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Your 2010 E3 Predicitions
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Wed, 26 May 2010 11:45:09

Any of you all want to run down your E3 predicitions?

X  PSP2 shown, no playable games, just some videos from Sony.

+ 360 Slim revealed.  Will be only SKU moving forward.

X Zelda formally dated.

+ 3DS Shown, no playable games, just talk and onstage demos.

X Uncharted game revealed, but not UC3.

? New Elder Scrolls game revealed.

+ Actual game for Vitality Sensor shown and playable. (Just wasn't Nintendo's) Nyaa

X Wii Price Drop $50. No bundled games.  Black is new default, white discontinued.

Edited: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 23:22:29

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Wed, 26 May 2010 13:51:29

I agree with the 360 Slim, Zelda being dates, and 3DS being shown though I do think they'll show off some games for it. As for my own thoughts:

- Sony relaunches the PSP Go with a significantly lower price point and some nice bundles for it.

- Sony announces EverQuest 3 which will be playable on PC and PS3.

- SE announced Kingdom Hearts 3 for the PS3.

- SE shows off first footage and dates (which they will miss) Dragon Quest X.

- Nintendo announces Kid Icarus for the DS and Pilot Wings Wii for Winter 2010.

- Blizzard announces a date for Diablo 3 and shows off a ton of new footage.

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Wed, 26 May 2010 15:30:48

aspro said:

Any of you all want to run down your E3 predicitions?

- PSP2 shown, no playable games, just some videos from Sony.

- 360 Slim revealed.  Will be only SKU moving forward.

- Zelda formally dated.

- 3DS Shown, no playable games, just talk and onstage demos.

- Uncharted game revealed, but not UC3.

- New Elder Scrolls game revealed.

- Actual game for Vitality Sensor shown and playable.

- Wii Price Drop $50. No bundled games.  Black is new default, white discontinued.

PSP 2 will only be mentioned and at some point they will decide that it will have 3D and a touch panel too.

360 slim will be bundled with Natal.

3DS will be shown with games that are launching this october.

Zelda date, yeah and pikmin 3 will be shown.

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Wed, 26 May 2010 17:52:13

aspro said:
- New Elder Scrolls game revealed.

I was thinking the same for a while but Bethesda have said not to expect any major announcements at E3 Sad

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Wed, 26 May 2010 17:53:16

Damn them. ^

Fallout 3 was a waste of time, they should have been making the next Elder Scrolls. Argh!

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Wed, 26 May 2010 19:27:08
That's not to say they won't show anything after. I read QuakeCon is the place to be for anything new.
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Thu, 27 May 2010 03:29:22

That is my only prediction, and it's more of a hope than a prediction.
selbie said:

I was thinking the same for a while but Bethesda have said not to expect any major announcements at E3 Sad

A New ES isn't a major announcement.  Nyaa

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Thu, 27 May 2010 07:21:57

Foolz said:

That is my only prediction, and it's more of a hope than a prediction.

A New ES isn't a major announcement.  Nyaa

For the fans it would be WinkWink Especially if they reveal its name and what the setting will be, and whether or not the MMO rumors are a load of BS.

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Thu, 27 May 2010 07:56:41
Zelda isnt a prediction, its 100% for sure going to be there.
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Thu, 27 May 2010 13:52:26
I want to see/hear lots of/about new Zelda, pikmin 3 and last guardian.  possibly even something about a demon's souls 2?


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Thu, 27 May 2010 20:06:32
My prediction is that there will NOT be a new Pilotwings, Star Fox, Wave Race or F-Zero game announced, therefore E3 2010 will suck . . . again.

Also, Natal will suck.
Edited: Thu, 27 May 2010 20:11:39

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Thu, 27 May 2010 21:38:32
I'm starting to think that 3D gaming was created as a construct to make motion-control gaming look good by comparison.  We'll be clinging to Natal and Move before long.

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Thu, 27 May 2010 23:42:43
aspro said:

Any of you all want to run down your E3 predicitions?

- PSP2 shown, no playable games, just some videos from Sony.

- 360 Slim revealed.  Will be only SKU moving forward.

- Zelda formally dated.

- 3DS Shown, no playable games, just talk and onstage demos.

- Uncharted game revealed, but not UC3.

- New Elder Scrolls game revealed.

- Actual game for Vitality Sensor shown and playable.

- Wii Price Drop $50. No bundled games.  Black is new default, white discontinued.

 There's how I score your predictions.  PSP2, sure.  360 is not going to one SKU, though I'll give a slim model a decent chance.  Zelda will be shown, not specifically dated.  3DS absolutely not playable.  Uncharted spin-off, I doubt.  Elder Scrolls seems about time.  Vitality Sensor I wager is dead.  Wii is white, and will remain so, and I doubt a price drop announcement at E3.


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Fri, 28 May 2010 01:07:05

Zelda will be the star and we will get a bunch of info but it wont hit this year. Men cry.
Vitality sensor "game" will be the Wii Music of this holiday season.
Wii Music 2 will also be the Wii Music game of this holiday season
Pikmin 3
New Star Fox
Cammy will suck
3DS will be shown with a new Mario at launch.
Pokemon 3DS will be shown (or is the new one a DS game, whatever it will be enchanced and released for both)


Move will be $100 and they will show that fake Wii Sports, and fake Wii Play, probably fake Wii Music. Then one actual game that we would like to play but it will probably look stupid. In the end it will benefit FPSs, like Killzone 3.
Lots of Last Guardian, LBP2, GT5
Resistance 3
FFXIII versus will be shown finally, release date
MGS Peace Walker on PSN for PS3.
Resident Evil 6 (shown at 360 as well)
Assassin's Creed 3 teaser.
PSP2 will be shown. More damn PSP games will be annouced and I will be angry.


Natal heavy. They will actually have a cool game to go along with Natal, I say one more interesting than what Sony got for move. But there will be fake Wii stuff too.
Lots of Gears 3, Halo Reach.
Mass Effect 3
Metal Gear Raiden shown
Some stupid exclusivity deal with some major third party, like Portal 2 only on 360 (and PC of course)

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Fri, 28 May 2010 03:27:48

selbie said:

For the fans it would be WinkWink Especially if they reveal its name and what the setting will be, and whether or not the MMO rumors are a load of BS.

I'm just trolling. Nyaa

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Fri, 28 May 2010 10:38:50
That new metal gear game will be shown right?

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Sat, 29 May 2010 06:04:40

Dvader said:

Zelda will be the star and we will get a bunch of info but it wont hit this year. Men cry.
Vitality sensor "game" will be the Wii Music of this holiday season.
Wii Music 2 will also be the Wii Music game of this holiday season
Pikmin 3
New Star Fox
Cammy will suck
3DS will be shown with a new Mario at launch.
Pokemon 3DS will be shown (or is the new one a DS game, whatever it will be enchanced and released for both)


Move will be $100 and they will show that fake Wii Sports, and fake Wii Play, probably fake Wii Music. Then one actual game that we would like to play but it will probably look stupid. In the end it will benefit FPSs, like Killzone 3.
Lots of Last Guardian, LBP2, GT5
Resistance 3
FFXIII versus will be shown finally, release date
MGS Peace Walker on PSN for PS3.
Resident Evil 6 (shown at 360 as well)
Assassin's Creed 3 teaser.
PSP2 will be shown. More damn PSP games will be annouced and I will be angry.


Natal heavy. They will actually have a cool game to go along with Natal, I say one more interesting than what Sony got for move. But there will be fake Wii stuff too.
Lots of Gears 3, Halo Reach.
Mass Effect 3
Metal Gear Raiden shown
Some stupid exclusivity deal with some major third party, like Portal 2 only on 360 (and PC of course)

Resistance 3 under Sony?  Insomniac is  multi now. No on ME3.  Too early. Portal 2 is already out of the box.  MGS on PSN (You wish!).

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Sat, 29 May 2010 07:33:25
Resistance is a Sony property, its not going multiplatform.
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Sat, 29 May 2010 09:35:20
^Ah okay.  Shows what I know Nyaa

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Sat, 29 May 2010 09:38:15

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:

Any of you all want to run down your E3 predicitions?

- PSP2 shown, no playable games, just some videos from Sony.

- 360 Slim revealed.  Will be only SKU moving forward.

- Zelda formally dated.

- 3DS Shown, no playable games, just talk and onstage demos.

- Uncharted game revealed, but not UC3.

- New Elder Scrolls game revealed.

- Actual game for Vitality Sensor shown and playable.

- Wii Price Drop $50. No bundled games.  Black is new default, white discontinued.

 There's how I score your predictions.  PSP2, sure.  360 is not going to one SKU, though I'll give a slim model a decent chance.  Zelda will be shown, not specifically dated.  3DS absolutely not playable.  Uncharted spin-off, I doubt.  Elder Scrolls seems about time.  Vitality Sensor I wager is dead.  Wii is white, and will remain so, and I doubt a price drop announcement at E3.

 360 slim at this E3 is a lock baybe LOCK.

Edited: Sat, 29 May 2010 09:38:39

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