Sony Still Sucks - Last of Us 2 DLC cancelled
And still no word on a multiplayer mode news
Sony decides to leave the PS3 and Vita online stores up
PSP digital shop still getting the ole heave ho news
1080° spiritual successor Carve Snowboarding announced for Quest2
1080° of vomitting news
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travo (33s)
I played about 10 minutes of Wave Race 64 this weekend.
I started Fallout 76 this past week. I'm enjoying it though it has a lot of issues.
I've been forcing myself to keep playing Cyberpunk 2077 and Firewatch.
The former just isn't the same when all these stupid updates keep disabling nudity.
So this was RE8 demo weekend where you had 8 hours to play the demo for 30 minutes and then it self destructs. Luckily I have multiple accounts so I played it a few times. The demo inexplicably is almost all cutscenes, when you have 30 min you don't want to sit and watch cutscenes! Why put a big boring scripted moment, there was just one encounter with Lycans to mess with and that's what I focused on over and over. At first I thought this was kind of crappy but then I found a shack with a shotgun and mine, you can barricade the shack like RE4, enemies work in packs to get you. It's fun, but FP is kind of eh for all this action, it's not doom speed, it's slow.
The game is gorgeous even if it's a last gen game, can't wait to play more. Previews came out today detailing the castle which is the next demo, it all sounds fantastic!
Nah, fuck a demo rollout like this. No thanks.
Horizon is free on the ps store right now.
Finished Jenny Leclue last night. Turned out to be a good game, really enjoyed it. And it was much longer than I thought. There was a bit too much time spent underground in mines. The game has some light platforming elements. You can't die though or fall off anything, so you spend most of the time climbing ladders and doing little scripted jumps. Sadly the game resolved the murder, then ended on a cliffhanger. They said to be continued, hope the 2nd game gets made.
Started the Inner World. It cost like £1. I'm starting to wonder if I've become an indie gamer.
On that note, I'm in dire need of a hard drive for my ps4.
Roger Hargreaves is turning in his grave right now. This is all kinds of wrong. Most of those kinds will probably be dollars.