Forum > Gaming Discussion > XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
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Sat, 10 Sep 2011 11:41:46

How far would you say I am in the game at Eryth sea? GAF said I was 60% in?

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Sat, 10 Sep 2011 12:08:28

Not sure, but you have plenty of areas left. But most of them are less open field and more 'dungeon'  like. But even then you are not quite there yet. I say you are about half way.

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 09:38:35

Time to break the silence here.

I am 140 hours in level 78.

I fought against a boss that was level 75, I was the same level back then. But it did not matter what I did, I could not beat it. The problem is the shielding. It just takes ages to kill the thing because of its shielding. There are some orbs floating around, take them out and the shielding is gone, but those orbs have shielding too. And by the time you take one or two out, she respawns more of them. I tried everything to remove the shield but nothing worked. I tried fighting it and twice I got close, but the battle lasted for like 20 minutes! I did not feel like doing that again and again.

All the bosses so far where fun and I could even beat enemies that were like 6 levels above me, why can't I beat this one that is on the exact same level? There must be something wrong! I tried looking at the internet for strategies, but to no avail. Nothing, gamesfaq has some guides, but nothing about that perticular boss.

So I gave up and decided to do the brute force approach. Something that I did not have to do until now. Basically I will need to level up. Luckily this game has a ton of sidequests and you can level up that way, instead of grinding. So I am doing sidequest, there are a ton of areas open to me with level 90 enemies. I am also going around previous areas defeating monsters that used to be too strong. Like the giant baboon that walks around Gaurs Plain.

I actually defeated a monster that was 6 levels above me, by stipping one of the characters in his undies. Yeah you heard it right there is a character running around in its boxers owning people. I recently found out that when you find all the landmarks and locations in a map, the whole map will be revealed to you. So no need to hug walls and fill in a map that way. Wish I knew that before I swam around an ocean for an hour.

Besides that one boss this game is pretty much perfect.

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 10:54:40

Sort out that boss then tell us how to deal with him in detail. I haven't been able to play this week at all but I will get started again today or tomorrow.

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 15:07:51

Done some more sidequesting. I beat an boss like enemy that was seven levels above me! I did this by using strategy and clever gem use. I still can't understand how that boss can be such a handful, it does not make any sense. I also beat an enemy that was 8 levels above me.

I am now level 80 and 150 hours in, will do some more sidequest and kill more high level enemies later on.

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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 11:30:04

I beat that infernal boss, by being 5 levels above it and decided to end the game. The bosses after that were much easier, not sure what happened there. The ending is awesome reminds me of a comic I read. Yoda would love the theme of this game. There is even room for a sequel if they want to do that. Will write down pro's and con's of the game later.

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Sat, 17 Sep 2011 21:24:42

PROS and Cons


+Awesome and varied environments that are fun to explore

+Awesome Battle system

+Huge amount of content

+Addictive side missions

+The music. OMG at the music

+Depth in battle, strategy and customization

+Some sidequest require you to choose

+Story that looks like it is cliché, but throws curve balls at you

+Japanese voice acting is incredible, British is funny

+No annoying Emo characters

+Awesome rewards for completing sidequests

+No frustration in dying


-No Bestiary

-Most sidequest are a bit simple

-Sometimes difficult to find a certain person

-Almost impossible to find out who trades what without a guide

-Swimming could have been a bit faster

-Affinity raising between characters is too slow

-That one annoying boss

-character models look fugly up close


Well let me tell it this way. I played Chrono Trigger and The World Ends With You shorty before playing this game. And it blows both of them away. GG usually does not like over complicated RPGs, but he can't stop playing.

So in short buy this game, it is awesome. One of the best RPGs ever.

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Sun, 18 Sep 2011 16:09:09

I'm 60 hours in and on Valek mountain.

Don't like it much, pretty fugly but nice music.

Holy crap when that character appeared on P.Island! surprise

Edited: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 16:37:20

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 12:33:37

Valak looks beautiful at night and there is some awesome story development there. I actually figured out that 'that person' will appear. You have not seen anything yet.

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:06:29

I don't like the way the camera puts you at jaunty camera angles on Valek.

Also, going down rather than up a mountain isn't that good as you can't see the landscape scaling in front of you. Sword valley is okay.

After Eryrth sea the environments seem more linear and not that interesting to explore.

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:03:06
gamingeek said:

I don't like the way the camera puts you at jaunty camera angles on Valek.

Also, going down rather than up a mountain isn't that good as you can't see the landscape scaling in front of you. Sword valley is okay.

After Eryrth sea the environments seem more linear and not that interesting to explore.

The environments will now mostly be more dungeon-like and linear. The battles will become thougher and more interesting though. But there are still a ton of sidequest to do, just make sure you find all the collectables and fill up the map completely in sword valley and Galahad fortress before moving on.

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 17:34:17
Iga_Bobovic said:

The environments will now mostly be more dungeon-like and linear. The battles will become thougher and more interesting though. But there are still a ton of sidequest to do, just make sure you find all the collectables and fill up the map completely in sword valley and Galahad fortress before moving on.

You know the timed missions in Alcamoth? I don't want to accidently advance the story and wipe those missions out.

Is there a clear trigger point like with Bionis Leg missions and starting Colony 6?

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 21:05:02

The cut off point is way ahead you are not even close yet. Worry more about Sword Valley and Galahad fortress. Get all the missions there, complete your collectpedia and fill your map (remeber you just need to find all locations and landmarks and the map will fill itself in) before you more on. Those will get cutt-off before the Alcamoth missions. The cut off points are story based and they are not always clear. I will tell you when you get close.

Also fix the bridge in Makna and do some side missions in Frontier Village, there are some worthy rewards.

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 23:00:31

So what about the Yanks?

Vader, Robio Edgy? Are you still planning to import this game?

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 23:25:46
I would actually seriously consider importing it in about 5-6 months when all the new holiday releases are done.
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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 23:38:25

It's still something I'd pick up for the right price. I still have to get a second Wii if I want to play it though, so until the prices are a little lower it's something that'll just be waiting in the wings for me.

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Tue, 20 Sep 2011 07:23:39
Iga_Bobovic said:

So what about the Yanks?

Vader, Robio Edgy? Are you still planning to import this game?

Next year in between big releases.

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Tue, 20 Sep 2011 08:05:03
Dvader said:

Next year in between big releases.

This is bigger than most of the big releases. (Though at the end of this year wouldn't be a good time to be playing it lol.)

Edited: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 08:05:37

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Tue, 20 Sep 2011 10:22:06
robio said:

It's still something I'd pick up for the right price. I still have to get a second Wii if I want to play it though, so until the prices are a little lower it's something that'll just be waiting in the wings for me.

I thought you already modded your wii via sd card?

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Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:32:49
gamingeek said:
robio said:

It's still something I'd pick up for the right price. I still have to get a second Wii if I want to play it though, so until the prices are a little lower it's something that'll just be waiting in the wings for me.

I thought you already modded your wii via sd card?

I did. However my Wii is hooked up to a very large SDTV in our media room (that has essentially been taken over by the kids and is now their play room).  You cannot play PAL games on an American SDTV. PAL games show up in black and white and don't quite fit on the screen. So I'd have to remove it from that room and bring it down to my living room and hook it up to my HDTV. Not a huge deal really, but I'd essentially be taking it from the kids and that's a headache I really don't need in my life just for a video game.

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