Capcom talks MT Framework on 3DS
"Couldn't believe the results they were getting out of the 3DS" news
Bungie Talks About Their Favorite Multiplayer Modes
Developer interview. editorial news
n-Space says Geist, Winter technically possible on 3DS
"The 3DS is really powerful, just going beyond the 3D screen side of it — what it can do in terms of pushing polygons and using advanced texture shaders" editorial
Demon's Souls Gets Greatest Hits Pricing
Yeah but, don't the servers go down in Feb.? news
Vanquish EDGE mag preview
And is Vanquish an original experience? That depends who’s playing. It can be merely a fresh take on familiar elements, with a fun boost move and the occasional bit of Max Payne thrown in
Lifetime Japanese Hardware sales
Wii and DS have sold double of their respective rivals news
Capcom Announce DMC: Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory To Develop; Possible Reboot? news
Capcom Announce 360 Exclusive Dead Rising 2: Case West
Frank West Returns in a DR2 Eplilogue, Developed by Capcom Vancouver news
1up review Sonic Adventure XBLA
D: a slapdash title like this shouldn't take anyone's time or money. impressions
Ridge Racer 7 3D License Version Screens
500 yen to update to 3D media news
Square Enix Makes Big PSP Push
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Team Ninja: Nintendo helped us regain our Confidence
And that's why you're seeing NG3 and more news
LOTR Aragorns Quest Wii preview
" I am having fun with it, which surprised me. The game’s not terribly challenging yet, and the penalty for dying is minimal" impressions
Last Window listed on Aussie Nintendo channel
But is it coming out over there? news
The Press Room Episode #74.1
Dvader and Aspro bring all the latest news from the Tokyo Game Show editorial impressions news
Steel Battalion on Kinect
From the most complicated controller ever to... none? news
Survey Says In-Game Advertising Works
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Industry is obsessed with Gay Space marines
Says 2K games Producer: DS is winner of this Generation news
Professor Layton UnWound Future NSider review
"this is a brilliant conclusion to the trilogy." impressions
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in Ace Attorney Investigations 2 news
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Activision: Goldeneye is our biggest Wii game yet
more than 100 guys at Eurocom are working on [GoldenEye 007]. news
Devils Third could come to 3DS and/or Wii 2
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ueda also talks additions to the games. news
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gamingeek (6s)
Metal Gear solid Rising demo was boring tech demo. The game needs Move support, because right now it looks like a massively inferior version of the Wii Sports Resort cutting game.
You're way overthinking this... It's multiplaform, so not move based (yet?). Directed slices have a slow motion mode, though getting the hang of it shouldn't take long, you just set the angle. Other than that, you have standard moves you don't direct for regular combat. The tech demo's purpose was to show them cutting stuff on the table up, hence they made the table indestructible rather than have it destroyed and reset every time, I'm sure you can cut all the tables you want in the full game, alongside cars and pillars. Except those in the trailer which are the same tech demo or perhaps some sort of bonus mini game area centered around doing cutting challenges.
And it's not just a Wii Sports Resort clone (why compare it like that as if cutting fruit is all you'll do?), it's an action game, we've had a short trailer with gameplay showing a lot of this, watch after the 1:40 mark...
And there's like a year of development left... I'm getting it for PC
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
So to actually do directed cuts, you have to go into a slow motion mode and tilt the stick to angle the slice for specific body parts? Almost sounds like Eternal Darkness.
A game like this would be awesome with move. I see it at the moment as Ninja Gaiden overlaid with MGS art, with physics. From the earlier videos I thought the game would be about intricately chopping stuff up with precision.
I don't think you'll see so big money and franchises invested in primarily motion controlled games until they've proven they can do ok. Outside first party attempts & moneyhats that want to push the devices of course.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
I guess I just feel that they said the whole game is about cutting and it looked (pardon the pun) cutting edge and intricate. And in reality you're going to push the thumbstick towards a target and press a button to watch a nice physics reaction. If you want to get more intricate you go into Max Payne slow mo and tilt the stick about, which to me would feel a bit old hat after Red Steel 2. I felt like the HL2 physics demo was awesome but in the end, even with the gravity gun you are just pressing a single button and watching the reaction. There's not the nuance like there is in the technically inferior and less polished Elebits.
Rising still looks like a really polished game though, don't get me wrong.
I'll still enjoy Wind Waker after I play SkyWard Sword (or hell, Red Steel 2, it's pretty much Zelda combat with motion), the gameplay's just interesting as it is. If a game is good it's good. It's not like controls so far were flawed and motion controls come to save us. If the gameplay is intuitive and interesting for the device it's made for then I won't think of playing it with another (outside pointer use, pointing does work like that and can replace sticks!). Now if the slicing is just a pretty aesthetic effect with no real gameplay beyond tilting a stick I suppose it would be better if it was motion controlled, but still, it's a multiplatform game...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
new professor layton and last window means it's time for my DS to get some love
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Shit's getting rough over here. This bitch is 40 km away.
Kinect can actually identify you personally? Woah, now that's really freaky. Kinectimals seems like it will be pretty darn fun to play around with.
I would make an XBLA app that would recognise people and throw out insults. Like an annoying computer AI in a sci fi series.
That's not what I'm saying, I'm not making a judgement on the game as a whole. I will enjoy this if its a Ninja Gaiden style game, no problem. I'm saying that from my perception they were mysterious for months, saying the gameplay is all about cutting and the feeling of cutting, doing mysterious webpages with fruit being cut. Then they go and specifically make a tech demo to show what should be the intricate cutting of small objects on tables. If you're going to do a tech demo to highlight a feature than the feature has to be a lot better than what they showed. If they want to get the feeling, the action and reaction of cutting with a physics based resolution than it has to play a lot better than going into slow mo and awkwardly tilting the joystick about for different angles.
I'm just commenting on that aspect of the tech demo. I can imagine how awesome that would be using the PS Move and freely swinging without pause to slice stuff up in realtime with the appropiate reaction. If it was done right that would be a tech demo I would to play.
I will happily play Skyward sword too, but the whole game isn't about the sword mechanic.
Batton down the hatches. Board up the windows, get the family in the living room.
Then start an Animal Crossing marathon.
US guys
PSP images.
What the..... ?
Yakuza: Of the End officially loses its shit with zombies, giant monsters and men with minigun arms
Riiiight. A zombie apocalypse, you say? Uh, huh. And something that looks like the by-product of a steamy one nighter between the Michelin Man and The Thing. What’s that? A man with a surgically grafted minigun for an arm? Okie dokie. And this is what game again? Ah, the fifth Yakuza title. You mean that gritty, grounded crime series about the Japanese mob? Gotcha. Wait, what? Yup, seems like Kazuma Kiryu’s games have finally lost their shit in the most spectacular, shark-jumping fashion imaginable.
Lets quickly recap, then. The Yakuza series has made its name in Japan as a vaguely serious, if quirky take, on the nation's criminal underworld. Sure, you could play the odd round of golf and beat commuters silly with traffic pylons. But when it came to the story, Sega kept things pretty much straight. So it's somewhat of a surprise to go from Haruka (the orphaned kid Kaz looks after) in a relatively run-of-the-mill hostage situation...
To this fresh madness.
Athletic zombies, no less!
And now, eh... men with massive guns for arms? Okaaaaay. Well, maybe it's just some sort of viral outbreak that's given Tokyo residents a rather feral appearance. And the man above... it's probably just a funny prop. Y'know, like those fake joke arms you can buy to freak folk out with when they think they've pulled your arm out of your socket. Yeah, that'll do. Really, when you think about it, you can pretty much easily explain all of the above with cold, hard logi...
Oh. Yeah, that's just a monster. And a monster that looks like it's been ripped straight from Resident Evil 2, if you ask us. Someone get Capcom's lawyers on the phone. Granted, the whole zombie outbreak thang is a little bit out there, and the disturbing tongue monsters might take a little getting used to as you casually explore inner-city Tokyo looking for hostess bars. But it's not as if there's some giant, preposterous Gollum-like creature rampaging the streets...
To put things into context, here's an actual screen I took for my Yakuza 3 Super Review earlier in the year.
Somebody call Websters, because the definition of jumping the shark has officially changed to 'man gives sound insurance advice to stranger on street one minute, battles 100-foot rock monster the next'. Don't worry, though. We don't think Sega has gone entirely mad... yet. If we were to guess, we'd say Yakuza: Of the End is most likely a non-cannon spin-off from the main series. Certainly, the last shot in the TGS trailer seems to hint at the possibility of four player co-op.
At any rate, the latest chapter in Kaz's tale will be hella different to what's come before, because there's no way we can see his semi clunky fighting moves and different dialogue choices besting that Michelin Man thing.
It's harder for kids to get an M-rated game than it is to see an R rated movie
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
^ not by Sandlot, I wonder whar they're doing...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.