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X-Com official thread of naming my squad after VGpressers and watching them die.
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:10:50
Woo hoo 8 kills. Watch out alien dudes I'm just starting out.


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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:23:28

Homer is dead. I am gravely wounded, out for a while. Ada is now a Major.  GG and Angel are in psionic testing.

GME you are up, dont fail me.

Edited: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:43:00
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:30:27
Dvader said:

Homer is dead. I am gravely wounded, out for a while. Ada is now a Major.  GG and Angel are in psionic testing.

Ok I'm confused???? Did you name people after forumers in your game, is that whats going on?Oh forget it I just looked up tha title LOL

Edited: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:31:08
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:15:19

Oh Bear I need to add you too.

GG you have psionic powers now, you are the most improtant member of the team. Angel did not have the "gift" so he goes back to being a boring normal human.

GME you kicked ass in your first mission getting two very critical kills.

EDIT: Yoda is gifted as well (of course he is) so he has psionic powers too.

Edited: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:22:07
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 22:39:44
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm back to being a mere human. Sad


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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 23:36:06

Wooo im a crazy muthfucker, ima chris redfield these bitches in the face!

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 00:07:24

Damn this game gets crazy fast. I hit an impossible mission, i had to reload an earlier save I need to reselect my squad.

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 02:35:52
Dvader said:

This mission is insane! Foolz died after capturing an alien commander, who had Travo and robio under mind control. He got blind sided by these hulk dudes, first time I see them. Edge got ambushed by them but I managed to get him to run back to everyone else. Then Bugs was killed. EVERYONE except Ada Wong panicked, luckily she just so happens to have a grenade that gives soliders willpower, so I used that. We are now all huddled together in the middle of the level fucking surrounded. Last stand time. The team is now Ada, Edge, Travo and Angel. I brought mostly low ranking guys cause I expected this to be an easy mission, oops.

YEAH! Thats how you fucking work as a team. We kicked their asses, it was beautiful everyone hitting shots, Edge kicking ass.

I died for you Travo and Robio, you better be thankful! Hrm

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 15:18:20
Dvader said:

Iga is dead! I cant believe this shit. I gave him super armor and everything but the team missed shots when they had to make them and he got killed cause of it. Once Iga died my guy started to panic and curled up into a ball crying (not really but thats what its like. Steel avenged Iga's death. I am still in the alien base, everything was almost perfect now I am pissed.

OMG WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?! Iga turned into a zombie and killed Steel!!! Fuck! My two best guys, with the two best armors I made. Me and GG had to gun Iga down. Its now me, GG and Ada Wong alone in an alien base.

Holy shit there are a ton of aliens, it will take a miracle to get out of this alive.

And we made it all out. GG became Rambo, he took out a ton of aliens, so did Ada. I was missing shots left and right and got mind controled by an alien at the end, GG killed the alien and saved me.

Vader is clearly under alien mind control, because no way in hell in that drivel up there anything near the truth. The aliens have turned Vader in a bot that spreads alien propaganda. I must put him down!

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 18:58:45

Dvader said:
  • Captain Gaminggeek: 19 kills
  • Captain Ada: 12 kills
  • Lt. Raven: 9 kills (strangely enough the game gave Raven the nickname "angel" its messing me up)
  • Lt. Angel: 8 kills
  • Sgt. Leo: 6 kills
  • Sgt. Edge: 3 kills
  • Cpl. Fake Jill: 3 kills
  • Squaddie Homer: 1 kill
  • Squaddie Travo: 2 kills


Dvader said:

GG you have psionic powers now, you are the most improtant member of the team. Angel did not have the "gift" so he goes back to being a boring normal human.

Sounds about right lol Smell my gift guys. Sniff it.

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Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:27:47

This game is one of the most addicting I have ever played. But its starting to glitch on me. Weird shit starts to happen in some missions. It has frozen on me twice.

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Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:32:11

This may be the first strategy game I ever seen you play in all the years I have known you, interesting to see you play something different. I'm not a huuuuge fan but I play them occasionaly. This game seems pretty sweet though so I think I might get it sometime after a healthy pricedrop or two.

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Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:36:09
GodModeEnabled said:

This may be the first strategy game I ever seen you play in all the years I have known you, interesting to see you play something different. I'm not a huuuuge fan but I play them occasionaly. This game seems pretty sweet though so I think I might get it sometime after a healthy pricedrop or two.

Its practically the only strategy game I ever played. I loved the original, turn based is the only way to go for me. The real time stuff where you have to mine, build shit and have little people fight on their own bores me.

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Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:52:07

Yeah same here, turn based f0 lyf3.

(heroes of might and magic man check them out sometime)

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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 03:27:54

I am closing in on the end. I kind of went on cruise control as my guys are so badass they rarely die. Also I have save cheated when the game has ambushed me with crazy situations I was not prepared for (as well as a few annoying glitches). I accept losses but I dont like it when everyone dies.

We now have the best armor, weapons, highest ranks, the team is an absolute killing machine. Here are the ranks:

  • Col. Gamingeek: 47 kills
  • Col. Ada Wong: 45 kills
  • Col. Phantom Leo: 33 kills
  • Col. Dvader: 28 kills
  • Col. Yoda: 22 kills
  • Major Fake Jill: 20 kills
  • Captain Travo: 16 kills
  • Captain Edge: 11 kills
  • Captain GME: 11 kills
  • Squaddie Bear: 1 kill

Recently Major Raven and Captain Angel were killed, those hurt. Agnates was a badass but was killed on his 3rd mission. I made a second Iga called Iga 2.0, he died right away.

Right now I would say the most valuable member of the entire team is Travo. I screwed up leveling up the other snipers, Travo has a skill that lets him take out enemies from crazy distances, its almost always a one shot kill.

Edited: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 03:30:13
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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 07:58:04

The aliens cant do anything against me, its insane how easy the game is now. Jetpacks with snipers = OVER. Travo starts the mission, flies in the air and picks off everyone that anyone spots. Now I have GG with a super mind suit so he can basically mind control any alien at will. We are a death squad.

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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 10:22:15
Dvader said:

Now I have GG with a super mind suit so he can basically mind control any alien at will. We are a death squad.

Sounds SO right. Why can't this game be reality? Travo with jet packs sniper shooting people, Iga 2.0 LOL

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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 18:23:29

So the end game has you build this super chamber to house a crazy alien ball that can communicate with the high commander and only a squad member with insane psi ability can use it, GG is the one who can. so he did and now we are invading the mothership but the alien commander is talking to GG through his mind saying he is what the aliens have been looking for all over the galaxy.  Oh damn GG has a new psi storm ability, its like an psycic grenade blowing up everyone in a huge area. The alien just said GG has surpassed anyone they have ever seen. Lets go kick this alien's ass, GG is ours.

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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 18:31:39
Dvader said:

The aliens cant do anything against me, its insane how easy the game is now. Jetpacks with snipers = OVER. Travo starts the mission, flies in the air and picks off everyone that anyone spots. Now I have GG with a super mind suit so he can basically mind control any alien at will. We are a death squad.

Yet you get me killed twice. FUCK YOU!

gamingeek said:

Sounds SO right. Why can't this game be reality? Travo with jet packs sniper shooting people, Iga 2.0 LOL


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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 19:32:34

End spoilers but its Xcom, not a big deal.

Game is over........................................................We fought the alien leader and killed him which set off a reaction that was going to make the mother ship blow up and take the Earth with it. GG saw the earth be destroyed in a vision so he force pushes his teamates out of the command chamber, locks himself in and starts to control the ship. Everyone escapes, GG stays and sends the ship into space where it blows up safetly.

GG saved the world.

Edited: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:09:30
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