Spong review LEGO City Undercover Wii U
8/10 - "What LEGO City Undercover is is a rare thing indeed – a meaty AAA game aimed squarely and unapologetically at kids."
spong.com impressions
Amazon France Lists Dragon Quest X
For the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online.
gematsu.com news
Rumor: FF XIII Versus Getting Rebranded as FF XV
And that Sony is paying to move it to PS4.
gematsu.com news
Gamingnexus reviews NFS Most Wanted U
"The game is just as good, even better than the other versions and best of all it runs like a dream on Nintendo’s new console"
gamingnexus.com impressions
MTV LEGO City Undercover - review
"Easily a must buy for any Wii U owner that has a sense of humor."
mtv.com impressions
EA Origin website sale - 50% off everything
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U for $30
Audiosurf Air Announced Also Beta Sign-Ups
Like Audio Surf but now it involves skiing and getting air
audio-surf.com news
If You Like Saints Row, Take The Survey
Some game options, but mostly about what collectors' edition bonuses.
Kojima details Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes GDC conference content
The presentation will mostly be a technical demonstration of the Fox Engine, showing the rendering techniques of the brand new game engine.
Rumour: Final fantasy 15 is exclusive to PS4
Is actually Final Fantasy Versus XIII PS3 renamed/worked
The Telegraph Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
5 out of 5 - "a game unlike any other. Incomparable, yet instantly accessible."
telegraph.co.uk impressions
1up Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
"Dark Moon's thoughtful design and overall excellence make it an essential for the 3DS library"
1up.com impressions
Ono tweets picture of Deep Down running on PS4
How he can change the camera because it is actually real time running on PS4.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
(PC/XBLA/PSN/WiiU) announced by Capcom
polygon.com news
Magma Pool Included: Tomb Raider Review
laserlemming.com impressions
DuckTales success could lead to more Capcom/Disney games
"In a purely hypothetical world. I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one"
Capcom explains why they are remaking DuckTales
In the works for 2.5 years
Capcom talks DuckTales Remastered voice acting
Scrooge's voice actor is now 94 years old but he still came into the studio and did his thing like a pro
Deadly Premonition Trailer
Deadly Premonition is due out for PlayStation 3 on April 30.
gematsu.com media
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Archangel3371 (5m)
Maybe they'll streamline the PS3 version, and fix most of that tedious/boring crap. *crosses fingers*
GG, pre-Paradise Burnouts were also very tough. At least some of them were; perhaps they got progressively easier culminating with Paradise.
I just started Gears and loving it so far. It seems much faster pace. A lot of the stronger enemies have already made appearances such as Boomers, a crazy amount for just the first twenty minutes. The game seems much more faster paced and hectic than any of the previous Gears games. It seems less about sticking to cover and more about constantly moving about dodging and shooting. The camera during the roadie run does suck, but the run doesn't seem as slow as what you guys said. The Declassified mission objectives are really cool and challenging at times. I can see them getting very difficult, very soon.
It's weird to think that this is the fourth Gears game in one generation. Heck, there have been seven Assassin's Creed console and portable games during one console generation. That's not including the one that comes out this year.
He'll, even Sackboy has made an appearance in five different games during one console generation....and people pick on Mario! Sheesh!
Anyway, Gears... Um ..4 is still really good.
Not yet. It's in the stack.
Did any one read Tom "Foolz" Towers Tomb Raider review? He shits all over it:
"Crystal Dynamics may have once again missed the mark entirely"
"the gunplay may feel a little plastic at times"
"ultimately pointless jaunt through the jungle"
"It borrows heavily from Call of Duty"
"multiplayer could almost be seen as Tomb Raider’s obligatory sore thumb"
j/k of course. great review.
foolz, was this an intentional pun on the original developers of TR?
"stick too stringently to the core design"
Hey foolz or _Bear, how big was the DL for Tomb Raider on Steam? It's $70, I'm strongly considering it, only thing holding me back is the potential size of the DL. And does it support controller?
Steam shoudl be kicked in the face for not having a uniform system for information like this prior to buying a game.
According to Steam's TR page, it has full controller support, and requires 12GB of HDD space.
Yeah it fully supports 360 control, and was 11.8 gigs
12GB? 11GB? My download said it was 15GB. Actual file size on disc is 14.3GB.
That'd be because it was the "survivor edition" with lossless soundtrack and stuff like that, probably.
Deal breaker. Fuck the digital divide.
You got the review copy. Probably included the secret 3 GB of awesomeness.
They do provide that info? Where should I be looking?
Looks like I'll have to pick up a boxed copy from a retailer.
Scroll down to the bottom of the game's page to see system requirements on the left side of the screen, and the controller support is in green on the right side.
weird file size is 10.1 gigs but it was 11.8 wow you got 3 extra gigs of ......
Bought GTA IV complete with both major add ons for 7.49 @ Gamefly I never got Gay Tony or the other On xbox its $10 just for Gay Tony onsale or its $15 this way I get both and the glory of playing on my hot new pc!
I was repulsed by Lost and the Damned at first, but ultaimtely it became my favorite GTA game ever. Now I want to replay it. Wonder if it is on Steam?
It is on steam, but not the vrsion I bought, I only wanted to pay 7.49 great deal on Gamefly but its their client and windows live for the add ons but I think once its install you can just play I hope.
The extra 3GB was my bribe to give them a good score.
If I could pick anyone to do Ducktales I'd be hard pressed to think of anyone better than WayForward.
Keep Warren Spector far, far away from it!