Forum > Gaming Discussion > X-COM
I played the original X-Com on PC, cool game, isometric view.
I think overhead is better for gameplay but it was still cool. I tried FF Tactics on the gba and it didn't take. I think the way advance wars and fire emblem did it so effortlessly and intuitively spoiled me.
Mr. Gollop also tried FFT. He said it came off as "too much like work" -- which is funny as that is what I always say about Real Time or Turn Based Strategy games.
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robio (3m)
I know Vader has played this game, and that it has an FPS coming up soon based on the world (if not based on the original games), but I did not know there was basically one guy behind it, Richard Gollop, and what other games he has made.
(X-Com was released as UFO: Enemy Unknown in some regions).
So I'll go straight to the surprises:
Rebelstar: Tactical Command
Gamers TM, Issue 108 has a six page feature on Mr. Gollop. He started out with his first games published in 1983 on the BBC Micro, and all of his games have been turn-based strategy games (which the magazine credits him as a form he invented).
He also made:
Which he considered a "semi-educational" take on the most famous strategy war game (chess preceded X-Com by a few centuries).
Some quotes,"The most successful turn-based tactical game is Pokemon, which is one of the most successful franchises in existence. Although it is pitched as an RPG, the combat system is pure turn-based action with some strategic meta-game elements. In structure I would even compare it to the early X-COM games".
"Fallout 3 managed to include an interesting hybrid turn-based real-time combat system. Some more innovation like that would be good, and Fallout has proven it can be commerically successful. But this is the rarity. I am not sure which direction the Japanese SRPGs are going at the moment and whether they will retain turn-based elements. I hope for some more innovative games like Valkyria Chronicles."