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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 00:25:49
Dvader said:
robio said:

Dude it's even cold in Florida today. Right now in Orlando it's 51.

Like high 60s here, so cold.



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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 00:36:03

It's 39 here. Now THATS cold!  Nyaa

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 00:44:53
It's 30F here and that's warm.


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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 00:51:26

It's currently 19F (or -7C) here. Sad

The VG Press

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 01:03:53
Ravenprose said:

It's currently 19F (or -7C) here. Sad

Does it snow a lot where you are at?

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 01:07:29
travo said:

Does it snow a lot where you are at?

It snows fairly often here, but usually doesn't accumulate to much and melts off in a day or two. Winter isn't bad here most of the time.

Edited: Sun, 05 Jan 2014 01:08:09

The VG Press

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 01:33:35

Why would Nintendo abandon the Wii U before 2016? What would be the point in this? To release another system, this one slightly more powerful than the PS4 instead of slightly weaker?

How about just maxing out the Wii U and getting everything you can out of THAT capable system with high quality software and improving its online service over time while continuing to drop the price?


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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:33:06
Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:
robio said:

Dude it's even cold in Florida today. Right now in Orlando it's 51.

Like high 60s here, so cold.


Hey knock that off. It's a scientific fact that the 60's in Florida is equivelent to the 30's in the rest of the country.

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:36:55

Nintendo should support the Wii U for as long as it will sell, and then ditch the home console market entirely. They should then put their full support into their portable consoles. In my opinion, that's what they should have done after the Wii. Now they are stuck supporting another home console that only a few people actually want.

Edited: Sun, 05 Jan 2014 03:37:47

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:35:03

Shame on you, Raven!  I want Nintendo consoles forever!

Edited: Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:35:22
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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:40:15

Huh? I never said they shouldn't make Nintendo consoles. They should just make portable Nintendo consoles instead. That's their greatest strength right now.

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 05:15:09
Ravenprose said:

Huh? I never said they shouldn't make Nintendo consoles. They should just make portable Nintendo consoles instead. That's their greatest strength right now.

Portable console is an oxymoron


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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 06:43:21

CES is monday! Sony conference being streamed live! First gaming (well it might have some PS news) conference of 2014!!!! WOOOO!!

Edited: Sun, 05 Jan 2014 06:43:41
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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 08:16:51
Yodariquo said:

Portable console is an oxymoron


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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 11:37:24
robio said:
Dvader said:

Robio you are going to let this guy around your kids. Nyaa

Could have been worse. He could have been playing with Iga.

yes, indeed! A little kid always sees its dad as a hero. As the coolest person that has ever lived. Until they grow up and become teenagers. Then you are suddely the lamest person ever! But can you imagine when your kid meets me, during an online game or otherwise?! Suddenly they realize that their is a person that is so much cooler than their own dad. The very foundation of their reality taken away from them. When they look at you, they will look at you with a stare of dissapointment.
edgecrusher said:
robio said:

Could have been worse. He could have been playing with Iga.

Or me...

not touching this one. Although it would be funny if your kid asked who Alexis Texas was!
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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 11:44:38
Speaking of kids. We had a demonstration and workshop in Haarlem (Harlem comes from Haarlem)! We had two workshop for kids between the age of 8 to 12 years. First we gave them a demonstration which impressed them and then a workshop. So they could do stuff insteed of just watching. First time we were there, but we were quite popular. They invited us to come again next year!
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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 14:04:35

Anyone seen SupremeAC lately?

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 14:27:46
gamingeek said:

Anyone seen SupremeAC lately?

I miss him. He's a stabilizing element in all this chaos.


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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 15:09:29
Iga_Bobovic said:
robio said:
Dvader said:

Robio you are going to let this guy around your kids. Nyaa

Could have been worse. He could have been playing with Iga.

yes, indeed! A little kid always sees its dad as a hero. As the coolest person that has ever lived. Until they grow up and become teenagers. Then you are suddely the lamest person ever! But can you imagine when your kid meets me, during an online game or otherwise?! Suddenly they realize that their is a person that is so much cooler than their own dad. The very foundation of their reality taken away from them. When they look at you, they will look at you with a stare of dissapointment.

That was my train of thought as well.

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Sun, 05 Jan 2014 16:12:37
It's a balmy -8C here with a wind chill of -14C. It has to get to at least -20C before I start to call it cold.


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