I rarely find a game I can't beat.Old games are the ones that can be really tough. Games where I cant make one mistake I suck at. I am not one of these crazy speed perfect run type of gamers that can get through an entire game like Mega Man without getting touched. I just play well enough.
FPSs are probably my weakness. Super hard modes in those games drive me nuts.Also I am not the best at online, I am usually middle of the pack but I never put the time like the highest ranked players do.
As for being capped, I dont know, as with anything the more you play something the better you get at it. So if I focus on one type of game I bet I will get better at it.
I have no skillz anymore. Used to have lots, but not anymore. That's why I play Harvest Moon now. It's pretty tough to fuck up farming you know?
I'm only have joking about that really. Most of the games I play are either on the easy side, or they're some kind of sim like Harvest Moon. Though I suppose I do spend a lot of time with my puzzle games on the DSi. I just don't have the time to sink into a game where you really need to have skill to play it, so I tend to avoid them.
But on occasion I will pick up an older Mario game or maybe some other 2-D platformer, and I'll play it for a fun little nostalgia rush. And there will likely be a minute or two of gameplay where I run at full speed, doing mulitple jumps with twists, turns, and the works and decimate a level in the process. After a moment like that I pause the game and just go, "yeah... I still got it. I could still be this good."
I can get by. Some games give me more trouble than others, but whenever I stop playing a game before finishing it, it's either because of other distractions or boredom, and never lack of skill. However, I can't remember having ever excelled at any game, even at my StarCraft or SFII or KoF98 peaks.
I think the first time I noticed a great leap in talent was when I replayed through Star Fox 64 without deaths, some time in the middle of the fifth gen. It was pretty hard the first time I played it; now it's a breeze.
Now? I'm rather badass overall. I'm better than most people online in any competitive game. I still play most games on Normal difficulty, but a jump up to Hard wouldn't be a significant challange. I'm a wizard at any older games I replay frequently; I don't necessarily speedrun my way through SMB3, but none of the levels really slow me down anymore, and I usually end the game with ~70 lives. Of course, I rock at Doom.
Do I think my skillz are capped? Unlikely. There are still several genres I could choose to master.
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

Lately life has been more demanding so I only play what I know I can finish. Maybe 3 or so games on the go at the most. So as far as caps go I'm pretty much at my peak.
The only thing I can proudly boast about is my mad Tetris Attack/Planet Puzzle League skills!

Other than that nerdy thing I could do I'm above average in Street Fighter IV and Third Strike. Not great but not bad either. I can hold my own.
I've gotten better with FPSs online. Sometimes I can really play well but sometimes I just have bad games. It's very inconsistent. But I can say that I'm not the worst whenever I play matches.
As for other games like single player stuff...I play off and on usually on normal. I don't go hardcore and play the hardest difficulty or try to find everything or get every achievement. Mostly because I'm impatient and want to see what happens next. I'm sure I can force myself to play the hardest difficulties but since it takes longer, I just play normal. But I never play easy.
And I'm a master when it comes to JRPGs....because when you think about it, it takes no skill to play JRPGs. All you use is one button, read texts, and customize your characters. And if a boss is too hard, just grind for a few hours and the boss is easy. What's so hard about that? My kind of game!

I guess when it comes to JRPGs....patience is a needed skill, which kind of contradicts myself because I have no patience with non-RPG games!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I never really expected my gaming skills to improve over time - I figured I was stuck with what I had -- so I'm curious to know about your gaming skills whether you think you have capped out with yuor skills or you see them getting better -- or worse.