Oh hell yeah! They have easily been the best that they have ever been this generation for me. If it's from Capcom then it's pretty much a garaunteed purchase for me. Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4, Bionic Commando, Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter IV have all been great games and I totally love how they've been re-releasing some of their classic games like Super Street Fighter II HD, Bionic Commando Rearmed, and Marvel vs. Capcom 2. They've been top-notch this gen and the only mis-step I can think of was Dead Rising: Chop 'Till You Drop.
gamingeek said:I really want to download Bionic Commando re-armed. What other download games do they have planned?
It really is a fantastic remake. As for other games I'm not sure but I hope plenty.

on the wii, it's been letdown after letdown and with the exception of monster hunter tri and tatsunoko vs ... (which i'm fairly certain are efforts i will support) i gave up on anything that carries their logo on the same box as the wii logo. spyborgs is a joke and i just don't care for resident evil light-gun spin-offs or any more remakes. resident evil 4 and okami are great games but i already had those. zack and wiki was great and gg is right about it probably being their most original and thus most praiseworthy title this generation
They've at least been doing some honest efforts there, but I don't really care about Zack and Wiki, and everything else is yet to be released.
I wish Flagship were doing the DS Zelda games

Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI really enjoyed Umbrella Chronicles myself as I love lightgun games. I'm also really looking forward to Darkside as well. Lightgun games seem like a great fit for the Wii. I really wish they'd make some lightgun games for the 360.
Archangel3371 said:
I really enjoyed Umbrella Chronicles myself as I love lightgun games. I'm also really looking forward to Darkside as well. Lightgun games seem like a great fit for the Wii. I really wish they'd make some lightgun games for the 360.
I enjoyed it too, I'm not really looking forward to Darkside but like an asstard I will probably still get it at some point.
It's not that they aren't good efforts, its that they stop a few stairs away from the landing. They dont have the time, motivation, skill (Cavia make them) or money to make the series would it could be on the system. They know its easier to do on rails games like this.
Spyborgs is just..... uh. It began looking horrible then the revised it to make good graphics yet simple gameplay. It wont sell then they will bitch about it.
I'm honestly worried that MH3 will get boring too. You wander from one large area to the next and take down a monster. Yeah? What else? Where are the puzzles or the story? Is it all item management and teaming up with online guys? Will it have voice chat or not?
I'm happy that they're updating franchises without an entry in years (Street Fighter, Bionic Commando, OG Megaman), and it's great to see that they're really starting to take advantage of the download space in a way that most publishers aren't really even considering. And really, seeing a brand new versus game always puts a smile to my face.
But, like any publisher, they've had their ups and downs. SF4, while it's certainly a good game, played it too safe by going back a more SF2 feel, which killed it for me. Apollo Justice was a HUGE disappointment, and most of the downloadable stuff that does not feature the words Mega, Man, Bionic, Street, Fighter, Marvel, vs and Capcom in their titles hasn't been fantastic. Sure, there was a somewhat decent version of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, but stuff like 1943 Dual Strike or Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3, which could've been great, just didn't work.
Though the later iteratons of their games were described perfectly by Bugsy. DMC4 was certainly a good game - not the best DMC game, but a good enough game in its own right. Same with RE5. It's a good game, and definitely worth playing (especially in co-op), but it's not the revolution that people were (and rightfully so) expecting. Mega Man 9 falls into this trap too, but that's more a personal issue than anything else.
Monster Hunter I can't comment on (though I do have a copy of Freedom Unite), but Spyborgs I can...it's quite underwhelming. Cannot say much on Lost Planet or Dead Rising, though I do wish to try the sequel.
Now, if only Capcom decided to port 3rd Strike...then that would make me quite the happy chappy.
I guess it's to each his/her own.
Capcom also released some great PSP games. So I'm happy with Capcom.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I can't really fault CAPCOM. I have not njoyed some of their games, but that is because of the genre and my personal tastes. In terms of execution though, I can't see where they have gone wrong, except perhaps in not releasing a new Dino Crisis game.
Apart from Zack and Wiki it's a pretty big MEH.
At the same time, though, I can see that many of the games I'm not too excited about look like great offerings, but just aren't at the top of my priorities.
I think they have done well, but I've enjoyed last gen's games more. Especially Okami, Viewtiful Joe and RE4.
aspro73 said:and I also count RE4 Wii as being of this generation.
What? No.
Otherwise you can count Okami too and count all Nintendo's New Play version games.
darthhomer said:
But, like any publisher, they've had their ups and downs. SF4, while it's certainly a good game, played it too safe by going back a more SF2 feel, which killed it for me. Apollo Justice was a HUGE disappointment,
It was, but only compared to PW1 and 3. I think that the problem was that the episodes weren't self contained and it was only at the end of the very last case where everything was drawn together that it justified itself.
They have been really good but not as good as last gen. Last gen they were innovating and bring out the best games they have ever made. They set the standard for the 3D action genre with Devil May Cry, and I think made the best 3D action game in DMC3. RE4 was a masterpiece, a revolution, and the best game of last gen. I think Capcom has not made a game as good as Okami this gen.
As you can see all the people that made the games above have now left the company. So what you get are excellent quality sequels but sequels that don't match what Capcom was doing last gen. With downloadable games they are kicking ass though.
So how do you guys feel about Ubisoft?
No, seriously. Last gen they had BGE, Rayman, Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia. As well as XIII and others like Far Cry. They really sort of came out as quality developers.
This gen?
I really haven't played enough of their games. I played GRAW and Rainbox Six Vegas but they aint really my sort of games. On reflection Red Steel 1 had pretty poor controls comparitively and was unpolished. Rayman minigames yuck.
I hated Splinter Cell Double Agent. Assasins Creed got mixed reviews right?
Far Cry 2 looked solid. POP was a commercial flop and reviews complained it played itself.
I'm not sure so far. I guess they get bigger points last gen for originality. We're talking sequels here but games like BGE and POP and Splinter cell etc were all original IP back then.
Never was into any of their games before but I have gotten into GRAW and I totally loved Assassin's Creed and the sequel is an insta-buy for me right now. As I never really played any of their games before I can't really gauge how they've progressed but at least they caught my attention this gen so for that I think they're doing pretty good.
They get a lot of praise and have released some solid stuff. But after playing the majority of their games minus a couple of notable omissions, I find myself mildly disappointed.
Apart from the Phoenix Wright series of which I own 4/4 and soon to be 5/5 their games just aren't doing it for me.
Dead Rising was fun but very flawed and frustrating IMO and I dont really see what this new sequel can do apart from setting.
SF IV I was really up and down on. Its solid and fun but I'm burned out on the franchise and 2-D fighters in general. Its a lot of fancy graphics tethered to an age old, yet classic design.
Resident Evil 5, again is solid enjoyable stuff and if you have your system online the co-op pushes it to a 9.0 in my book. Otherwise seeing how I'm wireless this is an 8.5 game thats enjoyable but just doesn't blow it out the gate like classic Capcom. It's nowhere near RE4 for me.
Their Wii Resident evil games are good for what they are but nobody really wanted what they are in the first place. They're polished looking on rails shooters but don't begin to enter the realms of greatness.
Lost Planet I haven't played but gamers I trust like Edge and Dvader have given some pretty meh impressions and its reviews haven't endeared me to try it either way.
DMC looks fun but I dont really play those sorts of games.
Otherwise its what? Zack and Wiki hit most of the right notes, it could have used just something more to elevate it, maybe DLC, perhaps a longer game, some voice acting, a two player mode. But this is original and different so its probably my favourite Capcom game this gen.
Monster Hunter 3 looks pretty epic but I think it might end up disappointing me too, I haven't really heard many impressions of the story mode and I'm not a big online gamer.
Spyborgs recentely got like a 65% review from NGamer and looks very basic, they copped out once more on a wii game by taking out the platforming exploration aspect and made it a quick ass easy to make brawler.
Outsourced titles like Bionic Commando and Dark Void just dont seem very Capcom to me.
I'm finding it increasingly hard to be excited by Capcom this gen. I think I'm going to have to throw the old Kamiya/Mikami/Inaba departure back into the fray.
It's a testament to the depth of talent there that they can still put out solid and attractive looking games even after losing these three all stars. But it just aint the same for me.