I'm thinking I may just go completley PC and abandon them. However my 360 library is nice and big (like my wang) so if MS released something neat with full B/C then maybe.

I look forward to them. I always have atleast two consoles so I will choose my 2nd console out of which one is more appealing to me.
Nintyfan17 said:I look forward to them. I always have atleast two consoles so I will choose my 2nd console out of which one is more appealing to me.
Same here. I will always have a Nintendo console and plan to pick up a U next year. I gotta have my 'Tendo fix. More than likely, I'll try to pick up all three consoles during the next few years. Unless one just looks so I unappealing with nothing worthwhile to offer. I don't see that happening though.
I will likely pick up a PS4 at some point. Definitely not next year, assuming it even comes out next year. I'm in no hurry to get another new console and I can't imagine what Sony will try to charge.
Plus, I've noticed over the past year or two that my tastes have swung way back into the direction of Japanese developers and the more off-beat stuff they put out (i.e. lots of Atlus stuff and jRPGs). That is nearly all of Sony and Nintendo's territory. And despite MS's early attempt to attract Japanese gamers to their console I don't see them even bothering with their next console.
I am hoping that there are a tonne of un-announced multi-plat games coming to the U that won't be announced until the other companies announce their systems. If the U has a decent install base by the time those systems are ready to launch it seems like a low-risk way to float new games.
Fat chance.aspro said:I am hoping that there are a tonne of un-announced multi-plat games coming to the U that won't be announced until the other companies announce their systems. If the U has a decent install base by the time those systems are ready to launch it seems like a low-risk way to float new games.
gamingeek said:Fat chance.
Okay, Bear you anti-Nintendo toss pot. Give it time.
I am looking forward to the other new consoles, even if I don't buy them, for the simple reason of more games taking advantage of what my PC can do. Not many games do, as they're designed around the limits of the 360. With all the new consoles being a more modern design, that means great things for developers being able to push the PC.
I will likely just stick with PC and Wii U as my gaming platforms until one of the others gets a decent lineup of exclusives. Sony really turned me off with the PS3, I have hardly ANY games for it and it gets used mostly as a blu-ray player. So unless they make some major improvements on the PS4, I don't see myself buying it.
^Pc + Wii U seemes like a pretty good combo. But for Sony exclusives everything else worth playing ends up on PC.
So in 2013 we are sure to get at least one new console from MS and/ or Sony. what are your feelings about this?