Yooka-Laylee Toybox demo coming in July
But only to hefty kickstart backers
Policeman gives away his Pokemon collection to kid
Boy had Pokemon cards stolen
Indie devs share their NX hopes and wants
talk Nintendo competing with Sony/Microsoft
Interview with Ahmed Bin Fahad
owner of the world's biggest Nintendo collection
Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Gets Live-Action Film in Winter 2017
animenewsnetwork.com news
Rovio's Angry Birds film has earned $150 million worldwide
After a $400 million Sony marketing push
Dyack Blames "Unethical" Journalists
For Almost Killing Shadow Of The Eternals - it's back on now
Paradox pulls Stellaris mod that made all humans white
Otherwise known as the Trump Mod
Yahoo JP: "NX" will be a non-hybrid home console
And Nintendo is preparing a new handheld console
Shadow of the Eternals teaser trailer reuploaded
by Quantum Entertainment
youtube.com media
Microsoft accused of Windows 10 upgrade dirty tricks
after customers who click on red cross get Windows 10 upgrade
Zelda Wii U playable at the Nintendo NY Store during E3
for 500 people
neogaf.com impressions
IGN on the power of specialist media
83 per cent of UK gamers trust the specialist games press and 68 per cent of them are influenced by it
Yakuza Director Says 20% Of Their Players Are Female
But They’ll Still Keep It A Manly Series
Why Naughty Dog removed 'fun' from its UC4 focus tests
In a conversation with nascent games hub Glixel, Uncharted 4 creative director Neil Druckmann talks "fun" and how the notion of making a game "fun" can get in the way of enjoyment.
Tips For Playing Overwatch
Just another online shooter? Look at these tips and decide for yourself!
kotaku.com editorial
Kotaku: Halo is releasing on Windows 10
Microsoft’s new mandate is to release future games–including the flagship Halo series–on both platforms
Microsoft cutting 1,850 jobs as part of Nokia cull
1,850 jobs are to be cut as part of Microsoft’s ending of its $7.2bn Nokia adventure.
Edge: VR "horrible" with current PlayStation 4
"PS VR will be a bad experience on the classic PS4. Really horrible and something just a bit more powerful than the low range VR"
Zelda, Mario Bikinis Announced - pics and deets
For a Nintendo Themed Summer
gonintendo.com news
Turtles: MiM is Platinum's most disappointing game
Digital Foundry on a disappointing PS4 and Xbox One showing
Mighty No. 9's new trailer isn't going down well
89 per cent of YouTube ratings were negative.
eurogamer.net news
New Xbox One coming in 2016 and another Xbone will come out in 2017.
According to Kotaku.
TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan – the reviews round-up
Where all the scores are bad
vg247.com impressions
PlayStation has become Sony's cornerstone
"PS4 is great, and PSVR/Neo will drive hype - but Sony's success is also down to its competitors' failures giving it a clear run at a thriving market"
gamesindustry.biz editorial
PS4 passes 40m sales milestone
Kaz uses the cash to market The Angry Birds Movie sequel
Umbrella Corps might just be the strangest Resident Evil
"And, if nothing changes, one of the least enjoyable"
videogamer.com impressions
This week's North American downloads - May 26
(StarTropics, Dragon Fantasy and more)
GameStop: NX market could be worth $7.5 billion
if it does even half as well as the Nintendo Wii
Raid On Abandoned Ship Saves Over 50 Classic Arcade Games
Check this out!!
kotaku.com news
Capcom reveals names and bios of the fighters in the SFII intro
Max and Scott - generic names for generic fighters
geek.com news
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Té_Rojo (6m)
That guy was ridiculous. Those comments were stomach churning.
I will most definitely be picking this up.
Introduced my nephew to Uncharted tonight. He never owned a PS3, so he hasn't played any games in the series before. It's funny, it's not that its really all that violent, there's guns, yes, but there's no blood or brutal scenes, but there would have been a time, not too long ago, where I wouldn't have been allowed to show him this. Seems like yesterday I was helping him get by the 'hard' parts in a SpongeBob game, and now he's playing U4 online deathmatch, right out of the gate, better than me! The little kid who I was mortified got to play my BulletStorm before me due to a surprise hospital stay, is all grown up and will graduate High School next year! Time flies!!
**Of course, now he's asking his uncle to help him get the Uncharted Collection so he can catch up!**
My wife doesn't seem to mind the gunplay as long as there is no cursing. So of course, I take total advantage and play online as much as I can.
RUMOR: Nintendo's next handheld is codenamed "MH" Monster Hunter?
The Nintendo Meh.
New real sonic games please.
Couple arrested after having sex while watching Batman v Superman at the cinema
But I don't want to be a kid or a squid!
Surely the movie isn't THAT bad to warrant being arrested?
Why Silent Hill 3 Was The Last Legendary Silent Hill Game cinemablend.com
What a crap article. Not only is it just a bad article, but it also didn't take in account Silent Hill Shattered Memories on the Wii.
Today will go down in history as the origin point of yet another award-winning Blizzard Entertainment franchise! To those who thought it was strange they put out an FPS, or thought: "Meh. This is just another team-based shooter in a market already crowded with 'em" boy-oh-boy will you be eating those words as this goliath gains momentum! It easily joins StarCraft, WarCraft and Diablo as yet another highly-polished, expertly-developed, genre-defining MASTERPIECE! Tanks, Supports, Builders, Soldiers, Defenders... whatever your play style, Overwatch has a few characters you will love! In typical Blizzard style, all maps and characters released after launch will be ABSOLUTELY free! The only thing you may pay for are cosmetic elements, that you can just as easily earn in the game! There's no 'Pay to Win' option here! I may or may not make a Mega-Topic; if ANY game deserves one, it's Overwatch, but I think interest here will be minimal (like PvZ: GW2)... Make no mistake though, this is the start of something B-I-G... sucks if you miss out on something history in the making, just due to not being informed of it's greatness!
How is it trending review-wise?
I'd say it's off to a good start!
Blizzard is such an amazing developer. I tried the Overwatch beta and really enjoyed it. Absolutely love the look of the game and there is a great selection of characters in it already and they all have really good personality to them. There always seems to be that special kind of 'magic' in games that Blizzard makes.
Like every other blizzard game I will miss out. Don't really care much for multiplayer only games. I am sure it's excellent and a bunch of people that love shooting people in the face over and over will love.
The latest entry to my "Greatest Video Games of ALl-Time List (IMO)" is by far and wide my longest, with 2,500+ word count! Then again, it is appropirate for the game in more ways than one.
It is literally just Team Fortress 2, but with meter management.
EDIT - "Insanely detailed character models"? Really Destructioid?
One of the site's forefathers.
Play fighting games!
Ummm... how are they not?! Just look at 'em all. They're all fantastic, all unique, all have incredible personality, all really nuanced... They look great and place twice better!
Might pick up Overwatch sometime soon. I have a bit more pressing matters to attend to. By which I mean, I just ordered an AV receiver, and a couple speakers/subwoofer combo to lay down the foundation of a solid 5.1 (or even 5.1.2 atmos system) surround sound system. Maybe someday I will become an audiophile and look down on people lol.