GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Hotel Dusk 2 Cubed 3 review aka Last Window One of the exemplary products in the genre and one of the most impressive games on the DS overall impressions gamingeek
[] 360 Halo Reach Bundles Sold Out Retailers having trouble keeping them in stock. news aspro
Bioshock 3 Will Have Companion Character Named Elizabeth. news aspro
[] Mafia 2 Tops UK Charts For Third Week Kane and Lynch 2 at #3. news aspro
[] Dead Space 2 Producer Interview Talks about everything. news aspro
[] Heavy Rain Move Dated, Priced. There will be demo. news aspro
Recut Goldeneye multiplayer trailer media gamingeek
[] Five Things the Next EDF Game Needs Destructoid ruminates. editorial aspro
[] Squenix Gets First Cero Z Rating for... Black Ops. news aspro
[] Duke Nukem Forever gameplay trailer Come get some media gamingeek
Catherine in Final Stages Kathernie with a K announced. news aspro
[] MGS Rising Interview: Worried about violence We just want to represent a good feeling when you cut everything, like buildings and things like that. news gamingeek
[] TGS: Capcom to announce 4 new games Bets on a new Resident Evil? gamingeek
[] Bioware Making Unannounced Handheld Game Probably Dragon Age II. news gamingeek
[] NPD Software: Nintendo dominates top 20 news gamingeek
[] Oddworld PSN interview editorial gamingeek
Capcom talks MT Framework on 3DS  "Couldn't believe the results they were getting out of the 3DS" news gamingeek
[] Metroid Other M development info Sakamoto was one bad ass mother (shut your mouth) news gamingeek
[] Super Mario Collection blowout media gamingeek
[] Super Mario Collection trailer media gamingeek
[] Streetfighter 4 3DS screens It's looking better and better media gamingeek
[] Federal Court Rules on Used Game Sales Selling used software not okay, says court. news aspro
New Game Releases Sep. 12-18 Gormiti!, Halo, Layton, Phantasy SP2, GORMITI! news aspro
Bungie Talks About Their Favorite Multiplayer Modes Developer interview. editorial news aspro
[] Ars Technica Reviews Halo Reach "...tragedy..." editorial impressions aspro
[] Ars Technica: First Look at Civ 5 Streamlined interface. editorial impressions aspro
3DS Launch Date Revealed? November 20 in Japan? news aspro
[] EA : Medal of Honor Must Sell 3 Mill. Or no sequel. news aspro
[] Why Rockstar needs to make Bully 2 editorial gamingeek
[] SEGA: No 3D Sonic game on PS3/360 this year news gamingeek
[] Valve experimenting with gamers' 'sweat and pulse news gamingeek
[] Wii SNES pad arrives to UK news gamingeek
[] Analysis: Wii and DS Hit All Time Lows In U.S Could weakness in the DS market be attributed to iOS platforms? news gamingeek
[] Goldeneye modifier will blow up campers Mode blows you up if you stand still for more than 3 secs news gamingeek
[] Moore: New consoles years awy news gamingeek
[] Vanquish Limited Edition has 7" figurine Zavvi exclusive news gamingeek
[] Sony Patent Old to new Console adaptor For backwards compatibility news gamingeek
[] PlayStation: "DIE HEAVY RAIN MOVE EDITION KOMMT!" news gamingeek
[] New Naruto Wii announced news gamingeek
[] Bioshock Infinite gameplay video media gamingeek
[] Deux Ex Human Revolution: new images media gamingeek
[] Front Mission Evolved: a new video media gamingeek
[] 007 Blood Stone video media gamingeek
[] Goldeneye unlikely to hit other systems news gamingeek
[] Destructoid Goldeneye preview Along with the massive amount of enemies, buildings are getting bombed all around you in an attempt to stop Bond impressions gamingeek
G4TV Goldeneye preview impressions gamingeek
Last Window Euro commercial media gamingeek
n-Space says Geist, Winter technically possible on 3DS "The 3DS is really powerful, just going beyond the 3D screen side of it — what it can do in terms of pushing polygons and using advanced texture shaders" editorial gamingeek
[] GoldenEye 007: Tanks a Lot IGN preview "GoldenEye looks far superior to Blood Stone on the 360 and PS3" impressions gamingeek
[] Gabe Newell Interview " my wife..." news aspro
[] The Next Gaming War? Cable TV versus console manufacturers. editorial aspro
[] Most Agree with Limiting Game Sales to Minors 72% of Californians polled by Zogby news aspro
LOTR MMO Now FREE In US only. news aspro
[] FF Dissidia Gets Sequel Brawler will also be on PSP. news aspro
[] Bungie's Acti. Game Gets Whole New Engine news aspro
[] Geometry Wars is Over Bizarre Creations doesn't want to over do it. news aspro
Disaster Report 4 First High Res Screen impressions media aspro
[] New Resident Evil CGI Film In the Works news aspro
[] Valkyria Chronicles 2 Getting DLC Later this month. news aspro
[] Study: Gamers Make Decisions Faster And retain the accuracy. news aspro
[] Red Faction: Armageddon Delayed THQ stock price drops. news aspro
Demon's Souls Gets Greatest Hits Pricing Yeah but, don't the servers go down in Feb.? news aspro
[] My Garden 3DS trailer Tanooki! media Dvader
[] Asura's Wrath trailer Grunts everywhere. media Dvader
[] Asura's Wrath info page. New action game from Capcom news Dvader
Vanquish EDGE mag preview And is Vanquish an original experience? That depends who’s playing. It can be merely a fresh take on familiar elements, with a fun boost move and the occasional bit of Max Payne thrown in gamingeek
Lifetime Japanese Hardware sales Wii and DS have sold double of their respective rivals news gamingeek
[] Jaffe: Publishers would sell their mother to the Taliban news gamingeek
[] Dead Or Alive 3DS not the only DoA incoming news gamingeek
[] New Epic Mickey trailer It's Epic. media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Goldeneye preview impressions gamingeek
[] Shadow of the Damned art and pics media gamingeek
[] Tecmo announce Ninja Gaiden 3 news gamingeek
Capcom Announce DMC: Devil May Cry Ninja Theory To Develop; Possible Reboot? news darthhomer
Capcom Announce 360 Exclusive Dead Rising 2: Case West Frank West Returns in a DR2 Eplilogue, Developed by Capcom Vancouver news darthhomer
1up review Sonic Adventure XBLA D: a slapdash title like this shouldn't take anyone's time or money. impressions gamingeek
[] Action games boost cognitive functions news gamingeek
[] Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock Wii trailer lands impressions media gamingeek
[] New low for UK games market news gamingeek
[] Critical Reception: Bungie's Halo: Reach It sucks. editorial gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Last Window review "an experience that deserves its niche off gaming's highway" impressions gamingeek
[] Sorcery PS Move preview for Vader Sorcery is only slightly more than a concept demo at the moment impressions gamingeek
[] Dead Space Extraction Move screens It looks the same if not worse than the original? media gamingeek
[] Is this how Sony's PS2 adaptor works? news gamingeek
[] Shadows of the Damned Pics Thought on this Mikami/SUDA game? media news gamingeek
Ico/Colossus HD scans media gamingeek
[] Direct Feed Earth Seeker images media gamingeek
[] Kindom Hearts Final Mix PSP screens media gamingeek
[] Vanquish: new images media gamingeek
[] Famitsu: images The Last Guardian media gamingeek
[] Huge Sakamoto interview Talks Metroid, 3DS, Dread news gamingeek
[] Spector on why Epic Mickey is for Wii And on his own fanboyism news gamingeek
[] Joystiq Goldeneye preview GoldenEye 007 will be "the best Wii shooter ever made." impressions gamingeek
[] Take Two: Sony Move is Wii HD Wii kids to grow up and graduate to HD systems news gamingeek
[] Sonic Colours pics news gamingeek
Amazing Shinji Mikami interview One of the all time greats. news gamingeek
[] Will Sonic Colors be the 1st great 3D Sonic title? GoNintendo 'End of Day' thought editorial Ravenprose
[] Blizzard To BAN Starcraft Cheats Banned rfom news aspro
[] Super Metroid 64 Almost Happened Wah? news aspro
[] New 360 Shooter From Mega Man Team Shoot girls with flowers. news aspro
[] EA Announced My Garden for 3DS Farmville? news aspro
Shadows of the Damned Trailer Suda/ Mikami game gets trailer. media aspro
EA conference live stream  NOW! 4am EST news Dvader
[] Team ICO collection detailed Ico and SOTC coming to the PS3 in HD news Dvader
[] Yakuza of the End!!! Zombies, Robots, Gangsters! BEST IDEA EVER!! news Dvader
[] Details on Mikami/Suda 51 Tie-up Leak Out Play as a professional demon killer in Shadow of the Damned. news Ravenprose
[] Bungie: Reach Already Breaking H3 Records For concurrent online users. news aspro
[] EA CFO Talks About Online Passes and 3D "[the Online Pass], it is found revenue" news aspro
[] No Way Can Reach Beat Black Ops Says Analyst PR battle continues. news aspro
[] Valkyria Chronicles 3 to be a PSP game. Sega hates you. news Dvader
[] New 360 dashboard video media Dvader
Paper Mario 3DS to hit this year. Says some Japanese site. news Dvader
[] EL Shaddai gameplay footage Excellent, looks way better than DmC media Dvader
[] GT5 trailer Sexiness media Dvader
GTA 4 PC Mod upgrades the graphics for more detail media gamingeek
[] Last Guardian Euro preview Well, there you have it. This presentation might not have delivered for those who were hoping for a gameplay demo impressions gamingeek
[] Sonic 4 Lost Labyrinth trailer David Bowie trailer gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on Medal of Honor the action in Shahikot may be linear and scripted, but it's also varied, interesting and coherent. It's not Call of Duty. We'll find out next month whether that ends up as a compliment. gamingeek
[] Dead Space Extraction Move video Why is the cursor so wobbly? And where is the color? media gamingeek
[] Halo Reach discs unreadable, MS working on fix news gamingeek
[]  Steel Battalion 2: No controller confirmed "There's nothing else to buy" for Kinect version, MS confirms media gamingeek
[] Enslaved 'enemies' trailer released media gamingeek
White Knight Chornicles: Dogma Wars media gamingeek
Ridge Racer 7 3D License Version Screens 500 yen to update to 3D media news gamingeek
Danbol Senki Screenshots PSP level 5 RPG media news gamingeek
Square Enix Makes Big PSP Push Like holding in a turtle then trying to push it out news gamingeek
[] TGS: Reawakening The Last Guardian news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on James Bond: Bloodstone roughly a 30/70 split between wheels and feet impressions gamingeek
[] EA big up Move/Kinect But says it will take years before they hit their stride news gamingeek
[] MS: Kinect will sell 3 million this year 360 easily has 5 more years news gamingeek
[] Suda 51 Codename D Kinect pics What is this a baseball game? media gamingeek
[] Steel Battilion FMV screen caps media gamingeek
[] RE5 Move Edition trailer media gamingeek
[] 25 Last Guardian pics media gamingeek
[] Team Ninja brings Ni-Oh back from the dead Vapourware becoming reality news gamingeek
[] Michael Jackson Wii trailer A hot blonde dancing to Billie Jean media gamingeek
[] SUDA 51 making Codename D for Kinect news gamingeek
[] Fable III en images media gamingeek
[] My Garden developer video presentation media gamingeek
[] EA: My Garden is Nintendo Standard news gamingeek
[] EA Create screens Sorta Boom Bloxish art gamingeek
[] THQ: uDraw is a value driver news gamingeek
[] Challenges in Programming Flip's Twisted World editorial gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn - impressions NWR impressions gamingeek
[] SUDA Fiddy One wants to do No More Heroes 3 with EA news gamingeek
Team Ninja: Nintendo helped us regain our Confidence And that's why you're seeing NG3 and more news gamingeek
LOTR Aragorns Quest Wii preview " I am having fun with it, which surprised me. The game’s not terribly challenging yet, and the penalty for dying is minimal" impressions gamingeek
Last Window listed on Aussie Nintendo channel But is it coming out over there? news gamingeek
[] Meet the new Team Ninja We cross our arms, cause we are like the Justice League media gamingeek
[] Sonic 4 update blog editorial gamingeek
[] Michael Jackson the Experience trailer Is it BAD? media gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn Trailer media gamingeek
Nintendo Voice Chat, Podcast Episode 89 Summary: Blah Blah media gamingeek
[] TGS: Sonic Colors Wii Screens media gamingeek
[] Ace Attorny Investigations 2 trailer Go Edgeworth Go! media gamingeek
[] MGS 3 Naked Sample out in 2011 news gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn hands on at Gamesradar ZOMG cute impressions gamingeek
Ghost Trick TGS trailer and media media gamingeek
Okamiden TGS trailer and pics media gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive dimensions site open news gamingeek
[] Level 5 TGS media Layton, Inazuma, Ninokuni etc media gamingeek
The Press Room Episode #74.1 Dvader and Aspro bring all the latest news from the Tokyo Game Show editorial impressions news aspro
[] Last Guardian trailer Bad quality media Dvader
[] Team Ico Conference news Dvader
[] Child of Eden Stage Demo media Dvader
[] Project Draco for Kinect Fake Panzer Dragoon game. media news Dvader
[] Sony Makes Special PSP for Monster Hunter Involving the analog stick... a second one? news aspro
[] Epic Castlevania trailer. Bring popcorn, its long. media Dvader
[] MGS Rising gameplay demonstration Amazing, must watch media news Dvader
Steel Battalion on Kinect From the most complicated controller ever to... none? news aspro
[] 360 with 4 GB HDD? No Halo Multiplayer for You! I guess they didn't test it on the cheap ones. news aspro
Survey Says In-Game Advertising Works I *have* been feeling like using Energizer batteries in my Verizon phone lately. news aspro
First Look: Valkyria Chronicles 3 media aspro
[] SEGA's Rise of the Nightmare for Kinect news aspro
Sonic 4: New Screens for 360 and PS3 media aspro
[] Reach Revenue Day 1: $200 Million USD Biggest launch of anything in 2010. news aspro
Sony Conference live blog Will soon have all info from the Sony conference. news Dvader
[] Microsoft Conference blog Codename D, new Sega horror Kinect game, Steel Batallion 2, and MGS Rising! news Dvader
[] Videos of that Studio Ghibili game for PS3. I need to fix my sig and close my flapping gums media Dvader
[] Phantasy Star Online 2 revealed at TGS! Not Universe, not some damn portable game, PSO2! 2! TWO!!! Maybe PC only... news Dvader
[] Radiant Silvergun Coming to Xbox 360 media news Ravenprose
[] IGN to Provide Free Office Space for Developers No conflict of interest there at all... news aspro
[] Activision Planning on Selling CUTSCENES Kotick just jumped the shark. news aspro
[] Mega Man Universe details from interview. Inafune wants to see Ace Attorny characters argue with a Mega Man boss, LOL. news Dvader
[] PSN to introduce import section for JPN PS1 games. Buy JPN only PS1 games in NA. news Dvader
[] Deus Ex TGS trailer media Dvader
[] LBP 2 gameplay showing Move levels. So much potential. Why don't we have more platformers on the wii that make use of interacting with the level? media Dvader
[] Project Dark trailer! Call it anything you want, its still Demon's Souls 2. media Dvader
[] Mega Man Universe will include MM2. New videos. MM2 recreated levels will be the only pre-installed content. media Dvader
[] 5TH Cell on why they skipped the PSP news gamingeek
1up Sony Move launch games preview impressions gamingeek
[] How a Rare classic made violence Golden Goldeneye and Perfect Dark retrospective editorial gamingeek
3DS in America: April 2011 Says retail sources news gamingeek
Industry is obsessed with Gay Space marines Says 2K games Producer: DS is winner of this Generation news gamingeek
Professor Layton UnWound Future NSider review "this is a brilliant conclusion to the trilogy." impressions gamingeek
[] Producer thinks the Sonic Cycle is broken By Colors news gamingeek
EDGE mag reviews Halo Reach 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Microsoft ban Vagina game from XBLA news gamingeek
[] Crazy Taxi Dreamcast PSN/XBLA video media gamingeek
[] Disaster Report 4 trailer media gamingeek
[] And the Kinect creators favourite game is.... You'll just have to click to find out news gamingeek
[] Last Window ONM review You're still going to fall in love with the fantastic plot, the clever writing and the tense atmosphere of Kyle Hyde's world. gamingeek
[] Eurogamer feature on PS Move game patches Impressions on how Move works with numerous titles editorial impressions gamingeek
Demons Souls devs next game not PS3 exclusive Project Dark set for 360 too news gamingeek
Sony Reveals Lifetime Hardware Sales news gamingeek
[] Rejected Assasins Creed concept art Space version? media gamingeek
[] FF XIII versus footage leaked media gamingeek
[] Why Skyward Sword will be a must buy editorial gamingeek
[] PSN to get its own Hanabi festival Import games incoming news gamingeek
[] Move vs Kinect: The PR battle editorial gamingeek
Sony readying new color PSPs and White PS3 news gamingeek
Ueda talks Ico and SOTC with Famitsu news gamingeek
Ueda talks Last Guardian news gamingeek
Miles Faces Off Against Tough New Judge  in Ace Attorney Investigations 2 news gamingeek
[] Team Ninja talks 3DS and the new team news gamingeek
[] Sony's Yoshida 'Very Happy' With Move Less so with delays news gamingeek
[] Tsunoda - Kinect Sales Will 'Blow Away' iPad Does this man never take off his sunglasses? Or.... wash? news gamingeek
[] Suda51 concerned by PlayStation Move "I'm worried about the style of release of it and concerned about how it will be sold," news gamingeek
[] PSPgo met Sony's expectations  "It's part of a bigger ecosystem." news gamingeek
[] New Team Ninja out to prove itself news gamingeek
[] Kamiya hints at Bayonetta 2 news gamingeek
[] Redesigned Monster Hunter PSP not for EU No plans for a Euro release news gamingeek
[] Ico Collection HD trailer media gamingeek
[] 4 Shadow of the Colossus HD pics media gamingeek
[] 3 Ico HD pics media gamingeek
PSP2 Is Real, 'Pretty Powerful' And in developers hands news gamingeek
SEGA announce 2nd Vanquish demo news gamingeek
[] Mega Man Universe: new images media gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor: new images and video media gamingeek
[]  Dr. Kawashima Kinect: first images Looks a little too much like a Mii too title media gamingeek
[] Steel Battalion Heavy Armor: first teaser media gamingeek
[] Castlevania LOS: new images media gamingeek
[] Last Window NL 8/10 review " it makes notable improvements over its predecessor resulting in a rewarding experience that will keep you occupied for many hours." impressions gamingeek
Nintendo celebrates its 121st Birthday news gamingeek
[] Japan still cold on western games Foreign games is a term for insulting or low quality news gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney 2 pics media gamingeek
Way Forward are full speed ahead on 3DS Talks 3DS Shantae and Boy ANd his Blob news gamingeek
[] Wii Party minigames advert media gamingeek
[] Goldeneye Euro bundle pack media gamingeek
[] Activision talk Bungie partnership news gamingeek
[] Profesor Layton gentlemans commercial Pip pip media gamingeek
[] BIT Trip devs might not stay with WiiWare news gamingeek
Activision: Goldeneye is our biggest Wii game yet more than 100 guys at Eurocom are working on [GoldenEye 007]. news gamingeek
[] Goldeneye DS preview It was pretty obvious that with GoldenEye 007 n-Space is aiming to set the bar for first-person shooters on the DS impressions gamingeek
[] Conduit 2 - PAX 10: Boss Encounter Walkthrough (Cam) media gamingeek
[] GoldenEye 007: Villains for Hire Check out the bad guys you can play as editorial gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2 preview impressions gamingeek
[] Ninokuni: Shikkoku no Madoushi Hands-On impressions gamingeek
[] Michael Jackson The Experience Hands-On impressions gamingeek
[] Gamespot Goldeneye hands on One of the most surprising elements of the demo was just how similar the AI behaviour was to that of the original game impressions gamingeek
[] Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest - review 7.0 impressions gamingeek
[] APB MMO Shutting Down From the Crackdown creators, it lasted less than 3 months. news aspro
[] Dead Space Extraction PS3 Preview Will you like it now it's in HD? editorial impressions aspro
[] Jaffe Lays Into Games Journalists "Don't get me f'n started..." news aspro
More Disgaea 4 Details Producer and composer talk to press. news aspro
[] Faxanadu heading to the Virtual Console The game sucks, stay away. It's evil. news robio
[] Good Old Games Shuts Down Whut. news darthhomer
[] More Dead or Alive Dimensions pics media gamingeek
Devils Third could come to 3DS and/or Wii 2 Tech is scalable for unknown platforms news gamingeek
Most Popular Games at TGS As measured by line length. news aspro
[] Limbo Was Best Seller of XBLA Summer of Arcade "by a long stretch." news aspro
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Professional Announced Updated version of DQMJ2. news aspro
[] Starcraft II Was Not Planned as Trilogy Change came, "middle of development". news aspro
id Software Joins in Supreme Court Case Seeks free speech protection for games. news aspro
[] Konami/ Viacom Settle On Infringement Suit Did Konami get paid? We'll never know. news aspro
[] Disgaea 4 is Coming to PS3 d00d... news aspro
[] FIFA X: More Revenue from DLC Than Sales DLC revenue now eclipses sales of the original game. news aspro
[] 156 New Pokemon From B&W news aspro
FTC: Game Retailers More Responsible Than Others More kids turned away from M games than movies, music. news aspro
Bitmob's Hand-Ons With  Kirby's Epic Yarn "quite impressed" editorial impressions aspro
[] FEATURE: 20 Years of Civilization editorial impressions aspro
[] Monster Hunter 3rd Portable Gets MGS You'll be able to play as Snake or The Boss. news aspro
Ico-llection To Have Trophy Support ueda also talks additions to the games. news aspro
Increase in obesity caused by increase in eating says professor (i.e. videogames aren't the cause) news Ellyoda
Codename D will work with a standard controller But Kinect will be the focus news gamingeek
Itagaki Doesn't Expect Devil's Third in 2011  Itagaki jokes that its only 11% complete news gamingeek
[]  Capcom's profits plummet It's Dark Void and Bionic Commando's fault news gamingeek
Rumor: 3DS for Nov 22nd in the US Gamestop taking pre-orders news gamingeek
[] JAWS video interview with the actual real actor media gamingeek
[] Last Window: The Secret of Cape West UK Review "anyone looking for a sophisticated, stylish slab of hard-boiled intrigue should revel in Cing's lovingly-realised world" impressions gamingeek
[] Kojima drops MEGATON OF THE FOREVER! *sarcastic!* news phantom_leo
Shadows of the Damned orginally coming to Wii as well. It was also more of a horror game. news Dvader
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Announced! Oh WHAT. darthhomer
Wesker & Spiderman Confirmed for MvC3 Suddenly Vader Has A Working PS3... darthhomer
[] Kinect Will Be the "Biggest Platform Launch Ever," A likely story! news Foolz
[] Tsunoda: iPad's Wild Success Won't Compare to Kinect An obvious comparison... news Foolz
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Country: US
Comments: 31807
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Joined: 2008-06-22
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 18:40:00
phantom_leo said:

Sorry. Not gonna buy you not buying it.

Was Samus fine, unperturbed and her usual hardened self at the beginning of the game? Nope. She was drifting around space mourning the loss of the Baby. She was deeply affected by its loss. She basically stood by and watched as it was pierced by Mother Brain's attack and exploded. The first thing that shows her a baby-to-mother-like sentiment in her life is obliterated. It had an affect on her.

I also don't see how you are getting 4 battles with Ridley before Other M...? Once in Metroid/Zero Mission. He wasn't in Metroid 2, was he? Once in Super. Then came Other. I could be wrong about this. I am also NOT counting Mecha Ridley, or whatever its name was... but in the end it really doesn't matter.

She witnessed the death of her parents by Ridley. She saw the obliteration of the Baby by Mother Brain... The difference in Other M is:

SHE WAS NOT ALONE THERE. All the other times she was. It was her versus everything else. There was no one else at risk BUT her. If Adam was like a Father figure to her, maybe her Unit was like a family to her? Maybe Anthony was like a brother figure to her? The whole "Princess" reference thing was kinda like the way a brother would talk to a sister. (No pun intended!)

After losing the Metroid, already being in a state of shock and depression, the thing that killed your Mother and Father shows up AGAIN and attacks a brother figure (and also threatens to do the same to a Father figure... Adam was on the ship too!)... How could Samus --NOT-- be reminded of her past then? They even showed her as her younger self for a moment reacting to Ridley. She froze up, but she didn't run...

Problem with all of this and the American reaction to this game is: They never emphasized Ridley and the Death of Samus' parents in this country. Maybe they thought the American audience just wanted a cold and silent killer? They actually took out the extra endings from Zero Mission (I think it was) that showed Child Samus and Ridley's attack of her parents...

...but it shouldn't matter. If from the very beginning of the game she was fine and unmoved, I would understand the backlash to her freak-out, but from the VERY beginning with her brooding about the Baby, responding to the "Baby's Cry" on the "Bottle Ship"... You HAD to know SOMETHING wasn't quite right with her and it had to be resolved somehow!


Edit: OK. Duh! Yeah. The Prime games. I forgot they existed for a moment and where they took place during the continuity! That's 2 more Ridley battles, yes... but my opinion hasn't changed because of them!

...AND... Lest we forget:

Ridley directly KILLED Samus' Parents --AND-- Took the baby to Mother Brain which lead to ITS death too!


Finally: Why are people acting so surprised about her having feelings and speaking in Other M? Didn't Fusion (a Six-Year Old game) already address the fact that Samus had feelings for Adam? Wasn't there long, drawn out monologues in THAT game too?!



I still think you are making to much of leap saying Samus was emotinal before the mission started. She seems to show it but she still fights hundreds of monsters with no problem what so ever. The Republic started to recreate the space pirates, the group that is her adversary, by then she had to be figuring out that this was a "here we go again" situation. Throughout all of this there is no hint of her being afraid for Adam or Anthony, she goes about her business like normal Samus.

It isn't until Ridley shows up that she acts completely out of character. Her first reaction was shock and disbelief that Ridley was alive again... uh this is a thing that has come back to life 3 times already, that is not the reaction a normal person would have. You claim Anthony being their renforces her memories of her family dying, maybe, then again if I see my "brother" being killed in front of me I might do something about it. It would give me more resolve to fight rather than scare me more than if I was alone. Samus had a panic attack and I don't see that in her character and if she would have one I figure it would be with a creature that can actually threaten her, kill her and destroy the entire galaxy, Ridley is not that creature.

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Joined: 2008-06-22
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 18:45:27

Agnates scary thing that happened to you, gald to see your are alright.

That Michael Jackson game is going to sell so much. Good trailer too.

Country: GR
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Joined: 2010-02-19
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 19:02:10

Awesome, it looks like they've added a special skill for each character, like a potential that you choose when to use.

Edited: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 19:02:29
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Country: GR
Comments: 2480
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Joined: 2010-02-19
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 20:06:02
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Country: GR
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Joined: 2010-02-19
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 20:29:53

Huhu, it's like Plawres Sanshiro or something.

portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Thu, 16 Sep 2010 22:00:57

FPS in LBP2!


Edited: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 22:21:48
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Joined: 2009-03-24
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 23:58:59
Ravenprose said:

I had the original Steel Battalion game last gen  Playing that game with Kinect = LOL

You actually bought that? Did you get the whole controller package?

But yeah, playing it with Kinect will be odd. How will it work!?

gamingeek said:

I want that!

Edited: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 00:01:18


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

Country: UN
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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 03:29:25

LBP2 is going to be freaking insane. Happy

Country: CA
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Joined: 2008-07-01
Fri, 17 Sep 2010 04:56:10
Finished Halo: Reach on Heroic. I have mixed feelings on the final little bit of the last chapter but overall it was a fantastic game. It was a pretty fitting way to end the campaign though. The story was great and there some powerful moments largely due to the darker theme. The ship flying chapter was a nice change of pace and the fighting in zero g was awesome. Excellent enemy AI and I'm looking forward to my Legendary playthrough. I totally love the online multiplayer. All the great things they put into like commendations to go for and the daily and weekly challenges are very fun. All of this plus the amazing Forge editor will ensure that this will be a very heavily played game for a very long times. Kudos to Bungie they did an amazing job with this latest Halo game.


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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:05:34
Archangel3371 said:
Finished Halo: Reach on Heroic. I have mixed feelings on the final little bit of the last chapter but overall it was a fantastic game. It was a pretty fitting way to end the campaign though. The story was great and there some powerful moments largely due to the darker theme. The ship flying chapter was a nice change of pace and the fighting in zero g was awesome. Excellent enemy AI and I'm looking forward to my Legendary playthrough. I totally love the online multiplayer. All the great things they put into like commendations to go for and the daily and weekly challenges are very fun. All of this plus the amazing Forge editor will ensure that this will be a very heavily played game for a very long times. Kudos to Bungie they did an amazing job with this latest Halo game.

Screw the campaign! Have you ventured online yet?

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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:40:34
ASK_Story said:
Ravenprose said:

I had the original Steel Battalion game last gen  Playing that game with Kinect = LOL

You actually bought that? Did you get the whole controller package?

But yeah, playing it with Kinect will be odd. How will it work!?

Yep, that controller was an effing monster too! It was bigger than my coffee table, which made it unconfortable as hell to play. I paid $220 for it, and never got off the 2nd level. LOL It's a very cool game if you have the money, proper setup, and the determination to play it. Unfortunately, I only had the money. Sad

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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:02:47
Foolz said:
Archangel3371 said:
Finished Halo: Reach on Heroic. I have mixed feelings on the final little bit of the last chapter but overall it was a fantastic game. It was a pretty fitting way to end the campaign though. The story was great and there some powerful moments largely due to the darker theme. The ship flying chapter was a nice change of pace and the fighting in zero g was awesome. Excellent enemy AI and I'm looking forward to my Legendary playthrough. I totally love the online multiplayer. All the great things they put into like commendations to go for and the daily and weekly challenges are very fun. All of this plus the amazing Forge editor will ensure that this will be a very heavily played game for a very long times. Kudos to Bungie they did an amazing job with this latest Halo game.

Screw the campaign! Have you ventured online yet?

Oh yeah, of course. I mentioned some of it in that post. It's great stuff. Lots of stats and medals to peruse. Firefight is awesome. Amazing Forge editor ensures you can create a pretty much limitless amount of map variants. Online gameplay is very smooth running. It's a totally addictive experience that'll keep tons of people playing for a very long time. Great interface that lets you check out other people's stuff from their gear to various stats. You'll always get set up in matches very quickly. There's also a way to set up who you prefer to get matched up with using a few qualifiers such as if they talk a lot or don't talk much at all.


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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:04:19
Ravenprose said:

Yep, that controller was an effing monster too! It was bigger than my coffee table, which made it unconfortable as hell to play. I paid $220 for it, and never got off the 2nd level. LOL It's a very cool game if you have the money, proper setup, and the determination to play it. Unfortunately, I only had the money. Sad

I forgot how expensive it was. It's like buying a console just for one game. I always wanted to try it when I saw it at my near and now defunct Game Crazy. This was years ago!

Looked really intimidating!

Edited: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:05:17


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:08:29
Archangel3371 said:
Foolz said:
Archangel3371 said:
Finished Halo: Reach on Heroic. I have mixed feelings on the final little bit of the last chapter but overall it was a fantastic game. It was a pretty fitting way to end the campaign though. The story was great and there some powerful moments largely due to the darker theme. The ship flying chapter was a nice change of pace and the fighting in zero g was awesome. Excellent enemy AI and I'm looking forward to my Legendary playthrough. I totally love the online multiplayer. All the great things they put into like commendations to go for and the daily and weekly challenges are very fun. All of this plus the amazing Forge editor will ensure that this will be a very heavily played game for a very long times. Kudos to Bungie they did an amazing job with this latest Halo game.

Screw the campaign! Have you ventured online yet?

Oh yeah, of course. I mentioned some of it in that post. It's great stuff. Lots of stats and medals to peruse. Firefight is awesome. Amazing Forge editor ensures you can create a pretty much limitless amount of map variants. Online gameplay is very smooth running. It's a totally addictive experience that'll keep tons of people playing for a very long time. Great interface that lets you check out other people's stuff from their gear to various stats. You'll always get set up in matches very quickly. There's also a way to set up who you prefer to get matched up with using a few qualifiers such as if they talk a lot or don't talk much at all.

Damn it, a game that actually makes me want the 360! Sad

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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:21:27
Agnates said:

Hm, new House of the Dead for Kinect... New Suda game for Kinect... New Steel Battalion for Kinect... Project Draco... That Rez thing... All for Kinect... I guess Microsoft started handing paychecks again.

Nothing wrong with that, as long as devs are making money.

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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:31:26

They should totally localise these games to Europe, call them Fifa RPG or something. Looks cool.
Edited: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:47:07
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while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:48:44
Foolz said:

Damn it, a game that actually makes me want the 360! Sad

There are plenty of games that make me want a 360 but Reach, Halo 3 would be amoung the games I would pick up with the console.

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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:51:03


Edit: in regards to Inazuma Eleven.

Dvader said:

There are plenty of games that make me want a 360 but Reach, Halo 3 would be amoung the games I would pick up with the console.

Oh yes, I don't mean that it deosn't have many good exclusives, but the Halo series (especially Reach, 3 ain't meant to be that great I suppose) are the only games that really make me wish I had one.

Edited: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:52:34

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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 09:35:53
HQ version of that commercial. They should do a Shaolin Soccer game.
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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 09:37:21
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:

"You may remember that a year ago I made a controversial comment that the Japanese game industry was dead. Tonight's main theme is that the Japanese game industry is not dead -- not as long as Capcom's around." - Inafune

Check out the full summary here

LOL Not as long as Capcom is giving all their games to western devs.

Yeah it should read "The Western game industry is not dead - not as long as Capcom's around." - Inafune

Archangel3371 said:
Finished Halo: Reach on Heroic. I have mixed feelings on the final little bit of the last chapter but overall it was a fantastic game. It was a pretty fitting way to end the campaign though. The story was great and there some powerful moments largely due to the darker theme. The ship flying chapter was a nice change of pace and the fighting in zero g was awesome. Excellent enemy AI and I'm looking forward to my Legendary playthrough. I totally love the online multiplayer. All the great things they put into like commendations to go for and the daily and weekly challenges are very fun. All of this plus the amazing Forge editor will ensure that this will be a very heavily played game for a very long times. Kudos to Bungie they did an amazing job with this latest Halo game.

Thanks for this, these are the first hands on impressions from a forumer I have read. I know how you love the series so what you say counts to me. Can you tell us a little more about weapon blance? How is the machine gun compared to the first and 3rd games?

Agnates said:

          They should totally localise these games to Europe, call them Fifa RPG or something. Looks cool.


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