Majora's Mask 3D gets revamped Bomber's Notebook
Aonuma discusses 3DS benefits
Minecraft boasts nearly one million concurrent users
"... and it wasn't even peak hour." news
Xbox One just won an Emmy
Next up, the Xbox One wins a Michelin star for the Domino's app's
Mario vs. DK: Tipping Stars coming to both Wii U and 3DS
Supports cross-buy - a hint of the future to come?
Nintendo Anime Channel releasing on 3DS next month
FMA Brotherhood to air?
Majora’s Mask New 3DS cover plates coming to Japan
Kirby, and Pikachu too.
Japan getting Bowser and Toad Wii Remotes on March 12
These look cool
New amiibo's announced photos –
upcoming Smash Bros. figures, Super Mario series news
Tingle And Young Link Coming To Hyrule Warriors
Only now is Hytool Warriors worth buying
Nintendo Direct: Metroid and Mario Galaxy coming to Wii U
Toad Amiibos, new Fire Emblem and more
No new areas planned for The Crew
– but you'll soon be able to make your own movies
DriveClub was the best-selling exclusive of 2014
Forza Horizon 2 leads on Xbox One.
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. –
lots of Fire Emblem amiibo screenshots media
Naughty Dog won't push Uncharted 4 to 60fps
"if it compromises player experience"
Dragon Quest X: Version 3 gets a Japanese release date
North American launch date annou... not really
Hyrule Warriors Majora pack dated, Zelda Twitter opens in Japan
Aonuma Miiverse message news
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii U VC version will access save file
of Super Mario Galaxy 2 if you transferred Wii data
Wii U Closes 2014 with Biggest Month of Sales in Its History
PR - Nintendo is looking to ride the wave of momentum into 2015, with the launches of Splatoon, Yoshi’s Woolly World, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M...
Unconfirmed - NA sales for Captain Toad: Wii U in general
580k Wii Us sold in Dec?
Rumour: Monster Games working on DKR2 for WiiU
But this time, both Retro Studios and Monster Games would collaborate on the project
18-yo Brit Arrested for Hacking XBL/ PSN
He was also the one who called in SWAT teams as a hoax. news
The Order Has "Gone Gold"
Which means they have started working on the day one patch. news
GTAV PC Comes With Free Game
You'll have to pay a non-refundable 15 per cent deposit .
Review of Alienware's Steambox
"...good enough for today, but for how long? " impressions
Exploit Makes The 3DS Region Free
Without The Need For A Flashcard Or Game Cart
IronFall: Invasion - more details on gameplay
- sticky cover and active reload features straight from Gears of War - enemies pop in and out of cover and will flank - enemies are robotic in nature - wave-based cooperative multiplayer mode...
Majora's Mask 3D changes from the N64 version
- reworked environments with new props and decorations placed around - improved character models with smoother animations at 60 FPS - up to three save files on a single copy of the game - owl statues.
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Recently Spotted:
Should be $20 with HD, then $5 in a sale soon after release. That's how online shops are meant to work.
By the way, everyone who has been playing Smash needs to click and check out this graphic. It's a giant graphic so it's too big to post, but remember when I did that thing with my kid and showed him game boxes and asked him to name the game? This is a little like that. A guy showed his mom and dad all the characters from Smash and asked them their names. A few they knew. A few they were close on. But most.... well it's fucking funny. Check it out.
Well I missed out on the limited edition MM 3DS. Shit.
But awesome news, I get MM within a month. New fire emblem. Metroid prime trilogy!!!!!! Yes!
See???? See this everyone? This is what Steam does to peoples' minds!!! It warps them!!
I see no fault in his reasoning.
And you're a doctor!!!! How can a man like you be trusted to put a finger in someone's butt?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileDo not question my greatness!
Get on your knees and beg.
Still have two codes left!
Should be Ubisoft, though.
Its the dumb spider....but I figured it out. ...or got lucky enough to beat him.
There's good things in the game also but it just feels thrown together on one hand & focus tested on the other.
I'm well on my way to finishing it at least.
I never heard of her or the show so I googled she the same girl from espn? Either way, I greatly approve this chowing!!
I kinda get it, I mean I missed out on a few wii games like Kirbys Epic Yarn and The Last Story and I'm sure there is other stuff, so in that respect for £8.99 it would be worth it.
But what the fuck...they could AT LEAST do like Microsoft did with the N64 Rare titles on 360 and bump them up to HD, and make whatever other little tweaks to controls, widescreen etc that they have to, to make them a bit more respectable. It doesn't have to be a straight up remake...look at Perfect Dark on the 360....its a beautiful version of an N64 classic, yet a very simple upgrade. This is what Nintendo should be doing. Not these lazy ass ports.
I am kind of tempted to get Metroid Prime Trilogy though...just being able to launch that from the Wii U menu sounds nice. But again, if this package was bumped up to HD and maybe had redone Gamepad controls? Fuck....sold.
Splatoon is going to bomb so badly. You heard it here first.
I wouldn't declare it as a lost case just now, but I have to admit it looks a bit generic. F2P even Nintendo should have stuck with their chuncky graphical style they do so well, instead of attempting to copy contemporary F2P aesthetics. I'm trying to determine what it is exactly that I dislike about the style. I think it's just due to the fact that it isn't considered a big budget game internally. It's like they're testing the waters instead of going full out with a new IP. You can clearly see the polygonal makeup of the environment, whereas in a game lik 3D World, everything looked perfectly rounded.
Yeah I'm with you, but Nintendo is using the Wii Mode to be able to play any Wii game. Now they can bypass the menu but you have to assume that it's running in a similar state, where heavy code checks and retweaking don't need to take place. To make them HD would probably require them to work natively on the U architecture in an emulated state, which would require more power, more time, more cost etc.
MS did get Perfect Dark updated and all that but those are just a couple of games. I expect to see a lot of Wii games released on Wii U and this may be the easiest option to do that.
I think it will do allright but I have low expectations. The problem is if it bombs, Nintendo will assume people don't really want new IPs.