Sony Has 79% Chance of Going Bankrupt in the Next 2 Years
Nintendo has only a 22% chance of failing in the next 2 years
The burn out of Criterion Games
What’s happening at one of the industry’s best studios
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Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's 39 here. Now THATS cold!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's currently 19F (or -7C) here.
Does it snow a lot where you are at?
It snows fairly often here, but usually doesn't accumulate to much and melts off in a day or two. Winter isn't bad here most of the time.
Why would Nintendo abandon the Wii U before 2016? What would be the point in this? To release another system, this one slightly more powerful than the PS4 instead of slightly weaker?
How about just maxing out the Wii U and getting everything you can out of THAT capable system with high quality software and improving its online service over time while continuing to drop the price?
Hey knock that off. It's a scientific fact that the 60's in Florida is equivelent to the 30's in the rest of the country.
Nintendo should support the Wii U for as long as it will sell, and then ditch the home console market entirely. They should then put their full support into their portable consoles. In my opinion, that's what they should have done after the Wii. Now they are stuck supporting another home console that only a few people actually want.
Shame on you, Raven! I want Nintendo consoles forever!
Huh? I never said they shouldn't make Nintendo consoles. They should just make portable Nintendo consoles instead. That's their greatest strength right now.
Portable console is an oxymoron
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileCES is monday! Sony conference being streamed live! First gaming (well it might have some PS news) conference of 2014!!!! WOOOO!!
Anyone seen SupremeAC lately?
I miss him. He's a stabilizing element in all this chaos.
That was my train of thought as well.