PS2 games that my PS2 cant play, thats how I see it. And I dont feel like paying for a PS2 again.
Dvader said:I feel that PSP has no real identity. Every single game I see on the PSP I feel as it might as well be a PS2 game. I normally dont play games on the go, when I play portables I play it at home like a console. So the whole PS2 on the go quality of the PSP is lost to me. Everytime I see a PSP exclusive I am left wondering why its not ported to the PS2 so that I can play it without paying money for something I dont want.
DS has its own identity, it offers something no consoles do. The type of games on the DS are the type of games I expect out of my portables. I get my major 3D Zeldas on consoles and my 2D Zeldas on handhelds. 3D Marios on consoles, 2D Mario on handhelds (though that is all mixed now). It offers me a different type of game. I dont want to play the same games I can play on consoles, for that just give it to me on a console where I would enjoy it much more.
So that is why I dont care for the PSP. Why would I want Gran Turismo in tiny portable form when I can play the exact same game on my HDTV with a bazillion more features and better controls. All those Ratchet games, they are ported to the PS2 cause that is what they are, they are PS2 games in portable form. The PSP GTA games, again PS2 games, they did not offer anything different. But Chinatown Wars that offered a type of GTA game I have not played in years. MGS would play 10000000X better if it were on the PS2, they should port it. GoW, yeah I want to play it, on my TV.
The PSP is a unit that plays PS2 games that my PS2 cant play, thats how I see it. And I dont feel like paying for a PS2 again.
Sounds reasonable.
But some of those exclusives on the PSP are worth getting, IMO.
I personally love handhelds so, although I do see your point, I always played handhelds since the original Gameboy. So to me, playing console-quality games on a portable is a awesome feeling.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:Dvader said:I feel that PSP has no real identity. Every single game I see on the PSP I feel as it might as well be a PS2 game. I normally dont play games on the go, when I play portables I play it at home like a console. So the whole PS2 on the go quality of the PSP is lost to me. Everytime I see a PSP exclusive I am left wondering why its not ported to the PS2 so that I can play it without paying money for something I dont want.
DS has its own identity, it offers something no consoles do. The type of games on the DS are the type of games I expect out of my portables. I get my major 3D Zeldas on consoles and my 2D Zeldas on handhelds. 3D Marios on consoles, 2D Mario on handhelds (though that is all mixed now). It offers me a different type of game. I dont want to play the same games I can play on consoles, for that just give it to me on a console where I would enjoy it much more.
So that is why I dont care for the PSP. Why would I want Gran Turismo in tiny portable form when I can play the exact same game on my HDTV with a bazillion more features and better controls. All those Ratchet games, they are ported to the PS2 cause that is what they are, they are PS2 games in portable form. The PSP GTA games, again PS2 games, they did not offer anything different. But Chinatown Wars that offered a type of GTA game I have not played in years. MGS would play 10000000X better if it were on the PS2, they should port it. GoW, yeah I want to play it, on my TV.
The PSP is a unit that plays PS2 games that my PS2 cant play, thats how I see it. And I dont feel like paying for a PS2 again.
Sounds reasonable.
But some of those exclusives on the PSP are worth getting, IMO.
I personally love handhelds so, although I do see your point, I always played handhelds since the original Gameboy. So to me, playing console-quality games on a portable is a awesome feeling.
Oh they are, I will get one in time but I dont feel the rush to get it. Again every game there seems similar to games I have played already.
I don't hate the PSP myself as there is a pretty good selection of games I'd like to get for it. Games like Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Darkstalkers, Gradius Collection, Tekken 5: DR, Megaman Powerup, Final Fantasy I & 2, and some more I can't think of right now. I've always thought of picking one up just never seem to get around to it. I guess always seeing a game or two I want to get for the 360 doesn't help either. Perhaps at another pricecut I'll snag one. I do have a DS and there definitely are a lot more games on it that I am interested although I haven't picked up a game for it for quite some time. I plan on trading the DS and get a DSi soon though too. I'm more of a console gamer but I do like to have a portable around for whenever the mood strikes me to play it.
Clarification time ASK.
Apart from Vader (who only says it jokingly because he wants to play the games but wont buy the machine) no one here has said that they hate the PSP.
You can't even hate it because it just doesn't register with most people. It seems okay, has some decent games, nice features. I just dont need it, I have a few machines and more seems like overkill. I had a PSP with a couple of sports games inherited from my bro and sold it.
No hate here, just no real need to have it.
gamingeek said:Clarification time ASK.
Apart from Vader (who only says it jokingly because he wants to play the games but wont buy the machine) no one here has said that they hate the PSP.
You can't even hate it because it just doesn't register with most people. It seems okay, has some decent games, nice features. I just dont need it, I have a few machines and more seems like overkill. I had a PSP with a couple of sports games inherited from my bro and sold it.
No hate here, just no real need to have it.
pretty much sums it up. no one here hates good games and there are plenty of good games on it, no proof of that necessary. it's a question of whether people fancy playing those games on a handheld, when they are for all intents and purposes what most associate as console games (ie no pick up and play for a quick burst during rush hour commuting games). they pretty much offer the full console experience (with some necessary compromises) and require better conditions to be enjoyed fully, than perhaps on the go. as far as the games go, as dvader and gg have said, there is absolutely no reason for them not to be on a console (namely the PS2).
personally i love it because oftentimes conditions are such that i can't play on my consoles here at home so i am restricted to handhelds. so my psp is a blessing in that sense. i know it's not quite a ps2 but it's pretty darn close and it's still very impressive for me as a handheld. i'm also very happy to have the psp 1000 and a white one at that. i still think it's the best version of the machine.
perhaps we should have a psp recommendation thread to raise awareness on some great games
I know some of you guys have a PSP and enjoy it as much as I do, but the general consensus here seems like you guys hate the PSP.
Why is that?
Is it because of bias? Price? Are you guys just satisfied with the DS and don't need another handheld, or, since you do have the DS, a little system wars thing is brewing in your hearts, tugging away and crying out, "DS > PSP!"
I respect your opinions but I think the PSP is awesome, and just as good as the DS.
And I hope you don't mind me asking, Dvader, but just wondering why you hate the PSP so much. MGS Peacewalker, LBP Portable, GT Portable, etc....I'm sure these are games you'd love.
How about everyone else?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns