GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] GameStop Ireland Lost Money in 2010 55 stores, 430 employees. news aspro
[] UK Charts Gran Turismo 5 races past Black Ops for pole position. news aspro
[] Ubisoft Lays Off Driver Developers we will all be told 'off you go now' news aspro
Feature: How EA Kicked Their License "Habit" "we don’t like where James Bond is going" news aspro
[] Rushdie: Consoles, Not Bombs Controversial author says Nintendo can save Iran. news aspro
TRON 1up PS3/360 review D + impressions gamingeek
Islamic Value Game ratings announced “based on the culture, society and the special values of Islam” gamingeek
[] Gamesradar GT5 Super review 7/10 "Gran Turismo has lost its mojo and become a dinosaur among modern racing games." impressions gamingeek
[] Kotaku review Golden Sun DS "Camelot can still deliver a role-playing experience capable of satiating fan cravings while giving newcomers a chance to get hooked as well." impressions gamingeek
[] 360 TV service reportedly in the works Pay monthly - would you? news gamingeek
[] Metro reviews Epic Mickey  5/10 What the F***? impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Italy reviews Epic Mickey 8/10 "the result is quite good: a peculiar gameplay, a big main actor and excellent technical work all give a new life to an historic brand." impressions gamingeek
[] Mirror’s Edge ‘fell short’, EA says Dead Space missed targets too, but made a profit EA's Frank Gibeau reveals news gamingeek
[] Infamous 2 screens IMO the character model sucks media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer video: Is your home Kinect ready? media gamingeek
[] IGN: For and Against Wii 2 editorial gamingeek
Sony patents confirm PSP2 touch controls? news gamingeek
[] Nagoshi working on sci fi shooter? news gamingeek
[] Move and Kinect shortages a marketing ploy Pachter news gamingeek
[] Nintendo Report Huge Black Friday Sales 1.5 million systems sold. news gamingeek
[] Spector wants to make Duck Tales desperately Will Disney tell him to Duck off? gamingeek
Feature: How Bugs Are Dealt With in Game Development "how game bugs are found, graded, and then squashed" editorial aspro
Testing begins on the Panasonic Jungle console Let's hope for some de-forestation news gamingeek
[] Impressive reviews boost Epic Mickey Disney’s Wii exclusive well-received by members of the games press impressions gamingeek
Toshihiro Nagoshi Unveils Binary Domain Original multiplatform title from Yakuza team places emphasis on drama, robot AI and online play. news gamingeek
[] 7 Catherine pics media gamingeek
[] 7 Duke Nukem pics media gamingeek
[] Black creator making WW2 shooter news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer: Why I hate the Saboteur Leo, this is for you editorial gamingeek
[] Wired: 9 more Dark Disney games we want editorial gamingeek
Ghost Trick flash demo on Euro site Capcom game by Phoenix Wright guy news gamingeek
DKC Returns N-Sider review "let's just have them make all of Nintendo's games now." impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey Ditto's Epiclicious trailer One big epic spoiler in here too! media gamingeek
[] Fluidity Water trailer: Nintendo WiiWare game media gamingeek
MTV review Golden Sun DS "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn" is a great way to end one of the best years for the portable system. impressions gamingeek
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game Coming Actual cards, not an electronic game. news aspro
[] Bungie Interview: Covers the Future of Reach DLC Also talks about Reach in general. news aspro
Latest Gal Gun Screenshots NSFW Creepy Japanese love shooter for 360. media aspro
[] Nintendo have 3 secret games in development Juicy juicy secrets news gamingeek
[] Dead Rising Cape West video Frank, returns media gamingeek
[] Sony: Move has sold 4.1 million news gamingeek
[] Exclusive Link and Midna character models For sale at first4figures - first look here. news gamingeek
Last Story magazine pics Some good stuff here media gamingeek
[] ONM review Raving Rabbids 4 40% - Suck it Ubisuck impressions gamingeek
[] Rumour: 343 Games remaking Halo? news gamingeek
[] Goldeneye 007 4CR review "One of the best games I’ve played on the Wii, and one of the most entertaining shooters I’ve played on any console of this generation"" impressions gamingeek
Famitsu review score details Want to see how Ninokuni and DKC got on? impressions news gamingeek
[] Sony: Kinect is mostly technical problems news gamingeek
[] Analysis: State of the Nation at Nintendo And what holiday sales mean to them editorial gamingeek
[] Uncharted 3 set in the Desert? news gamingeek
DKC Returns Aussie Nintendo review 9.5 "Donkey Kong Country Returns is a truly incredible game. Insanely fun, challenging and loaded with some of the most adrenaline-charged levels the series has ever seen" impressions gamingeek
[] Joystiq review Epic Mickey 4/5 "The moments of sheer joy this game creates mean there's always something worthwhile just around the corner" impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey Game Informer review 7.00 - Second Opinion 7.75 impressions gamingeek
MMO Pirates of The Burning Sea Goes Free Has been around for 3 years. news aspro
[] UK To Get Cave Story on WiiWare December release. news aspro
Wii Plus Entire Japanese Library of Games For Sale Only one available at a price of 1 million Yen. news aspro
Japan: Wii Has It's First 4 Million Selling Game And it's not Super Mario Galaxy. news aspro
[] Gamespot Reviews GT 5 - 8.0 "both sublime and subpar." editorial impressions aspro
[] Gears of War Kinect to be shown at VGAs. Finger guns for the win. news Dvader
[] Kinect Sales Now at 2.5 Million Units People like charades. news aspro
[] Ars technica Reviews GT5 "the problems and limitations of the game are inexcusable" editorial impressions aspro
Microsoft Launches XBL Loyalty Program "an be redeemed for extra content and avatar items" news aspro
[] Judge Heckles Prosecution in XB Modding Case “I really don’t understand what we’re doing here.” news aspro
Weekly Japanese Charts Super Robot Taisen L at #2 aspro
MTV Epic Mickey review "Disney Epic Mickey" is visually creative, but unevolving, uninteresting gameplay makes the entire experience feel like more of a chore than a pleasure." impressions gamingeek
N + review Epic Mickey 9/10 The camera needs a lot of work but "Overall, the game is great fun, and is definitely a must-play, if not a must-buy." impressions gamingeek
Japan: PS3 fans celebrate Tales of Graces release By making a cake news gamingeek
[] Yakuza of the End: Masses of new images media gamingeek
[] Critical Reception: Epic Mickey Which reviews say brings "surprises, historical reverence and inspired platforming creativity." impressions gamingeek
[] GT5 doubles Japan PS3 sales for the week news gamingeek
[] BBC Documentary takes aim at addictive gaming Oh God no news gamingeek
[] Composers Find New Playgrounds In Video Games - Epic Mickey Listen to audio for full interview news robio
[] The final installment of the Bit.Trip series announced Bit.Trip Flux is on the way news robio
[] Top 7 worse fake accents in games Alex Mason in Black Ops comes 7th editorial gamingeek
[] UK: Swap bananas for Donkey Kong Returns Seriously, swap a bunch of bananas for the real game news gamingeek
[] EA boss reviews his own game: Dead Space 2 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer reviews Dead Nation 6/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Playable Flash Demo Play the flash demo! I may do just that... news Foolz
[] Mickey Through The Years GS takes a look at previous Mickey Mouse games, do any of them have lock-on? editorial Foolz
[] Mafia II: Joe's Adventures Review 6.0 "Brilliant shoot-outs are dulled by maddening side missions in this inconsistent add-on." impressions Foolz
Binary Domain debut trailer Plus lots of screens and writing! editorial media Foolz
[] UK: Wii sees Xmas surge Games and hardware significantly raised news gamingeek
[] Gamesmaster mag names its Game of the Year Can you guess what it is? news gamingeek
[] David Jaffe responds to Xbox fanboys news gamingeek
[] EA Could drop Tiger Woods news gamingeek
[] The voice of Ryo wants Shenmue 3 news gamingeek
[] Kingdom of Amalur: Spiritual successor to Oblivion? impressions gamingeek
[] Nolan confirms Inception game news gamingeek
[] US Army creates powerful supercomputer of PS3s BELIEVE news gamingeek
[] In depth: PSN October sales editorial gamingeek
[] Move and Kinect sales neck and neck Sony "shipped 4.1 million" Probably sold 2.5 news gamingeek
[] You can't keep Playstation Plus DLC Misleading - sony apologises news gamingeek
[] Microsoft comment on Halo remake news gamingeek
[] Fight Night Champions trailers media gamingeek
[] Professor Layton 3DS pics media gamingeek
[] Playstation Phone spotted in Greece news gamingeek
[] Gameinformer sells more than TIME mag And more - check the list news gamingeek
[] uDraw Tablet video impressions impressions gamingeek
[] IGN: Wii Speak goes silent editorial gamingeek
[] Captain America Wii details Separate game made by High Voltage news gamingeek
Adam Sessler video: He gushes over Epic Mickey Adam Sessler's high expectations for the new dark Disney fantasy were not only met, they were exceeded media gamingeek
[] Gamespot: Epic Mickey review - 6.0 Gamespot: "Tedious and monotonous." editorial impressions ASK_Story
Binary Domain Screens (360/PS3) New robo-action thriller from Yakuza producer. media aspro
Inafune Starts a Blog Glad to have "escaped" his "salaryman days". news aspro
[] Yamauchi Answers GT5 Questions on Twitter Yamauchi wanted to implement “free roam” gameplay news aspro
[] PSN Sales Analysis October 2010 Sonic 4 was #1 seller. news aspro
[] Ars technica Interviews id Genius John Carmack "Founding father of 3D" news aspro
The Press Room Episode #82 Hands-On: Kinect, GT5, NBA Jam HD, Pac-Man CE DX, GoldenEye, Boy and his Blob, Sonic Colors and MORE. editorial impressions news aspro
Pachter: Kinect Has Passed Move in Sales Predicts 20-25 million by year-end 2011. news aspro
OnLive Announces Flat-Rate $10 Plan $99 for controller, $10 a month to stream. news aspro
[] Michael Jackson the Experience Eurogamer review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] More Bioware game details teased news gamingeek
[] Valkryia Chronicles 3 opening video media gamingeek
[] Can The Wii Slow Parkinsons Disease? A British doctor has been awarded £35,000 to research the benefits that playing Wii can have for people with Parkinson's news gamingeek
[] Thor screens from SEGA STOP - Hammer Time gamingeek
[] EA says Apple can challenge Sony and MS Console warz of the future? news gamingeek
Epic Mickey Gaming XP review 89% "It's pretty amazing to see what Warren Spector and his team at Junction Point have created. " impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey NZGamer review 9/10 impressions gamingeek
Epic Mickey Vandal Online review "This is a magnificient game. It is a priceless revision" impressions gamingeek
1up review Splatterhouse C+ gamingeek
EDGE magazine reviews GT5  7/10 "This is a production that feels increasingly aged in the face of modern game design" impressions gamingeek
[] IGN- Child of the 80s: N64 rules! Those of us born in the 80s started turning 30 this year. Gaming has changed a huge amount in that time... editorial gamingeek
[] ONN review DKC Returns 91% impressions gamingeek
[] ONM review Mario All Stars How does this retro compilation hold up? impressions gamingeek
Rune Factory Oceans screens media gamingeek
[] Gamesindustry responds to BBC Panorama report news gamingeek
[] BBC Panorama reporter says don't judge too early Addictive gaming documentary should be watched first news gamingeek
[] Take Two won't Annualize GTA/Red Dead news gamingeek
[] Witcher 2 trailer media gamingeek
[] FEAR 3 CVG preview impressions media gamingeek
[] UK shops wont pass on VAT price hike Despite government tax going up - games will stay the same price news gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn Euro release date Click and find out news gamingeek
[] Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime announced Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime is a PC, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live downloadable game news gamingeek
[] IGN: Goldeneye N64 - Changing the game editorial gamingeek
Epic Mickey iNintendo review 87% "Epic Mickey is just short of being a truly amazing game" impressions gamingeek
Ninokuni scans media gamingeek
[] Rabbids in Time Gamesradar review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Disgaea 4 Anime Intro Released Looks and sounds great, supposed to have DQ reference. news aspro
[] New Footage of Mario Sports Mix The Nintendo / Square mascot game. media aspro
[] DK banana pile found Down Under "5 metres I guess it's metric measure or is it kind of metres you sleep on ... looking at the picture looks like it's pretty high " news Foolz
[] Behind the Games: Warren Spector Warren Spector talks about his time with Steve Jackson Games, his ideas on successful games, and his nickname "Speed Racer." editorial media Foolz
[] Star Wars: The Old Republic Interview With Dr. Ray Muzyka We steal some time with BioWare CEO Dr. Ray Muzyka to get the lowdown on how Star Wars: The Old Republic is shaping up! editorial media Foolz
[] Coalition sympathetic to Aussie R18+ cause 'Federal Shadow Attorney-General George Brandis says "inconsistencies" in current classification system need to be addressed.' news Foolz
PETA Creates Parody Super Tofu Boy Probably still too hardcore for GG media news Foolz
Report on video games clears way for R18+ rating Suck it up Atkinson! news Foolz
[] WiiSpeak Silenced Nintendo has confirmed that the peripheral is being phased out. news aspro
[] Kotick: App Store? More like... FAP Store Activision boss sneers at Apple App Store and Facebook. news aspro
[] Take Two CEO/ Chairman Speaks Bemoans MLB license, diminishes digital distribution. news aspro
Resistance 3 Trailer at VGA's I guess this is what the VGA's are for. news aspro
[] Punch-Out with your Cock Out! Game of the Mother-Fucking Millenium! news phantom_leo
[] Ghostbusters 360 Gets a Patch to Fix Achievements 18 months after release! news aspro
WoW on Android? Kinda Uses remote terminal-like connection to your home computer. news aspro
[] Grammys Nominate Game Theme For First Time And the nominees are... news aspro
[] Video: Behind the Scenes at 360 HQ Major Nelson is your tour guide. news aspro
Apple's "XBL" Requires Real Names Ask Blizzard how that worked out for them. news aspro
[] First Okamiden Siliconera review impressions gamingeek
Japanese Gamers Vote For Favorite Sony Games Predictable results. news aspro
Fluidity WiiWare impressions " This seems like a hidden gem that many might overlook simply based on the premise. " impressions gamingeek
[] Retro on making Donkey Kong hard They also peeled his banana news gamingeek
[] Flatout Wii Stunt trailer Who needs GT5 when you have this s***? media gamingeek
Sony unveils HDTV with PS2 built in news gamingeek
[] Japanese man uses Kinect to make Predator cloak Turn around.....turn around....turn around... media gamingeek
[] Yakuza 4 Akiyama trailer media gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed 3 details leaked? news gamingeek
[] CVG's Most Underated games of 2010 editorial gamingeek
[] Google announces big piracy crackdown news gamingeek
[] Call of Duty players happy to sit in own piss and crap. Amazon has proof news gamingeek
[] Retro Studios talk Donkey Kong pressure news gamingeek
[] Evil Ryu and Akuma Oni in SSFIV arcade news gamingeek
[] No 3D for Little Big Planet 2 news gamingeek
Epic Mickey: Unused Concept art media gamingeek
G4TV video: Epic Mickey chat media gamingeek
[] USA Today reviews Epic Mickey 4 stars out of 4 "Epic Mickey is a spectacular adventure with a great emotional story" impressions news gamingeek
[] U.S Federal Prosecuters drop Modding case news gamingeek
[] Dino D-Day trailer! Nazi Dinosaurs! GOTY? media Dvader
[] Ms. Splosion Man revealed Trailer included media news Dvader
[] Greatest anti-pirate measure in the history of gaming. Vuvuzelas! news Dvader
[] First Back to the Future the game trailer! Marty! Doc! Huey Lewis! media Dvader
[] Gamespot: Golden Sun Dark Dawn review - 7.5 Gamespot: "Poor pacing drags it down. But still good game." editorial ASK_Story
[] US New Releases Week of Dec 5, 2010 Tron, Flying Hamster, Fluidity, Brunswick Bowling, Marvel Pinball... news aspro
Minecraft Hits 700,000 Sold Seems low. news aspro
[] Kotaku's Best Sports Games of the Year NLL Lacrosse 2010 makes the grade. editorial aspro
Pachter: Epic Mickey Will Be on PS3 "Maybe they'll do it as a Playstation Network game" news aspro
[] More Shenmue City Screens Apparently uses assets from cancelled MMO. media aspro
[] Take-Two Stock Reaches Annual High Why? news aspro
[] Little Big Planet 2 Won't Have Rumored 3D Support "solidly confirmed 3D support will not be in the game" news aspro
[] Team Fortress 2 Beta Kicks Off Enough changes were made that they want to test it. news aspro
Super Street Fighter IV 3DS includes all characters? Including the arcade ones news gamingeek
[] Crystal Clear PSP Phone video It's real and coming soon media gamingeek
[] Nintendo on Donkey Kong music news gamingeek
[] Canadian Game Awards Looking For Nominations I'm seeing a lot of Assassin's Creed. news aspro
[] EA To Slash Game Output - Again! "between the low 20s and the high 20s" news aspro
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Country: UN
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Joined: 2008-08-18
Sun, 05 Dec 2010 09:31:39

I don;t know what it is with Rare games this weekend, I keep putting in games and finding out they are made by Rare.  So my Now Playing is Goldeneye 007 (N64) and Donkey Kong Country 3.

I put in a NES game -- Wheel of Fortune -- it's by Rare.  Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run? -- Rare.

The Wheel of Fortune game holds up extremely well, as does KGJWR -- too bad it doesn't include the Player's Association endorsement, so you get a ubnch of lame fake names.

I did not realize I had DKC3, it wasn't listed in my colellection.  Having beaten the first two, I can't see the problem with any of them.  This one and the last one were not as good as the first, but they are not that different.


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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 13:05:04

Speaking of Rare, I saw Kinect Sports being played in front of me.

...It's not Rare. It's the most souless fucking thing I've seen ever come out of them.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 13:45:44

Okay I have officially made an incredible score this weekend thanks to a kindly uninformed movie buff.  Long story short is I'm getting a barely used original 80 GB PS3, the last backward compatible model for $200.  The previous owner bought it for the Blu Ray player.  Remember back when Sony specifically went after that audience? Apparently this was the guy who bit.  Anyway a year after buying it he went after a superior player from Samsung that was attached to an HD TV and the PS3 has been sitting in its box since.  And this will be in my hands next week, just enough time to finish Epic Mickey.

Now to debate the morality of selling it for what I could actually get for it from someone else who'd want a BC system.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 15:30:55

Happy Sinterklaas everybody!

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 16:34:01

Wow, watching news at the moment, in Egypt 4 people were injured and now one german tourist killed by sharks. The authorities caught two great whites, watching the footage now. The boat is exactly the same boat that is in Endless Ocean 2, right down to the colour scheme. And I don't know if it's Zahab which is the area in the game, but yeah, that place is teeming with great whites in the game. Kinda freaky.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 17:20:19
darthhomer said:

Speaking of Rare, I saw Kinect Sports being played in front of me.

...It's not Rare. It's the most souless fucking thing I've seen ever come out of them.

I guess its alright for the kind of audience they're looking for, hardly different from all that mii stuff. For the people who actually knows what Rare was about, yeah, it's a painful thing to watch. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go hug my Viva Pinata games and weep silently. I don't care about anything else made by Rare, before or ever since.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 17:30:06

Serbia just won the Davis Cup.

They celebrate the victory by shaving their heads.

Novak Djokovic is the first one to be shaven

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 18:45:15
robio said:

Okay I have officially made an incredible score this weekend thanks to a kindly uninformed movie buff.  Long story short is I'm getting a barely used original 80 GB PS3, the last backward compatible model for $200.  The previous owner bought it for the Blu Ray player.  Remember back when Sony specifically went after that audience? Apparently this was the guy who bit.  Anyway a year after buying it he went after a superior player from Samsung that was attached to an HD TV and the PS3 has been sitting in its box since.  And this will be in my hands next week, just enough time to finish Epic Mickey.

Now to debate the morality of selling it for what I could actually get for it from someone else who'd want a BC system.

I believe only the US 60 giger was backwards compatible.  The one vader had before it died.  I could be wrong but I think the later 40GB and 80GB models were not BC


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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 19:27:47
bugsonglass said:

I believe only the US 60 giger was backwards compatible.  The one vader had before it died.  I could be wrong but I think the later 40GB and 80GB models were not BC

Some 80GB models had software-based BC.

80GB PS3 Model CECHE01

Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 19:30:50

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 19:36:29
Ravenprose said:
bugsonglass said:

I believe only the US 60 giger was backwards compatible.  The one vader had before it died.  I could be wrong but I think the later 40GB and 80GB models were not BC

Some 80GB models had software-based BC.

80GB PS3 Model CECHE01

Yes that's what this is. I don't know if all models have this now or if it was abandoned after the 80 gig model. From what I hear it's pretty half-assed. But Dragon Quest VIII runs well enough and Dark Cloud 2 seems to work fine. Those are  the only PS2 games that I'll ever go back and play. But I have to have my DQVIII. That's my precious.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 19:51:59

I can easily see GT5 becoming a grindfest of epic proportions at higher levels. Both from what I can gather right now, and from a few opinions.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:41:15
robio said:

Yes that's what this is. I don't know if all models have this now or if it was abandoned after the 80 gig model. From what I hear it's pretty half-assed. But Dragon Quest VIII runs well enough and Dark Cloud 2 seems to work fine. Those are  the only PS2 games that I'll ever go back and play. But I have to have my DQVIII. That's my precious.

All of Level-5's games are "our precious" ... even Rogue Galaxy ... hope that one works on your PS3 as well!!


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:49:50
SteelAttack said:

I can easily see GT5 becoming a grindfest of epic proportions at higher levels. Both from what I can gather right now, and from a few opinions.

I agree with you, I get the same impression even from this early stage.  I played a good bit this week with a friend, taking turns using a single profile.  After what seemed like a lot of hard work we only got it to about Level 13 or so.  Events seem very scarce at present, and sometimes have silly restrictions (eg how can I enter the bloody level 0 pick-up truck race if none of the manufacturers has a truck to sell me nor am I awarded one).  Also what's with all the useless cars the game is awarding me?  Thank you for filling my garage with junk that's not competitive in any event ever.  It's starting to annoy me.  I hate having to repeat races I've already got a gold in just for experience and credits.  Maybe a week is not enough to fully appraise, nor am I being categorical but at this point Forza seems the much more rewarding and fun game of the two.  GT5 is a lot of hard work for a game which for me is just about driving cars, zoning out, relaxing and forgetting myself for a little while.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:04:24

Agreed. GT5 seems to be one of the last bastions of old-school japanese game design, with everything good and bad coming from it. It has everything that is great and awful about the GT franchise, cranked up to eleven. I will try to pick up FM3 used sometime to give it a spin and make an apt comparison between the two games.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:09:29

FM3 will be the first game I buy if/when I get a 360.  BTW it's already very cheap in Europe.  Around £13 for the standard edition and £18 for the Ultimate edition (which I think included DLC etc)


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:14:20
bugsonglass said:
robio said:

Yes that's what this is. I don't know if all models have this now or if it was abandoned after the 80 gig model. From what I hear it's pretty half-assed. But Dragon Quest VIII runs well enough and Dark Cloud 2 seems to work fine. Those are  the only PS2 games that I'll ever go back and play. But I have to have my DQVIII. That's my precious.

All of Level-5's games are "our precious" ... even Rogue Galaxy ... hope that one works on your PS3 as well!!

I wanted to like Rogue Galaxy. I really did. For some reason I just couldn't get into it though. Still makes me sad. Maybe I'll get drunk one day and give it another go.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:18:25
robio said:

I wanted to like Rogue Galaxy. I really did. For some reason I just couldn't get into it though. Still makes me sad. Maybe I'll get drunk one day and give it another go.

i understand.  sometimes how a game looks is enough for me to fall for it.  Level-5 do a certain kind of magic for me in their character designs and art.

edit: the exception i guess is white knight.  it looked like a car wreck long before it was released.  but Leo should have a more informed opinion on that as he actually played it

Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:20:10


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:28:30

If I recall from his earlier impressions, he didn't really like it. I think he said that after several hours of playing he realized he wasn't having fun and put it down with no regrets.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:55:27

I want an online multiplayer heist game structured like Ocean's Eleven. A 4-6 player game where each player has a part, a job to do in order to complete the heist.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 23:03:01

It's that time of the week! What have you future Cock Out fans been playing?


Easily one of this generation's shining moments!

Started this over. Auto-Save and One too many presses of the "A" button

lead to me screwing up some missions. Didn't like that. No matter;

I've been able to find much more stuff on my Second Time around anyway...

Once again took the helm of Noble 6. Halo: Reach will be my next 360 conquest!

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