DF Retro: PlayStation 3 - The 1080p Dream Part 1
2006-2007 - Full HD Gaming
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RoboCop: Rogue City Gameplay Reveal Trailer
Peter Weller returns as Murphy
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"The shiny new PlayStation Plus is an aging buffet of leftovers"
That said, since I missed a large chunk of those leftovers, I will be sticking with the service for the next month and poke around the heating lamps to find one of the decent chicken tenders.
As I think about it though, I am fairly sure I've only bought two physical games for myself in the past year. Everything else has been either through a subscription service or a digital download.
Yeah it’s been a few years since I’ve been to my local GameStop or as it’s known here in Canada, EB. Best Buy and Walmart are closer to me and I don’t deal in used games, either buying or selling mine, so I really don’t have much of an incentive to travel the extra distance to go there.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSacre bleu!
Tres gauche indeed.
R.I.P. Tony Sirico aka Paulie Walnuts in The Sopranos.
The Kojima conspiracy theories continue...
*Kojima's Legal team descends on members of Thevgpress for defamation of character*
This weekend has been more Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak for me. I may have seen the credits last week but this game has been far from done. So much to do in this game.
On the surface some one room loner manga mega fan with female body pillows.
But dig deeper and beneath those body pillows are actual dirty Tissues.

I didn't feel like jumping into a new game just yet so I screwed around (maybe literally) in GTA V.