Capcom talks MT Framework on 3DS
"Couldn't believe the results they were getting out of the 3DS" news
Bungie Talks About Their Favorite Multiplayer Modes
Developer interview. editorial news
n-Space says Geist, Winter technically possible on 3DS
"The 3DS is really powerful, just going beyond the 3D screen side of it — what it can do in terms of pushing polygons and using advanced texture shaders" editorial
Demon's Souls Gets Greatest Hits Pricing
Yeah but, don't the servers go down in Feb.? news
Vanquish EDGE mag preview
And is Vanquish an original experience? That depends who’s playing. It can be merely a fresh take on familiar elements, with a fun boost move and the occasional bit of Max Payne thrown in
Lifetime Japanese Hardware sales
Wii and DS have sold double of their respective rivals news
Capcom Announce DMC: Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory To Develop; Possible Reboot? news
Capcom Announce 360 Exclusive Dead Rising 2: Case West
Frank West Returns in a DR2 Eplilogue, Developed by Capcom Vancouver news
1up review Sonic Adventure XBLA
D: a slapdash title like this shouldn't take anyone's time or money. impressions
Ridge Racer 7 3D License Version Screens
500 yen to update to 3D media news
Square Enix Makes Big PSP Push
Like holding in a turtle then trying to push it out news
Team Ninja: Nintendo helped us regain our Confidence
And that's why you're seeing NG3 and more news
LOTR Aragorns Quest Wii preview
" I am having fun with it, which surprised me. The game’s not terribly challenging yet, and the penalty for dying is minimal" impressions
Last Window listed on Aussie Nintendo channel
But is it coming out over there? news
The Press Room Episode #74.1
Dvader and Aspro bring all the latest news from the Tokyo Game Show editorial impressions news
Steel Battalion on Kinect
From the most complicated controller ever to... none? news
Survey Says In-Game Advertising Works
I *have* been feeling like using Energizer batteries in my Verizon phone lately. news
Industry is obsessed with Gay Space marines
Says 2K games Producer: DS is winner of this Generation news
Professor Layton UnWound Future NSider review
"this is a brilliant conclusion to the trilogy." impressions
Miles Faces Off Against Tough New Judge
in Ace Attorney Investigations 2 news
Way Forward are full speed ahead on 3DS
Talks 3DS Shantae and Boy ANd his Blob news
Activision: Goldeneye is our biggest Wii game yet
more than 100 guys at Eurocom are working on [GoldenEye 007]. news
Devils Third could come to 3DS and/or Wii 2
Tech is scalable for unknown platforms news
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Professional Announced
Updated version of DQMJ2. news
id Software Joins in Supreme Court Case
Seeks free speech protection for games. news
FTC: Game Retailers More Responsible Than Others
More kids turned away from M games than movies, music. news
Ico-llection To Have Trophy Support
ueda also talks additions to the games. news
Increase in obesity caused by increase in eating
says professor (i.e. videogames aren't the cause) news
Itagaki Doesn't Expect Devil's Third in 2011
Itagaki jokes that its only 11% complete news
Shadows of the Damned orginally coming to Wii as well.
It was also more of a horror game. news
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gamingeek (7m)
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
It would be great for Move. Lets hope Konami gives PS3 some special support and makes it Move compatible. Thing is it won't be the focus.
Crap, how big, I need to check it out. I don't see an eye so that could be a good sign but it could be the timing of teh picture. Be safe, I have been through some horrible ones, just be in a big windowless room.
Anyone who thinks Yakuza of the End is a bad idea is crazy. Its the greatest idea ever.
Anyone else love the show, Dexter?
Crap, that is a nasty Hurricane, category 2. Be safe Steel.
Dexter is awesome
Mega Man Universe is the only good thing Capcom showed at TGS.
No Resident Evil, what kind of shit is that. You hint about it for weeks now and nothing. Your biggest franchise and you ignore it on your home country's biggest game show.
Project Dark trailer is exactly what I wanted to see. Demon's Souls looking game, lets be honest it is Demon's Souls 2. Same art style, same looking environments. Hugely improved animation and graphics. Enemies look larger than ever. The trailer may be hinting at having team members. Excellent.
I was shockedc for the first minute I heard it, but then when you remember that they did that medievil Japan game with Kaz, this kind of fantasy is not a departure for the series.
So I went to Best Buy today to play Move and they did not have it on display. Plenty of them to buy though. Instead I played Spider-Man SD, my reaction is meh.
I started with the tutorial which allowed me to quickly play as the different spider-mans and get used to the controls. Swinging is nice, I like the various points that you can target to, makes things much easier. The Noir Spidey felt a lot like Batman, but no where near as interesting. I know its early but it was simplistic. Instead of needing to get really close to take out bad guys like in Batman you just get in their general area and press grab.
The combat tutorial is the one that really disappointed me. X for standard attack, Y for strong attack, B to grab, A to evade... how original. Then they taught me some combos, XXX, YYY I was sucked. I swear I have played this game a million times before already. Of course you earn exp to unlock more movies which will be things like aerial dodge and cool pull grab moves, or a longer combo attack. To dodge you just hold the left trigger and spidey does a bunch of Matrix like dodges, easy and cool to look at.
I then played a good portion of the first normal Spider-Man level, I know this is the worst one so I know the game will get better. What I liked is that there are a ton of stuff to collect which increases your exp. Plus you have in game achievements going on, they challenge you for everything, like swing five times in a row. At least there is added insentive for some actions. Combat is just like every generic super hero game.
I think the main issue is that Spider-Man doesn't feel that different to control. I have controlled many video game characters that feel very similar. The reason why Arkham was so impressive is cause Batman felt like Batman. It was a game where you play and you say "I have never played something that feels like this before", it was different, it stood out. This game does not.
Good god.
The little triangle rain spot that forms from your wiper blades is there!
I think that game had its own character, a decendant of Kaz. I think that was simply a period piece. This is complete off the wall insanty. I love it!
To be fair I still have only played the first one. I feel that after 4 games the story has to be sucking, it must be very repetitive. I figure that by the time I play Yakuza 4 I would be saying "they need to scrap this story and make things fresh... by adding zombies, rock monsters, mech arms, lickers, YEEEEAAAHHHH!!!"
Oh, I know that game! Toca on the PS1, right? One of the first sim-type racers I played, was good but not for me, kewl rain though
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
It's carried itself well through the three main games. I am waiting for the western release of 4, which is apparently the best in the series so far. The PSP one is a departure, in that it follows the younger Yakuza instead of Kaz.
If you recall the early promotion of this game, which depicted the destruction of the main city that has been in all the games, this is clearly a big reset for the game, and yeah, probably welcome. Once you get up to 5 in the main series, 7 in total, you have to start shaking things up.
I need to get Move now... LBP 2 Move gameplay was great. It was basic stuff but you can see it being used in puzzles, during platforming segements and so much more. Imagine a level where you need to place the platforms that sackboy jumps to as he is escaping some deadly thing that is chasing him. Or imagine sackboy getting stuck inside a giant block puzzle and you need to move and drag the pieces in such a way to keep sackboy from being squished and to create an escape for him. So much could come from pointing and interacting with the levels.
Death by Vagina.
From the Mega Man Universe article:
One last question: Of all the characters in every Capcom game, which would you most like to see in Mega Man Universe?
Out of all the titles that I've been a producer or assistant producer on, I would actually love to see a character from any of the Ace Attorney games. It would be kind of fun and kind of insane at the same time to see somebody go "Objection!" and have that become some sort of attack. It would be funny to see, for example, instead of the usual Mega Man blaster, instead of little pew-pew-pew pellets, you have "Objection!" bubbles come out of his fingers.
Right -- you get to the end of the stage and argue with the boss.
I think that would be incredibly amusing. I would love to try that.
Yes please.
That looks awesome.