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You're Only Fooling Yourself
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Mon, 31 May 2010 03:11:27
I rarely relate to characters in movies, books or TV shows.  They'll have the typical character constructs that I, for better or worse, tend not to fall in to.  Recently, though, I've found a bit of common-ground with the characters in His and Her Circumstances.

His and Her Circumstances is an anime that focuses on the relationship between Yukino Miyazawa and Soichiro Arima.  The two come together based on their mutual character flaw of putting up appearances.  Each of them, for his and her own reason, had been trying to appear to their peers as perfect; they were model students.

I've been doing this for years.  It's not exactly the same situation -- Miyazawa would practice all night and day, and lie about interests; I avoided the topic altogether.  My most recent blog post focused on the idea of not saying things you aren't sure about, as it's become a defining characteristic of my outward appearance; if I don't know, I don't speak, lest I be perceived as intellectually inferior.

It's gotten to the point where I deceive myself.  I'll get praise where I don't deserve it, and have no idea why others get a positive impression.  I'm unable to make decisions because I'm unsure what I actually want.  It's nice to be thought highly of, but it's not worth it if it's not real.

If someone asks a question, I search for an answer to appear knowledgeable.
If someone needs help, I find out how to appear useful.
If someone is better than I am, I avoid comparisons as to not appear inferior.
If someone is lesser than I am, I'll accept challenges to appear superior.
If I'm likely to fail, I'm likely not to try.

Even writing this, my concern is significantly on whether or not I come across as narcissistic for writing about myself too often.  You've also seen it yourselves; my posts will address objective points where I can provide an explanation, as opposed to posting personal opinion and my daily life.  I do get caught up, from time to time, on argumentative points.  I'll talk about technical issues because that's what I know, and additionally, around a non-technical audience, I don't have to fear reprisal if I happen to be mistaken.

I fear I may getting lost in my own mind, but I also fear what else may be in there.  As of now I'm benign as I drift by unnoticed in the background.  False grace is better than genuine malice.


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Mon, 31 May 2010 03:26:49
You are not alone, I tend to do some of those things as well. The fact that you are writing this and notice it is a good thing.

Now to find a LOST gif...
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Mon, 31 May 2010 11:27:04
You think too hard. You need to be like Spongebob Squarepants best buddy, I can't remember his name. Watch some episodes and copy him. You will be infinetly happier.

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Mon, 31 May 2010 11:35:52

gamingeek said:
You think too hard. You need to be like Spongebob Squarepants best buddy, I can't remember his name. Watch some episodes and copy him. You will be infinetly happier.

Patrick. I think.

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Tue, 01 Jun 2010 05:44:23
Dvader said:
You are not alone, I tend to do some of those things as well.

But you readily admit playing Sonic games.  Clearly you're flawed Nyaa I am hoping to avoid stupid jokes, yet now I start.  Thanks, though it's more what I do with that information than anything.


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Tue, 01 Jun 2010 05:57:50

In my world view people are one of three things:

1. Clueless (this is most people, like 99%+).

2. Assholes (this is a small group).

3. Thoughful people (this is an even smaller group).

So using that categorization system you'd have to fit into the last category.

From time to time thoughtful people can be clueless, or assholes, just as occacionally an asshole can be clueless or thoughtful.  Clueless people are never assholes or thoughtful, they are just oblivious.

I tend to like assholes more, since you know where they stand, whereas thoughtful people, like myself, can be wishy-washy and philosophical.  I just can't stand clueless people.  Unfortunately for me, that is everyone I meet.  I'd say the VGPress has an insanely high percentage of thoughful types.

All that to say, "simplify man".

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Tue, 01 Jun 2010 23:46:05

This is something we all tend to do from time to time, although not to the extent you seem to have taken it. Your analytic nature and obsession with excellence might have driven you to believe that anything else but flawless performances in every aspect of your life or every activity you try should be regarded as failures. But failure is pivotal in the learning process. I'd prefer the learning that comes with one failure than the one that comes with a thousand successes. 

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