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Diablo 2: Resurrected - Official Reveal Trailer
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travo (2m)
Yeah I read it the other day. 50 million subscribers certainly seems doable for sure.
Me and my mate reached the Guiding Lands in MH:W this weekend. Not quite sure yet how things work there, but it's clear that the main purpose is to harvest material. Those monsters poop material like a covid invected GG.
Progress also is pretty strange, our master rank jumping from 24 to 40 in one go, opening up a slew of new monsters to take on. It's like the developers just said "we're done with pretending this game needs a story, here are the keys, go knock yourselves out". Personally I'm fine with that, as story missions broke up the flow of things in co-op as you couldn't start them together, but it is a big break from the rest of the game.
Here's hoping the post endgame is more entertaining than that from the main game.
Weather is going crazy here. A week ago it was -5°C with snow everywhere, now it's 17°C and sunny. I spent yesterday sitting outside wearing a light sweater.
So cool that there’s a Neo Geo Pocket Collection coming to the Switch. It was a system that I always wanted to get but never did. Going to grab that SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium as well.
Or as it’s “fondly” referred to as the, “Grinding Lands”.
I think the biggest issue people had with it initially was the leveling up and down the different areas and trying to lure out specific monsters to hunt. It’s has gotten better with some updates and changes they’ve done with it. I think that it’s a nice addition to the overall game but I still prefer that they keep the main game linear and story focused like they do now.
Awesome to see Diablo II: Resurrected coming to consoles as well. I put a ton of time into the original PC game back in the day.
You lost me after'fondle' and 'grinding'
Fondle? Now I wish that I had actually said that.
Fun fact: I think that it also actually had the nickname of ‘The Diarrhoea Lands’ with some people. Really ties into your joke about monsters pooping out items.
Today is Zelda's 35th anniversary! To the greatest of all time! I will replay Zelda 1 in honor of this event.
I found my old NES and The Adventures of Link was inside it.
I also traded Skate or Die with a friend in exchange for the original Zelda. Best trade ever.
Happy 35th Anniversary to The Legend of Zelda, such an amazing franchise. Going to have to play a bit in celebration.
Aarny sits outside topless when it's -5c.
To answer your preivous questions:
Aspro's CPU is an i7-3770 iirc.
I skimmed bits of the gamespass article. People are worried it's unsustainable at 11 pounds a month?! That's waaay over-priced. I'd probably cancel if it goes up in price from $5AUD a month.
I found the questions of what influence a large service such as GP could have on the industry to be the more interesting part.