Finished Halo! Review coming later, it's fantastic, such amazing gameplay. I wish there was better variety in things to do but hey it's halo.
And I saw Matrix which is disappointing, it's not terrible but lacking a whole lot of what made the first movies so great. By regular movie standards it's entertaining, I liked the meta commentary it provided but just lacked style. And Keanu is getting old... it didn't work.
Oh well, the image is very funny. It's a Victorian image of a gentleman emptying his chamber pot onto the heads of some carolers.
it may even be the classic Victorian bedside jizz pot, considering the colour of the liquid and the stains on the old lady's scandalous shawl. What you have there is actually a classic Victorian erotic postcard.
Finished Halo! Review coming later, it's fantastic, such amazing gameplay. I wish there was better variety in things to do but hey it's halo.
And I saw Matrix which is disappointing, it's not terrible but lacking a whole lot of what made the first movies so great. By regular movie standards it's entertaining, I liked the meta commentary it provided but just lacked style. And Keanu is getting old... it didn't work.
Here is a big spoiler filled review
Merry Christmas Eve, people!
Happy Christmas from the future!
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
Fuck this life.
It's a time for giving!
But seriously, that sucks. Won't they wave the fine if you have the ticket that proves you paid?
Damn American health care.
Merry Christmas everybody!
Humbug! Image wouldn't load.
I meant the image I posted. Sorry about that.
Leo! If you are around, we need some end of the year games lists.
it may even be the classic Victorian bedside jizz pot, considering the colour of the liquid and the stains on the old lady's scandalous shawl. What you have there is actually a classic Victorian erotic postcard.