Spong review LEGO City Undercover Wii U
8/10 - "What LEGO City Undercover is is a rare thing indeed – a meaty AAA game aimed squarely and unapologetically at kids."
spong.com impressions
Amazon France Lists Dragon Quest X
For the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online.
gematsu.com news
Rumor: FF XIII Versus Getting Rebranded as FF XV
And that Sony is paying to move it to PS4.
gematsu.com news
Gamingnexus reviews NFS Most Wanted U
"The game is just as good, even better than the other versions and best of all it runs like a dream on Nintendo’s new console"
gamingnexus.com impressions
MTV LEGO City Undercover - review
"Easily a must buy for any Wii U owner that has a sense of humor."
mtv.com impressions
EA Origin website sale - 50% off everything
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U for $30
Audiosurf Air Announced Also Beta Sign-Ups
Like Audio Surf but now it involves skiing and getting air
audio-surf.com news
If You Like Saints Row, Take The Survey
Some game options, but mostly about what collectors' edition bonuses.
Kojima details Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes GDC conference content
The presentation will mostly be a technical demonstration of the Fox Engine, showing the rendering techniques of the brand new game engine.
Rumour: Final fantasy 15 is exclusive to PS4
Is actually Final Fantasy Versus XIII PS3 renamed/worked
The Telegraph Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
5 out of 5 - "a game unlike any other. Incomparable, yet instantly accessible."
telegraph.co.uk impressions
1up Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
"Dark Moon's thoughtful design and overall excellence make it an essential for the 3DS library"
1up.com impressions
Ono tweets picture of Deep Down running on PS4
How he can change the camera because it is actually real time running on PS4.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
(PC/XBLA/PSN/WiiU) announced by Capcom
polygon.com news
Magma Pool Included: Tomb Raider Review
laserlemming.com impressions
DuckTales success could lead to more Capcom/Disney games
"In a purely hypothetical world. I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one"
Capcom explains why they are remaking DuckTales
In the works for 2.5 years
Capcom talks DuckTales Remastered voice acting
Scrooge's voice actor is now 94 years old but he still came into the studio and did his thing like a pro
Deadly Premonition Trailer
Deadly Premonition is due out for PlayStation 3 on April 30.
gematsu.com media
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travo (8m)
Ok GG then It works for you. I know I wouldn't ever think of buying it fu price if it wasn't a wii u game. So for me the wii u is still not delivering the games I want. Also in general one great new gamesince launch is not a good library. I think back to other consoles and they all had something really big in the launch window.
i am not trying to trash on Lego I am just taking a wide general view of the whole wii u situation
GG in Deus Ex during the dialogue sections you are given options. For example when talking with the SWAT team before you infiltrate a building with terrorists you are asked things like "Do you want to infiltrate and keep violence to a minimum or do you want to go in full force and kill the terrorists", or things like "Do you want a close quarter combat weapon or an assault rifle for distance shooting"
I think that was what GME referred to as the role-playing elements
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That's fair although a couple of other good games have launched this week too. Can I ask though, say it was Rayman Legends and not Lego City, would you still feel the same way? That would have launched a few weeks ago and been pretty much the only new thing to buy.
Is there an easy way to redo these sections trying a different approach or would you have to replay the whole game?
Forgot to mention, I saw this Lego Star Wars animation on Cartoon Network and actually found it very funny, so reading the reviews saying that Lego City was filled with humour and was making all the reviewers laugh endeared the game to me. I love humour in games and want there to be more more funny games. They got in British comedians to script the game.
GG of course I would not feel the same way as Rayman. That was the launch window game for me, I have my money waiting for it. Now in terms of a general outlook jut having Rayman is stil not enough. Nintendo needed the games to come out in time. If we had pikmin, wonderful, Rayman and Lego now that is a system with a great early lineup. Or fill up these gaps with major third party games. I would have probably bought tomb raider or bioshock if the wii u version looked the best. But those games are not on wii u. The delays are killing this thng
Yes, you have multisaves and branch accordingly
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The Wii U Deus Ex port actually sounds really good.
To me if it was just Rayman it would have been the same thing as if it was just Lego City. Wii U's spring was supossed to be:
Instead for us in Europe it's:
It's not a bad swap but not ideal. Shame Aliens tanked. I agree third parties should have picked up the slack early on but didn't. I think it's because they would have to scale up their business to accommodate additional skus - as Dave Cox put it. If we were to see U versions of multiplats that are releasing today then publishers would have had to put plans in place ages ago, when Darksiders 2 was announced for instance. They didn't and now USA sales are flagging we hear that publishers are actually cancelling U games.
There's a running joke at GAF - Nintendo delays first party games to give 3rd parties time to shine and sell their games, third parties don't do anything and complain that Nintendo hasn't released enough 1st party games to boost system sales. Nintendo releases first party games - 3rd parties complain that they are cannibalising sales. It's a lose lose situation.
Still by the end of the year we should have Rayman and Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker, Warioware, Watch Dogs, Wonderful 101, Assasins Creed IV, maybe Bayonetta 2 and probably some others we haven't heard about yet, along with X possibly and reveals for the new Mario platformer, Kart, Smash, Fire Emblem, Retro Studios game. Miyamoto has already said that the games already announced in the direct videos would be shown at E3.
All in all I've learned to be patient with Nintendo platforms from experience. It may be a long slog but it's always worth it in the end.
EDIT: And a new Zelda to look forward to.
This just in, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.... still good. Controls are quite a bit better than the demo too. They did quite a bit of tweaking since that had been made.
This is where one big question lays for me. They're going after the audience that will always have the internet on. That's fine, I totally understand and appreciate that. And yet, they're also forcing Kinect onto this crowd.... why? At this point the only people I've seen who get any use out of Kinect are people with young children or the ultra casual crowd and for a lot of them, they don't bother with the internet on their console (particularly the group that has the console for the kids). Why make the play for that group at all if they're not going to fully court them? It's forcing Kinect on one audience and thus raising the cost of the console for a different audience that they're not going to fully committ to...
To me it sounds like a lot of the system resources are going to be devoted to the operating system and other functionality like we heard in the Digital Foundry report earlier in the year. As much as 4gb RAM and several of the cpu cores just to run the OS.
I noticed the tablet seems to have an inventory and map display? Are you playing it on the tablet or the pro controller? I just can't see me playing a game like this with a big awkward tablet id probably be a more regular controller kind of guy.
I don't have the pro controller, so right now I'm playing on the tablet. We'll see how that works. At the moment I haven't had any problems with it, but I've yet to get to any really hard monsters yet. I can use my old Wii classic controller though I believe so if I need to switch I'm happy to use that.
Oh I forgot to mention that you can actually switch the stuff on the tablet to show on the main screen like a conventional game would. Map in one corner, inventory appearing on another screen, etc. I prefer to keep my screens as uncluttered as possible though so I'm happy to keep all of that stuff on the tablet.
Oh and I know I've said it, but I'm going to say it again, the lead-in comic mini-series for Injustice is fantastic. It's quickly paced, and is doing a great job of setting the stage for the game. Just finished issue 10 and its a treat. If anyone wants a digital copy let me know and I can share (provided you have a comic book reader).
No one watched this yesterday? Enlighten videos show next generation lighting demos on PS4
French website Gameblog played the Wii U version of Deus Ex and confirmed the Off TV Play option.
Also, they say we can not only annotate the map on the Gamepad with notes, but also add/register vocal annotations with the Gamepad mic. and share it via Miiverse.
There's a New Game+ mode.
They also say the Wii U version is visually cleaner than the PS360 version with better AA.
Mandatory installs and playing my games off of the HDD is great. It's a big reason as to why I prefer the 360 versions of games and I play all my 360 games this way. Very beneficial for a disc-based system's longevity. Wish the other consoles had this feature.
I think Kinect is a pretty cool device so I really don't have an issue with it being mandatory in the Durango myself.
The optional install thing on the 360 is great I agree. I always install everything, you save your console from doing any hard work that way. It takes like 2 minutes to install most games too.