Balloon Fight brings a Wii U Virtual Console preview
Customizable controls and save points impressions
Rumor: PlayStation 4 specs, controller details, and more
There is a new controller in the works, but it will instead feature a touch pad that can recognize two-point multi-touch. It can also be clicked.
Vigil Games and properties fail to find buyer
Remain as part of THQ's bankruptcy case
RUMOR - First details on Sonic's next outing
- due out on Wii U, PS3, 360, 3DS, PS Vita, PC, and “Next gen” consoles
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You guys remember when we were told you couldn't use the u pad mic for voicechat? Yet another game has that option, trine 2s update enabled it.It actually works better than I thought it would. The only problem I have is shooting the money piles and slow-down power ups, since they are quite small. I may see if I can get a PS Move cheap, though.
Kinda stumped as to what I should play to completion next. Most of my "play them quick to get them out of the way" games are done. Playing The Last Story for a while; lots of chapters in that one. DL'ed Unchained Blades for the 3DS; very cool and Etrian-like, but we're talking well over 40 hours there. Started playing Mark of the Ninja today; probably the best Ninja game I've played in years, but it's the kind of game that makes you want to play it perfectly (like a Ninja) and I don't know if I am in the mood for such precise gameplay. La Mulana is a monster, in a good way, but it stumps you regularly. Hmmm... Decisions, decisions...
You didn't miss me, Travo. Yesterday was my wife's birthday and we went out for dinner and hanged around for more time than I had planned. Tonight I should be good to go. I even have a bottle of Jäger lined up and ready to go.
Did you make sweet love?
Wait. I'm confused. I thought sex was something you did only BEFORE getting married?
That was her best gift.
Never been there but sure go ahead.
So Uncharted game night?
That's not strange at all. What's strange is --I-- just picked up Ni No Kuni too...
...and I gave away my PS3 at the end of October!
What time
I recall on GAF that you have family members that live their and have told you what life is like?
One of the site's forefathers.
Hmm i wanted to start early but football starts in less than an hour, so ill be logging on around 11 pm.
Sounds good to me.
Yup. Most of this family I don't know personal but Ishould know enough to help you out.