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Dvader said:
So this is like Avatar where they all have their own flying buddy.
You just had to kill the game for me, didn't you.
You could have at least called it a blue chocobo.
Info overload!!!!
I'll be back when I sort through it all. But from what I gather is that the overworld is like a giant dungeon and the dungeons are dungeons within dungeons and you can enter a dark world which is another dungeon within a dungeon within a dungeon.
GT Gameplay direct feed video with BOSS FIGHT!
It looks incredible. The boss is unlike anything we have fought in a Zelda game and feels more DMCish in nature.
Info from the roundtable:
Audrey Drake:
Talking about the sword fight boss battle in Skyward. How the Motion Plus ups the ante. I'm actually one of a very few who said they had played and beat it! ^_^
Looking at a new area, a volcanic one, in Skyward. One that wasn't sown on the show floor.
A new race of species-- Mogmas? Magmas? They look like funnydog things poppin gout of the ground.
Audrey Drake:
We see the girl from the original concept art now. The spirit in Link's sword, as we all guessed. Named Fi (sp?). She acts as your guide as you're looking for different pieces of a key. You can hear the sword reacting to stuff in the ground, like a metal detector of sorts.
Link slides down a sandy hill. He grabs a bomb flower and throws it down the hill.
Link just effed up some moblins. Go Link!
This tech demo is going muuuuch better than the last one. Guess it's a good thing we really turned off our Wi-Fi.
Now we're being showed the Siren World. It's very mystical looking, is actually in a different dimension. He must collect certain tear-shaped items to leave. The portal to this world is in the forest from the very first demo of this game at last year's E3.
Audrey Drake:
Guardians protect these items. One hit from them can kill him because he's unarmed in this world. Finding the item releases the guardian.
This is the same environment you traverse earlier in the game, just in a different dimension. Trippy, much? So if you memorize the layout it will pay off later down the line.
Usually in a Zelda game you solve puzzles in one area and move on to the next. This time around you'll be returning to areas to discover new puzzles and new elements to explore. Understanding the environments is integral as you will be interacting with them multiple times and in different ways. He says the map system has been improved as a result.
Guys check this out, shows how the zelda demo was realtime
Check this preview of Skyward Sword, it's pretty good and has a couple of new pics: http://www.destructoid.com/e3-hands-on-with-the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-203195.phtml
Got to say, they have sold me on the SS art style now they have shown more. It's more Wind Waker esque, has a better colour pallet than the stuff they showed last year inspired by Monet. It's clean and sharp and looks great. If you actually go back and play Twilight Princess then Wind Waker, WW looks like the new games engine.
Wii U TP artstyle is perfect. The problem with TP is the engine sucked so it looked all grainy and the games visuals suffered cause of it. Its why cel shaded games look the best on the Wii. But with actual modern graphics the TP artstyle is stunning. This better not be a GC tech demo thing all over again where we get this awesome looking Zelda and the real game is a damn cartoon. It needs to look like that, like a freaking pixar movie come to life.
Very interesting GS preview
During the roundtable, Aonuma demoed sections of Skyward Sword from a Japanese version of the game. In the first demo, Link came across two mole-like humanoid creatures (tentatively called Mogmas) talking about how they had broken up the key to a massive door in the level and buried its five pieces in different locations. After dispatching the two Mogmas, Link entered dousing mode. This switched the screen perspective to a first-person view, with Link's sword jutting out the middle. Moving the Wii remote back and forth made Link move the sword -- the closer he came to the location of a buried key piece, the more insistent the beeping, and the larger the glow emanating from the certain of the screen. Once found, Link switched out of dousing mode and started digging (using special gloves that you'll need to find within the game, Aonuma said), finding the first piece of the key. While the first piece of the key was easy to find, the next few proved more challenging, and required some clever lateral thinking (and use of conveniently-placed bomb flowers).
Interesting thanks, it's hard for me to see what they are talking about without a video.
More scary previews. They better not screw this game up with PH crap.
Dvader said:http://www.1up.com/previews/e3-skyward-sword-wraps-familiar
More scary previews. They better not screw this game up with PH crap.
Check out the trailer Agnates posted on the GG weekly here. You can see the whole bird race and it last less than 3 minutes. 1up is clearly exaggerating.
Iga_Bobovic said:Check out the trailer Agnates posted on the GG weekly here. You can see the whole bird race and it last less than 3 minutes. 1up is clearly exaggerating.
Yeah I saw that, bird racing is the least of my worries, I am a sucker for mini games like that. Its the shadow world, saw a bit of it in the video GG showed. It has that tear drop bar just like the wolf in the start of TP. having to run around into safe zones avoiding enemies that kill you in one hit. Not being able to get out until you get all the tear drop things. It sounds like it can get annoying and totally disrupt the Zelda gameplay flow.
Holy shit those gifs look sexy.