Yooka-Laylee Toybox demo coming in July
But only to hefty kickstart backers
Policeman gives away his Pokemon collection to kid
Boy had Pokemon cards stolen
Indie devs share their NX hopes and wants
talk Nintendo competing with Sony/Microsoft
Interview with Ahmed Bin Fahad
owner of the world's biggest Nintendo collection
Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Gets Live-Action Film in Winter 2017
animenewsnetwork.com news
Rovio's Angry Birds film has earned $150 million worldwide
After a $400 million Sony marketing push
Dyack Blames "Unethical" Journalists
For Almost Killing Shadow Of The Eternals - it's back on now
Paradox pulls Stellaris mod that made all humans white
Otherwise known as the Trump Mod
Yahoo JP: "NX" will be a non-hybrid home console
And Nintendo is preparing a new handheld console
Shadow of the Eternals teaser trailer reuploaded
by Quantum Entertainment
youtube.com media
Microsoft accused of Windows 10 upgrade dirty tricks
after customers who click on red cross get Windows 10 upgrade
Zelda Wii U playable at the Nintendo NY Store during E3
for 500 people
neogaf.com impressions
IGN on the power of specialist media
83 per cent of UK gamers trust the specialist games press and 68 per cent of them are influenced by it
Yakuza Director Says 20% Of Their Players Are Female
But They’ll Still Keep It A Manly Series
Why Naughty Dog removed 'fun' from its UC4 focus tests
In a conversation with nascent games hub Glixel, Uncharted 4 creative director Neil Druckmann talks "fun" and how the notion of making a game "fun" can get in the way of enjoyment.
Tips For Playing Overwatch
Just another online shooter? Look at these tips and decide for yourself!
kotaku.com editorial
Kotaku: Halo is releasing on Windows 10
Microsoft’s new mandate is to release future games–including the flagship Halo series–on both platforms
Microsoft cutting 1,850 jobs as part of Nokia cull
1,850 jobs are to be cut as part of Microsoft’s ending of its $7.2bn Nokia adventure.
Edge: VR "horrible" with current PlayStation 4
"PS VR will be a bad experience on the classic PS4. Really horrible and something just a bit more powerful than the low range VR"
Zelda, Mario Bikinis Announced - pics and deets
For a Nintendo Themed Summer
gonintendo.com news
Turtles: MiM is Platinum's most disappointing game
Digital Foundry on a disappointing PS4 and Xbox One showing
Mighty No. 9's new trailer isn't going down well
89 per cent of YouTube ratings were negative.
eurogamer.net news
New Xbox One coming in 2016 and another Xbone will come out in 2017.
According to Kotaku.
TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan – the reviews round-up
Where all the scores are bad
vg247.com impressions
PlayStation has become Sony's cornerstone
"PS4 is great, and PSVR/Neo will drive hype - but Sony's success is also down to its competitors' failures giving it a clear run at a thriving market"
gamesindustry.biz editorial
PS4 passes 40m sales milestone
Kaz uses the cash to market The Angry Birds Movie sequel
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videogamer.com impressions
This week's North American downloads - May 26
(StarTropics, Dragon Fantasy and more)
GameStop: NX market could be worth $7.5 billion
if it does even half as well as the Nintendo Wii
Raid On Abandoned Ship Saves Over 50 Classic Arcade Games
Check this out!!
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travo (9m)
I think hardware has to designed to be upgradable from the start. With ports and slots, high speed interfaces etc.
Star Tropics II coming to Wii U VC is the real megaton news of the day. Surely this is all to lead up to the surprise Star Tropics III E3 bombshell announcement.
#FreeMike #Believe
Nah, just if the rumors turn out to be true then he can play One games on the pc.
I'm not really miffed about Xbox One and PS4 upgrades myself. I had my Xbox One since launch, have a lot of great games already for it, and have enjoyed the time I've had with it a lot. Upgrading to a more powerful Xbox One system and bringing all my current games with me sounds pretty appealing. Perhaps if I just recently purchased one in the last couple of months I might be a little upset.
As for Microsoft bringing their games to PC I don't mind that at all and it's something that I kind of expect them to do since it is basically their other platform. I prefer to play my games on consoles so the only thing that factors into my purchasing decisions is the different games on each console, PC as a game platform just doesn't really interest me all that much.
I can see it plugging into a usb port. Didn't Microsoft do that with the 360 when they added HD DVD support?
My cock uses USB 3.0
Let's me put it in terms you will understand: Overwatch is the Alexis Texas of online shooters.
I approve.
That's certainly something I can get behind.
Cause you're a jerk face.
The hub world is large.
The hub world contains Yooka and Laylee's "adopted home."
That home is a wrecked pirate ship called "Bat Ship Crazy."
The first level is a tribal/jungle level called "Tribalstack Tropics." This is the area we've been seeing with the floating mossy pillars and stuff.
The second level is not named in the article but is the ice/castle area we've seen in a few shots.
The team were worried about Banjo-Kazooie gibber-speak initially because they had forgotten how to record it, but Sutherland and Kirkhope found a new way to do it and now gibber-speak is officially confirmed.
Price found the fact that each special move in BK&T had its own collectable distracting from the games' core conceit so now all moves drain from the same power bar.
Butterflies are key to both regaining health when Yooka eats them and regaining power when Yooka collects their butter. I may be reading this part wrong though. It's written weirdly.
Ghosts reside in each world and they all behave differently. One hides, one fights, one needs to be chased, ect.
There are exactly 200 quills in each level. These are currency to be paid to Trowzer to unlock moves.
Quills can be everywhere, but it seems extra emphasized that they are found along race tracks and mine cart tracks.
Tokens can be used to unlock the 8 multiplayer arcade games in Rextro's arcade.
The arcade games are accessed from the main menu.
Tonics are the collectable the give Yooka and Laylee RPG-like enhancements.
Tonics aren't found as much as "achieved." Two examples given are "defeating 100 enemies" and "collecting at least one of every collectable type."
Examples of the effects of tonics are "reducing the power consumption of Yooka's roll" and "letting Yooka use his tongue to collect quills."
Tonics must be physically retrieved from "Vendi." She is a sentient vending machine and her image is included in the issue. Let me just tell you: "Hall of Famer" written all over her.
"Lady Leap-a-Lot, one of the Knights of Hamelot," is a pig on a pogostick and also has her image in the issue. Another winner.
The first transformation in the game for Tribalstack Tropics is "Bush form." There is an image of it in the issue. Yooka becomes the flower petals and Laylee becomes the stem. They have seemingly merged in their transformation.
The "Ladybird army" is a thing. There is no explanation for what it is. There is a picture of one such member.
Bandits used to look like slot machines.
Dr. Puzz in her full-body shot is essentially an Inkling with a fishbowl.
This drawing of Roysten makes me much more into the thought that it is Roysten. The flat face does it.
One of Capital B's minion bees are pictured, but not officially named in any capacity.
Dr. Quack's whole situation is a gumball machine with wheels.
At one point, you can feed a "splash berry" to a raincloud which generates a waterfall and forms a river.
Using a "Frost Berry" freezes the river which lets you walk on it.
Pagies are used to both open new worlds and expand old ones. This can be done in any order.
Opening a new world nets you a free move from Trowzer as thanks for helping him expand his business.
Fall damage exists and is proportional to fall distance.
There is an ice slide at some point.
Flying is a "late-game" move while Yooka's roll is "early-game."
Price plans for a "New Game +" mode where all moves are unlocked at the beginning of the game. This is said to be an aid for speedrunners.
Laylee has a sonar shot that emits translucent waves. These waves can solidify previously invisible platforms for Yooka to cross.
World 2 is Dean Wilson's baby and he was inspired by Disney's Frozen.
Price seems to imply that not a whole lot of information about the game will be given beyond this much before the game's release.
Laylee can help Yooka glide.
Transformations require a collectable. It is not stated what.
One of the site's forefathers.
Play fighting games!
Holy shit that cameltoe!
And I can't wait for Yooka Laylee. Give me the platformer Nintendo won't.
Yooka-Laylee looks great. Do we have a date for it's release?