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[] Inazuma Eleven Coming to North America The soccer RPG we've all been waiting for news robio
[] Hands-On: Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition gamingeek
[] Ubisoft wanted Splinter Cell: Blacklist to sell 5 million It only sold 2 million gamingeek
[] Nintendo Dominates Japanese Charts At Christmas Wii U and 3DS games took eight out of the top ten positions gamingeek
[] Spencer says 'Sony has done a nice job with PS4' gamingeek
[] Third EA-owned company loses its leaders this month Dick rot? gamingeek
[] Square Enix Montreal's next-gen Hitman title confirmed cancelled Going to iOS instead, fuuuuuu gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD developed by Chinese outsourcer Ni Hao Penises gamingeek
[] Deep Down : trois images de plus Trois le shits media gamingeek
[] Judge Sets Royalty Rate For 3DS Technology At 1.82% per unit in patent case gamingeek
[] Japan’s games/hardware sales totals of 2013 3DS dominates gamingeek
[] Steam controller CES impressions Bewildering/hate it/utterly alien etc impressions gamingeek
[] Bravely Default - Vooks review 4 out of 5 impressions gamingeek
[] Project CARS will “showcase the hidden power Wii U has” Says developer gamingeek
[] PS4 Sales Pass 4.2 Million gamingeek
[] Evolve announced by LFD devs gamingeek
[] MLB 2K series cancelled gamingeek
[] Alien: Isolation: Announcement Trailer gamingeek
[] Alien: Isolation confirmed late 2014 on PS4, XB1 & more Every platform except Wii U gamingeek
[] Creative Assembly on how it's bringing back survival horror With Alien: Isolation gamingeek
[] Alien: Isolation Hands-On Erasing the Memory of Colonial Marines gamingeek
[] Several Steam Machines' specs and prices revealed $600 - $6000 gamingeek
[] Video: Xbox One vs. Nintendo 64 Has proven what many of us have known all along: the Nintendo 64 is hands-down the superior system. The short tongue-in-cheek video (see below) actually makes a pretty compelling case gamingeek
[] Sony reveals new head-mounted display Simulates a 750 inch display, costs £1300 aka $2144 gamingeek
[] Next-gen Hitman game IS in the works For PC and next gen gamingeek
[] 16 pics of Tales of Zestiria gamingeek
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[] Telltale founder wants to work on James Bond gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter Frontier GG - new footage, details GG will not be playing GG media gamingeek
[] Tantalus AAA Wii U game: for a 'top-notch' publisher "A port, but more of a complete rework for the Wii U: a bit like the work we did on Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut." gamingeek
[] 1st Steambox to Debut at $1899.99 US Yeah just no news _Bear
[] Hands-On: PlayStation Now is yet to entirely convince But shows promise impressions gamingeek
[] AC4: Black Flag - Freedom Cry review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] The Witcher gets a board game spin-off And it's better than Witcher 2 gamingeek
[] Titanfall player count limited to 6v6 gamingeek
[] Robocop game trailer iOS gamingeek
[] Nintendo stock sees jump to 15,020 yen per share Bigger than Sony? gamingeek
[] No plans for Alien: Isolation on Wii U Surprise! gamingeek
Super Mario 64 had 15 people working on it Camera went through thousands of changes gamingeek
[] Oculus Rift Mastering VR. No more sickness news Dvader
[] Valve on Why Should You Buy a Steam Machine? gamingeek
[] Legend of Zelda is Japan's #1 gamingeek
[] Roundtable: PlayStation Now or never? gamingeek
[] Doomed Miiverse Romance Turns Sour Take the tragic story of Allan and Nicole, two star-crossed Nintendo gamers who met recently on Miiverse and shared a brief (and often unintentionally amusing) connection. gamingeek
Fable Legends delivers the "dark fairytale" Albion fans have asked for, says Lionhead gamingeek
[] Mercury Steam: New game completely different to Castlevania PS4 and X1 - Wii Poo? Nope gamingeek
[] "The God of War comparisons really pissed us off" Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 expands into Legend of Zelda territory. gamingeek
[] Most Anticipated: X gamingeek
[] News: Monolith Soft Lists "Urgent" Job Postings Including Requirements in Network Implementation gamingeek
[] Working with Nintendo, making a studio great for developers Next Level Games gamingeek
[] Bethesda lists Skyrim X1 and PS4 gamingeek
[] Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshots showcase Zelda gamingeek
[] Nintendo calls 3DS a "powerhouse" seller 45% game sales increase in 2013 gamingeek
Nintendo GDC 2014 panel revealed How to Turn a New Leaf at the Animal Crossing gamingeek
[] 3Q results called "Strategy Session and Results Meeting" Nintendo meeting, U sales in Japan were 26x Sept levels gamingeek
[] Nintendo stock up another 4.3% "JP broker saying company to announce change in strategy to smartphones on Jan 30th results - we disagree" news gamingeek
[] 'Panta Rhei' engine can be adapted to 'anything' Deep Down engine gamingeek
[] Nintendo Is Now Worth More Than Sony "It is proof that the wider business world does not see things in the same way as most gamers" editorial gamingeek
[] Gallery: Every Steam Machine gamingeek
[] Konami to axe always-online DRM on Metal Gear gamingeek
[] Mafia 2 developer 2K Czech has closed gamingeek
[] EAD has 800ish employees Across all Nintendo, 7000 employees gamingeek
[] Bravely Default - review "The world looks meticulously hand-drawn, bristling with tiny but imaginative details" impressions gamingeek
[] Retro is now hiring gamingeek
[] Hiphopgamer tries the Rift, best interview. This guy is the best interviewer in the industry. Dvader
[] Oculus Rift Is $499? gamingeek
[] Retro and Nintendo on their relationship Games developed at Retro Studios are a collaboration between members from Retro Studios, SPD and other entities throughout the Nintendo family. gamingeek
[] Two developers: It isn't harder to devlop on Wii U "It sounds like that developer had a super early devkit" gamingeek
[] The Secret Developers: Wii U - the inside story ​ "over the course of six months we received multiple different development kits in a variety of colours, none of which revealed why they were different from the previous one" gamingeek
[] Evolve : premières images gamingeek
[] Kirby Speed Runner Grabs Ass, Gets Banned Headline of the year? aspro
[] Game Under Podcast Ep. 36 Foolz and Aspro give their GOTYs and more. editorial impressions media news aspro
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Country: GB
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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 13:05:11
aspro said:

Someone tell me which Need for Speed games are the good ones for this gen (like from the last 4 years).

I promise to make a list and not ask ever again.

I only played and reviewed Most Wanted U, some gamers tell me the other versions have bullshit gate protected content and it asks you to connect to EA servers every five minutes to unlock a track/car/dlc.

Foolz said:

This is all the same hyperbole we've heard before about 3D and motion controls and virtual reality. And the same reaction to people pointing this out remains as well (yeah, but it's different this time: I've used those gimmicky pieces of crap; this is the real deal).

This doesn't mean the Occulus Rift won't be revolutionary, but everything said about it thus far has been said before about nothing important time and time again as people get excited over nothing.

I love  3D and motion controls and virtual reality, but they have to be accessible in price terms and supported too. If the rift isn't near £140 or less I won't touch it. I'm also worried about how they handle camera turning, anyone who's tried a game that relies on gyroscopes knows that unless there is some kind of bounding box implementation you come to a stop when turning 180. Unless the rift expects you to be standing or something.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 13:20:52

This is probably the most irksome part of that Wii U developer insight:

"So, these larger studios had a choice. Would they develop a port of an existing game to a console with limited capabilities and limited market penetration? Or put their teams to work on developing new features and concepts for the "real" next-gen consoles that were going to be launched that year? When you look at it this way, the choice isn't that hard."

So for Wii U their only consideration was to "port existing games" while for (the "real" next-gen consoles) they would "develop new features and concepts". That speaks volumes to me about how the approach has differed between consoles. And where their priorities lay from the start. And seriously, giving up after one game? There was no plan in place for year one of Wii U, outside Ubisoft and Warner Bros. It was just abandoned or never even in consideration. Personally I find it very sad that publishers would rather double down on 360/PS3 versions of new games rather than making a single U version, especially when Ubisoft costed Wii U ports at about $1 million. A publisher could bone down $5 million for the year and release 5 U games and the rest of the marketing and development costs are shared across all platforms.

PC game sales represent a tiny fraction of multiplatform game sales but it's still supported.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 13:24:54
Having worked on other hardware consoles, I suppose that we were rather spoilt by having mature toolchains that integrated nicely with our development environment. Wii U on the other hand seemed to be trying at every turn to make it difficult to compile and run any code. Nintendo had provided an integration of their development tools into Visual Studio - the de facto standard for development - but it didn't work, not even close.

So they're comparing working on a new incomplete, pre-launch console with 7 years of experience on older consoles. Nice.

The Criterion interview put the early ports into perspective:

"The difference with Wii U was that when we first started out, getting the graphics and GPU to run at an acceptable frame-rate was a real struggle. The hardware was always there, it was always capable. Nintendo gave us a lot of support - support which helps people who are doing cross-platform development actually get the GPU running to the kind of rate we've got it at now. We benefited by not quite being there for launch - we got a lot of that support that wasn't there at day one... the tools, everything."

"So, I think you've got one group of people who walked away, you've got some other people who just dived in and tried and thought, 'Ah... it's not kind of there,' but not many people have done what we've done, which is to sit down and look at where it's weaker and why, but also see where it's stronger and leverage that. It's a different kind of chip and it's not fair to look at its clock-speed and other consoles' clock-speed and compare them as numbers that are relevant. It's not a relevant comparison to make when you have processors that are so divergent. It's apples and oranges."

It's possible. It's work. You have to think about it and put time and craft and effort and whatever else into it but you have to do that for everything that's worth doing in this business... I think people should either go all-in or not bother."

Edited: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 13:29:46

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 14:08:59
Ravenprose said:

I really dug the Saturn. I was a much bigger Sega fan than I ever was a Nintendo fan. Much bigger. That's primarily because I absolutely loved Sega's 80s and 90's arcade games. I bought my Saturn when it first hit $299, along with Daytona USA, Panzer Dragoon, and Virtua Fighter Remix. If it was a Sega or Capcom arcade game, I bought it. I even imported Vampire Savior, Street Fighter Zero 3, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, and King of FIghers '97 along with a 4Mb RAM/region lockout bypass cartridge. I also pre-ordered the only copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga that my local Babbage's had recieved, much to the disappointment of the asshole clerk who tried to tell me he had aready sold it despite me having pre-paid for it in full months in advance; he quickly changed his story when I asked to talk with the manager with my reciept in my hand, lol. Ah, the good ol'e days.

I too imported Vampire Savior, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, King of Fighters '97, and Cyberbots along with a couple of quirky Japanese fighters. One was Waku, Waku and I can't recall the name of the other. Good times indeed.


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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 15:53:06

Well, Revengeance certainly makes a first impression.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 15:53:50

I have become a sad and pathetic Minecraft junkie. What the hell happened to me? I used to be kind of cool!

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 16:26:00
robio said:

I have become a sad and pathetic Minecraft junkie. What the hell happened to me? I used to be kind of cool!

Well, you haven't become completely un-cool until you buy this shirt:

periodic table of Minecraft

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 16:35:30

I'm close though. I traded in some GameStop Power-Up points to get this for my kid:

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 17:13:52
Iga_Bobovic said:
aspro said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
Can someone explain to me what so revolutionairy about Oculus Rift? We have seen virtual reality headsets for decades now.

Apparently it actually works.  I know this is insufficient, but Vader will probably be able to help out.  I think it comes down to higher resolution on smaller screens combined with accelarometers, combined with everything being cheaper.

The next one, (none of this is for the consumer market yet) involves using a Kinect-like sensor, which complicates things, but makes for a better experience.

I honestly do think this is just "3D" all over again, in that people wanting to believe are believing, when really it's just as broken as the lat attempts, but as Vader said, the reactions people are having to the Rift appear to be legitimately revolutionary.

Yeah I get that, but this seems more like a evolution than a revolution. It is the same, but technically much better. There was already a headset with motion sensing on the PC. You could for example turn around and look at your rear view window when driving! I can also see this becoming the next step in e-conference, besides gaming. But it seems it is slowly evolving there instead of a sudden revolution.  

aspro said:

Plus Carmack.

When was the last time when Carmack was relevant?

If the rift works as it seems too it may be an evolution on concepts but it can start a revolution of virtual content. Soon there will be virtual vacations, conferences as you mentioned. The ability to virtually visit famous places. Eventually it gets to the point where you can virtually experience almost anything. What happens when the virtual world and the real world becomes indistiguishable.

Now back to the rift itself, for gaming it seems to be the biggest wow leap since games went to 3D gameplay. There is a huge difference playing say a horror game from the confort of your home, on your chair, in a your room watching it a TV screen a few feet away. What happens when your entire world is inserted into the game, no room, no TV, according to your eyes you are inside the game. Its a different experience all together.

Edited: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 17:16:20
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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:11:27

Yikes that developer Wii U story. For 3rd party the Wii U is basically done. The next few years are going to be ugly.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:31:35
Dvader said:

Yikes that developer Wii U story. For 3rd party the Wii U is basically done. The next few years are going to be ugly.

Its been ugly since day 1....but I still greatly enjoy the console.


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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:33:27

Pretty safe to say after this summer, the Wii U will be doing an impression of the Gamecube's last two years with one big game coming out every quarter. Fortunately the PS3 is still nicely supported so I'm good.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:34:33
edgecrusher said:

Its been ugly since day 1....but I still greatly enjoy the console.

Oh yeah, I will enjoy all the Nintendo games and the few 3rd party stuff. Still it will be a failure for nintendo and it didnt have to be. Expect a new console by 2016.

And Iwata will step down.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:57:49

I wonder who will replace Iwata when he does step down? Don Mattrick?

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 19:10:22
Dvader said:

Yikes that developer Wii U story. For 3rd party the Wii U is basically done. The next few years are going to be ugly.

Yep but that story should be renamed: Developing a Wii U Launch game - it specifically talks about a 2012 pre-launch period when the tools were bad and devkits were changing. Things have changed since then, probably fairly soon after launch as Criterion said:

"The difference with Wii U was that when we first started out, getting the graphics and GPU to run at an acceptable frame-rate was a real struggle. The hardware was always there, it was always capable. Nintendo gave us a lot of support - support which helps people who are doing cross-platform development actually get the GPU running to the kind of rate we've got it at now. We benefited by not quite being there for launch - we got a lot of that support that wasn't there at day one... the tools, everything."

But everyone bailed on the system either after one game or not even producing a single game. How is that right?

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 20:00:05
gamingeek said:

Yep but that story should be renamed: Developing a Wii U Launch game - it specifically talks about a 2012 pre-launch period when the tools were bad and devkits were changing. Things have changed since then, probably fairly soon after launch as Criterion said:

"The difference with Wii U was that when we first started out, getting the graphics and GPU to run at an acceptable frame-rate was a real struggle. The hardware was always there, it was always capable. Nintendo gave us a lot of support - support which helps people who are doing cross-platform development actually get the GPU running to the kind of rate we've got it at now. We benefited by not quite being there for launch - we got a lot of that support that wasn't there at day one... the tools, everything."

But everyone bailed on the system either after one game or not even producing a single game. How is that right?

Because they wont make any money on it.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 20:58:28
Ravenprose said:

I wonder who will replace Iwata when he does step down? Don Mattrick?

Based on the amount of time I've spent in different internet forums devoted to video games, I believe I am infinitely qualified for the job.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 21:20:18
robio said:

Based on the amount of time I've spent in different internet forums devoted to video games, I believe I am infinitely qualified for the job.

I second this.

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Sat, 11 Jan 2014 22:34:16
Ravenprose said:

I wonder who will replace Iwata when he does step down? Don Mattrick?


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Sun, 12 Jan 2014 03:25:30

Well it made me laugh.

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