Forum > Gaming Discussion > Your Pick For Worst Game Ever
Your Pick For Worst Game Ever
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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:46:11

No trolling please.

I'm going to stick to the current generation since I've played so many bad games overall.

Lionel Trains On Track for DS.  The only place that reviewed this game that you would have heard of (IGN)  gave it a 3.5, which is extravagantly generous.  

This is an in-depth train/ business simulator that has been shrunk down for the DS.  Without hardly any instructions, and little to no indication as to what each button does.  It uses touch control, which is poorly implemented, resulting in tracks going in the wrong place.  The graphics are very poor, but worse than that they are highly detailed, so the stylus blocks out most of what you need to control.  None of the on-screen buttons are descriptive or indicative.

I'd honestly enjoy a real train sim for the DS, I really would, I  have no problem with the concept, but the game itself is unplayable.

Indicating how much the publisher did not care they included the text from the PR announcement release as the back of the box copy, revealed by a description of the game coming "this fall".

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:59:25
Edited: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:01:19


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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:27:50

This piece of crap right here:

Harvest Moon: My Little Shop.  Complete and utter shit.  It was part of what was fortunately a very short trend of making games that offer up limited amounts of daily content in hopes that you'd play the game in 15 minute bursts and come back every day for more.  Unfortunately the gameplay was so mind numbingly dull that the thought of having to come back every day to play more seemed like a more cruel threat than anything the SS ever came up with.

The game was so bad that NintendoLife, a site that routinely overrates everything, was only able to give it a 4/10.  Most other sites wouldn't even touch it to review it.

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 04:26:26

Yodariquo said:

That looks...strangely fun.

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 06:40:52
The worst game I played so far this gen has to be:

"Animal Tracks" Argh!

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:37:47

Metal Gear Solid 2, Bioshock and Deadly Creatures.

aspro said:

No trolling please.

Oooops. Just pretend I didn't say that^ Nyaa

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:19:16

gamingeek said:

Metal Gear Solid 2, Bioshock and Deadly Creatures.

Oooops. Just pretend I didn't say that^ Nyaa

 C'mon GG, what is your worst game?

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:03:30
I usually try to avoid bad games. There have been many "worst games I enjoyed" though and "most disappointing" games.

But if  I had to pick one, it'd be Loki Heroes of Mythology for the PC. There was a phase in my life where I was addicted to Dialbo-styled games. Loved Titan Quest, absolutely loved Torchlight, but damn I hated Loki. The worst Diablo-clone I ever played!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:40:06

aspro said:

gamingeek said:

Metal Gear Solid 2, Bioshock and Deadly Creatures.

Oooops. Just pretend I didn't say that^ Nyaa

C'mon GG, what is your worst game?

I tend to do lots of research before I buy, so the worst games I play are games that are like a 7.0 in my book.

I can't really name a worst game ever. The worst games are like boring games that aren't that flawed, just boring.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 12:37:30
possibly the worst game i bought this console generation is Nights: Journey Into Dreams.  i have heard no uglier sound in my life than the voice of Nights.  it's truly the stuff of nightmares


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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 13:43:55

bugsonglass said:
possibly the worst game i bought this console generation is Nights: Journey Into Dreams.  i have heard no uglier sound in my life than the voice of Nights.  it's truly the stuff of nightmares

I second that.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 13:49:52

bugsonglass said:
possibly the worst game i bought this console generation is Nights: Journey Into Dreams.  i have heard no uglier sound in my life than the voice of Nights.  it's truly the stuff of nightmares

That game was a rough experience. I loved the traditional NiGHTS levels and even enjoyed a couple of the new platform levels.  Unfortunately the entire voice cast was horrendous, and NiGHTS in particular was just ear grating to listen to.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 19:24:40

robio said:

bugsonglass said:
possibly the worst game i bought this console generation is Nights: Journey Into Dreams.  i have heard no uglier sound in my life than the voice of Nights.  it's truly the stuff of nightmares

That game was a rough experience. I loved the traditional NiGHTS levels and even enjoyed a couple of the new platform levels.  Unfortunately the entire voice cast was horrendous, and NiGHTS in particular was just ear grating to listen to.

NiGHTS Journey is a good game, but you guys are right about the awful voice cast. I muted all of the cutscenes, which made the game much more enjoyable. Happy

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 22:02:49

gamingeek said:

I tend to do lots of research before I buy, so the worst games I play are games that are like a 7.0 in my book.

I can't really name a worst game ever. The worst games are like boring games that aren't that flawed, just boring.

 That's too bad, because you'll miss out on games that you may enjoy that you pick up on accident (how I find most of the games I like).  I can see with the profusion of games available that is not really necessary, particularly if your tastes in gaming are being catered to.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 22:21:07

Ravenprose said:

robio said:

bugsonglass said:
possibly the worst game i bought this console generation is Nights: Journey Into Dreams.  i have heard no uglier sound in my life than the voice of Nights.  it's truly the stuff of nightmares

That game was a rough experience. I loved the traditional NiGHTS levels and even enjoyed a couple of the new platform levels.  Unfortunately the entire voice cast was horrendous, and NiGHTS in particular was just ear grating to listen to.

NiGHTS Journey is a good game, but you guys are right about the awful voice cast. I muted all of the cutscenes, which made the game much more enjoyable. Happy

 I think I bought that game because of you Raven. I have not played it yet.  I really didn't dig the first one, so I don;t know why I got it, but I'll be sure to mute it when I do play.

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:31:56
The worst games I have ever played were probably old NES games, the ones like Total Recall and shit like that, which is almost unplayable.

I tend not to play shovelware games. Even the bad games I do play are probably way better than worst junk. Over the last few years I would say Sonic 06 or Terminator Salvation. I hated that Wii Tenchu game but that is more about me disliking the gameplay than the game actually being bad on a technical level, it seemed alright. Oh I did try out Wii Music for a few minutes, yeah that was crap.
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Thu, 22 Apr 2010 00:25:57
Noby Noby Boy. Fuck that piece of shit. On paper it sounds alright, handling a phallic avatar that you can enlarge and that poops stuff at will. Argh!
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Thu, 22 Apr 2010 01:33:46

I'd have to go pretty far back to choose the worst game I ever played, probably something on the NES or Atari 2600. I can quite easily tell what I'll like very early on just by going on who's developing it and what genre the game fits in so it's been a very long time since I've purchased a game that's left me greatly disappointed.


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Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:20:05

aspro said:

Ravenprose said:

robio said:

bugsonglass said:
possibly the worst game i bought this console generation is Nights: Journey Into Dreams.  i have heard no uglier sound in my life than the voice of Nights.  it's truly the stuff of nightmares

That game was a rough experience. I loved the traditional NiGHTS levels and even enjoyed a couple of the new platform levels.  Unfortunately the entire voice cast was horrendous, and NiGHTS in particular was just ear grating to listen to.

NiGHTS Journey is a good game, but you guys are right about the awful voice cast. I muted all of the cutscenes, which made the game much more enjoyable. Happy

I think I bought that game because of you Raven. I have not played it yet.  I really didn't dig the first one, so I don;t know why I got it, but I'll be sure to mute it when I do play.

Do yourself a favour and just snap the disc in half, right now.

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