Heavy Rain to be 8-12 hours with lots of replay va
Random news, at least it will be a good length.
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Ellyoda (6m)
1. Port stuff
2. Make more 360 and PS3 games
3. Oh.... this is Wii. Oh right this is Wii
4. Bring Phoenix Wright to PC
I never played Bully and probably never will. It was one of those games that didn't interest me enough.
Yeah the '80s were awesome indeed especially for music and cartoons.
I would love to see a new Demon's Crest and Mega Man X game. I'd also love to see a new Breath of Fire. Dragon Quarter disappointed me. I could probably chime of another half dozen Capcom games I'd like to see get long overdue sequels.
I was the same on Bully, till I played it. It's great, basically like an off beat GTA that is hilarious and has a few ideas of its own. You should youtube it and check some of the videos. It's cheap now too.
Hmm well I guess it couldn't hurt any to check out some vids on it on youtube. Honestly though even though it's cheap now it's hard to say if I'll ever pick it up. There are just way too many games I'm more interest in getting and things are really going to heat up even more for the next several months so money is always an issue.
Not gonna happen, Demon's Crest had negative sales (in the second week, more games were returned than were brought). People always had crappy taste in games! A shame the game deserved to sell more, maybe we will get a VC release!
Where's Edgecrusher? He'll tell you how great it is. It has a black sense of humour which you can get from the videos. But it has more variety than GTA. It was a huge suprise to me and instantly became one of my favourite titles.
Demons crest is one I'd like to try on VC.
Who is screwing with my Disaster link
No one checking out the Major Minor Preview from Parappa the rappa creators? (link in fridays updates)
Nor is that the limit of Major Minor's lewdness for dirty-minded players. As much as it shames me to be the first (and therefore, the dirtiest-minded) journalist to mention this, a game in which you have to jerk the Wii remote continuously up and down - making sure you never lose the rhythm lest you fail at what you're trying to do - is just asking for trouble. Don't believe me? Well, imagine playing Major Minor's Majestic March on a crowded show floor while a nearby PR cheers you on thus: "yeah, that's it! Little bit faster... Oh! Slow it down a little... you're getting to the end. Now speed up a bit, make everyone happy... yeah!"
And while it's easy to joke about how playing Major Minor's Majestic March looks to others, there is an underlying game system that is incredibly clever. You don't actually spend all your time jerking the remote up and down in time; as Major Minor traverses the levels (at a speed you set with the tempo of your shaking) he passes animals on his left and right, and if you shake your remote in time with the music towards an animal just as it turns around, they'll join your marching band.
The clever thing is that as you do this you change three factors: the difficulty, your score, and how your marching band sounds.
More at the link.
Well that's a shame. I didn't know anything about the game before I bought it but I saw it was from Capcom, had a cool looking box, and the screenshots on the back looked good so I bought. I was surprised at the price it rang up on the cash register and I thought that they had made a mistake and that I scored big time. I guess I know why it was dirt cheap. I still scored big time because it was a great game. I'd grab this in a heart-beat if it ever comes out on the VC.
Better Disaster screens
Who's crapping their pants over Phantasy Star Zero?
We knew about this on Wednesday. On the official site, if you look to the lower right hand corner and mouse over the icons, it shows some good looking screens.
In fact if you click on the middle sections it shows more screens.
"We continue to believe that the Wii is a relatively inhospitable platform for third-party publishers," he said.
So judging the Wii third party sales by a franchise that has always performed underexpectations on a Nintendo platform since the SNES days is the way to judge? Funny that they didn't make this article when Lego Indiana Jones and Guitar Hero III were setting fire.
Yeah this CGI shit is bullshit. It is nice that ones other then Disney are getting a piece of the animation pie but still. It seems that most 2D animators are moving to TV and what not. Though Disney is going back into 2D.
"Nintendo has chosen not to participate in E for All, as it did not fit into our plans for the year. We wish the participants and show organizers good luck with the event. - Nintendo statement"
This pretty much all but confirms of the "secret" Nintendo event coming this fall.
It would be interesting to have a portable MMO, to me at least.
One of the site's forefathers.
How is that not big news?! I didnt see it in the sea of nintendo news.
Nintendo's secret events. Ah how many years have people been hoping for this kind of stuff? Spaceworld is happening this year! That analyst is a bit funny in that he says "Look Madden! Wii bad!" and yet you could just as easily say "Look Guitar Hero! Wii good!"
I never said it wasn't, I just wondered who was crapping his pants.
The reason that there is more red on the page is that, for a start, PSP isn't exactly setting hearts alight so there isn't much blue on the page on the handheld front. Meanwhile a lot of 360/PS3/PC games are multiplatform and so have no colour.
Nintendo has more exclusives because off their unique hardware. Today 21 out of 38 stories are not nintendo related and that ratio roughly relates to the market segmentation you're currently seeing. But I know what you mean. Lastly, we need more people willing to update the news more regularly if you want more Sony or MS news, rather than just me and Iga. That's why the schedule was good, now I'm back in a situation where the page can be empty if someone doesn't fill in the gaps.
I was talking about back in Wed. it should have been yellow, with a giant sign that said "dvader look here!"
Anyway, nice to have time to be around again. So NPD, nothing new, I suspect the 360 to stay above the PS3 for the rest of the year. Mario Kart and Wiifit will not budge, in an age where games like GTA and MGS fall from the charts like rocks in water its amazing to see how Nintendo games have huge staying power. Not that its anything new just more impressive in this market.
GG you keep spelling DIZASTUUH wrong
P.S. Am I the only one here that has seen Starcom Space Force? The most awesome cartoon of the 80s.
They did it last year from what I remember.
One of the site's forefathers.
All signs point to maybe? I'm still waiting for Defenders of the Earth to arrive. I've started calling my gym obsessed brother Lothar.
"His strength is a legend! His skills conquer all! We never will faaaaaaaallllllllllllll! LOTHAR!"
Like my underwear? You still never look though
The 360 price cut boosted sales 100% MS say and they say that sales of the arcade pack has gone up X6 in some cases. I had PSO on dreamcast, yet I wasn't online. Yes, welcome to my world. I didn't like the repitition and I didn't like getting lost. I could see how it would well online though. What would you hope for in a DS version?
If you're thinking about the same one I'm thinking of, didn't they just reveal a couple of things like Mario Strikers and some other crap? It would be a great idea to reveal more but I think Iwata has already said that there wont be any more games released as in suprises for between now and spring 09 as far as Wii is concerned. But then Dizastuuh was sprung on us. BTW you guys should check out the higher quality videos I posted in fridays updates. Some of them look good. The texture quality is poor but generally it looks ok.
Well, I'm now a proud owner of a brand new laptop. My 3 year old Acer laptop died over a week ago. *sniff* Yesterday, I saw an excellent deal on a Toshiba Satellite laptop at my local Best Buy store; it was only $499.99 USD! I simply couldn't pass that up.
Product Features
Yeah, it's no gaming powerhouse or anthing, but it will serve me well for the next 3-4 years or so (I don't play PC games anyway). And, OMG, the screen is 10X better than my old one! It's like going from the DS Phat to the DS Lite in screen brightness and color quality!
So far, I'm loving this computer. It's very quiet, fast, and runs a whole lot cooler than my old PC.
Truebrite screens otherwise known as X-Black screens force the light through straight at you so its a clearer picture. Ouch though, I have a toshiba. Get a laptop cooler just in case.
You get Vista? I hate vista though it has improved with the updates.
Sonic unleashed. Looks okay. I still can't get over the repeated attempts to emulate sonic 2d gameplay in 3-d form. That trailer looked like it was on rails push stick towards screen. I think I might prefer this sonic DS RPG more.